
Evening News 2/4

'Continuing with the evening news, today rancher Max González was found innocent after murdering the driver who took the life of his daughter Erika.

According to reports, Max González killed the murderer after repeatedly firing a shotgun at the murderer's vehicle.

After two months of trials, a district judge ruled in favor of Max González, who can now enjoy his freedom even if he does not have his daughter with him.

Undoubtedly a disgrace… '

The television could not continue transmitting as a sword pierced the screen along with a man who was already dead.

An Asian woman looked at the corpse with a smile before sending a message confirming the death of her target.

'Shina, your next target is in a nearby house. The location is attached to the message.

According to intelligence reports, there is another spy in the area, eliminate him or get him to leave the area before you complete the mission.

Shina with her red eyes could only frown before taking her sword and shaking it to clean the blood that was on it.

Using some magic, she kept her Katana which became a necklace that hung around her neck. Taking her bag, she took out some keys that had a very realistic Barret M83 key ring.

Saying a few unintelligible words, the gun key ring flashed and became a real 50 caliber rifle.

Shina smiled and took her rifle to get out of the house where she was. On her way, there were a lot of corpses on the ground.

So she did not mind staining her shoes with blood. When she left the house, it began to burn with a white fire that did not produce light or heat.

It only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared. It did not damage any part of the house anymore, however; the interior was completely empty.

It was as if no one had ever lived in the place, as the floors were clean and the walls showed no sign of blood.

Shina, who was jumping from ceiling to ceiling, approached the place where the coordinates had been marked.

Because she had to search the place for the spy she had to kill.

After a time of touring the place, she climbed the tallest building she could find and prayed to the god Susanoo.

This caused some waves of magic to form around Shina which began to travel the place, analyzing each sample of life in the place.

With this magical sonar, Shina was able to discover her target just as she was able to find the spy who seemed to be sitting drinking some tea while watching television.

A smile formed on his face, and she stopped praying. So taking her Barret M83, she threw himself to the ground and began to aim her weapon at her target.

To prevent her from realizing that she had shot her, she used a small silence and camouflage spell.

Looking at the face of the golden-haired woman, she realized that she must be British or have belonged to one of the empire's colonies.

This due to the way she drank tea, which was very characteristic of those places.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled the trigger and a 50 caliber bullet flew off at a speed of 854 m / s.

The woman who was having the tea could feel a disturbance in her shield, so she threw herself back and was able to watch how the bullet went through the television and the wall.

When she saw that Shina had failed, she could only smile and began to empty the magazine against that woman who dodged the bullets with quite extravagant movements.

When the last bullet was fired an angry face could be seen on Shina, who picked up her gun and started running while turning it back into a key chain.

When putting away her rifle, she used her magic to appear her Katana as she had to eliminate the target as quickly as possible.

When the British woman saw a woman with black hair and red eyes running towards her, only a gigantic sword could appear.

With which she defended himself from the katana that sought to cut her beautiful face.

The two women, when clashing their swords, began a confrontation between their skills. The clashes of the metal could be heard all over the place.

While the destruction that they were causing in that place was increasing.

In a very well directed attack, Shina was able to contain the great sword of her enemy, so taking advantage of the moment she kicked her in the stomach and made her go through a wall.

The British woman spat out some blood and showed an angry face, so she made her sword shine and her speed doubled.

This embarrassed Shina, who could barely keep up with her opponent.

In one of the many attacks that she was receiving, she did not pay enough attention, so she received a kick to the nose that caused him to bleed.

The two women at that time did not pay attention when in a nearby building Dimitri, who had a cigarette in his mouth, was observing them using binoculars.

"I suppose the standards of Japan and the British have deviated whether they allow two of their spies to fight without worrying about the consequences of their actions.

But since they don't mind having the attention, I think I can eliminate the targets without worrying about retaliation. "

From his raincoat he took out a detonator, which he activated causing four buildings to explode at the same time.

"I suppose that the president of Mexico failed her promise to guarantee that she would not receive another terrorist attack.

It's a shame for her, but when I have a job, the priorities are clear and human life can be of little interest to me. "

The two women, being able to feel the explosions near where they were, could only stop because they had missed their targets.