
End of the year tragedy 2/2

Marie was saddened because her food fell to the floor next to her father's body, but before she could try to see what she could save from the ground.

She can see how a bad guy approached her with her face covered. The command tried to run to take Marie.

But before he could put his hands on it, he stopped, and blood began to flow from his eyes.

The commands could see how his partner's head exploded in the place, creating a small shower of blood that stained Marie's black dress and dirtied her face.

The sniper opened fire on Marie, hoping to kill that girl who seemed to be enjoying her friend's death.

He completely ignores the woman's order in the Van. Unfortunately for him, his bullet remained floating in the air about 10 cm from Marie's forehead.

Marie held the bullet with her small hands and then threw it to the ground. After this, she ducked into her father's body to take her gun.

Julien, who was recovering part of his conscience after the bullet pierced his skull, looked at his daughter.

"Marie, remember holding the gun with both of your hands and removing the safety that is on the side of the weapon is that little lever.

Remember to aim to kill, a bullet, a death "

Marie nodded to her father's words and pointed her father's gun toward the ceiling. In these seconds, some more bullets stopped in front of her in the air.

She took the gun carefully and moved the safety lever and then aimed and fired.

Marie got angry when she could see the bullet that fired only the sniper's hair that was on the roof of the building.

She took a deep breath and fired again. This time the 9mm bullet went through the sniper's eye, who was lying on the roof of the building.

But Marie could not celebrate because she could feel her father hugging her and throwing herself with her to the fountain in the square.

When Marie wanted to ask why her father had done it, she could hear a somewhat deafening explosion.

Julien took the gun from his daughter's hand and rose from the protection granted by the source to shoot the soldier on the roof with an RPG.

The bullet was effective and ended up killing the soldier who, while falling, fired the weapon, causing the propelled grenade to fly and explode in one of the street food stalls.

The explosion caused a chain reaction as the gas tanks of the posts exploded consecutively.

This caused people who were trying to escape or were hiding to die immediately by the blast of explosions.

Unfortunately, near the place was a parked gas pipe which suffered a leak after a piece of metal was buried on one of its sides.

Liquid gas flew as it came into contact with air, and only a piece of burning paper was enough to create a large explosion near the center of town.

The shock wave was so powerful that the mirrors of all the houses in the town were broken.

Julien, who was at the source, also suffered fatal injuries caused by material that came out from the explosions like shrapnel.

Marie could see everything while in the water of the fountain, only decided to leave after feeling that there was no danger of further explosions.

When she poked her head, she could see that the town had been turned into ruins, and the whole place was on fire.

There was blood all over the place, pieces of meat, and severed limbs of bodies.

Some survivors shouted in pain or agony. Near where she was she could see a woman who had burns all over her body and was holding a small bloody baby blanket.

The woman screamed as loudly as she could look for her baby. Marie sighed and took her father's gun from the fountain.

After this, she left the fountain and turned to the woman who had her face completely burned. Her eye sockets were empty and looked like a corpse alive.

Marie held the gun and fired a bullet over the woman's head to end her agony.

After that, Marie walked to the fountain where her father's body was, and with her small hands, she pulled it out of the water so he could begin to recover.

Among the rubble came one of the commands that had survived and used his radio "Here Pierre, reporting that I have a broken arm and maybe some ribs.

I request immediate evacuation; it is impossible for me to continue with the recovery operation. "

Pierre looked at his radio with some fear. Absolute silence could only mean he was the only survivor.

So he had to leave and get to the checkpoint located in the center of the capital of the state of Hidalgo, a few kilometers from where he was.

When Pierre left the ruins of the building, the light dazzled him for a moment when he opened his eyes again, he could see Marie standing in front of him.

Pierre thoughtlessly took out his gun and emptied the magazine on Marie; unfortunately, all his bullets were floating in the air.

Marie smiled and approached him, causing Pierre's body to swell like a balloon while screaming in pain as his muscles were being destroyed.

This lasted for a few seconds before Marie will step on Pierre's head, and he will eventually explode into a bloody mist that filled Marie with blood.

After this, Marie left the place completely angry because the bad people had ruined the last day she would be with her father before she entered kindergarten. While walking back to the square she could hear that siren sounds could be heard in the distance.

She could also see a helicopter that seemed to be from a newscast, so she looked up and began to greet him.

The image of a surviving girl who was alone in an area that had been a battlefield toured the news and social networks.

She was baptized as the miracle girl.