
Testing the gift

Francisco nodded after hearing Marie's very brief presentation. "Excellent presentation Marie, I really like your goal of killing garbage since it is concise, and you will help society.

Don't worry about this class. I will teach you how to shoot a bullet in a parable and even the right way to hold ahead with one hand.

Mathematics is the greatest ally for anyone, and I am sure it will be yours too.

Now go to your desk is the only one that is empty. "

As Marie walked to her seat, she could feel her classmates looking at her as if she were a kind of heroine.

These looks lasted until she took a seat, and the teacher began to give his class. For Marie, the topics that the teacher talked about she knows because Julien teaches in his free time.

But the pragmatic way in which he explained to the class liked her so much

When the bell of the next class rang, Marie didn't want his math class to end.

Professor Francisco smiled, as he could see that Marie was quite interested in his class. It was an achievement because most of his students did not seem very happy to hear him in his math class.

He went out of the door and let Professor Joseph enter a somewhat strange subject but who was a professor personally recommended by Quetzalcoatl.

Joseph entered the classroom and could see why the children were quite tired after having their math class.

The only student who didn't seem tired was Marie, who looked quite interested in what he was going to say.

Joseph smiled and applauded to get the attention of his students. "Very well, boys. It is time for them to be dispatched.

For Miss Marie, let me introduce myself. I am Joseph, your Firearms teacher.

This class is essential because any firearm you have, if not well maintained, could fail and cost your lives.

Today I will show you the correct way to clean a Glock 17.

It is not a very high caliber, but in battle, it is enough to be your secondary weapon; someone of you has used it. "

Marie and a brown-haired girl raised their hands. "Very well, we will go in order, you first Miss Suzie."

Suzie started talking as she moved her hands so she could express herself better. "I could see how my father used it to rescue me after I was kidnapped two years ago.

From that day on, I always have a pistol, to defend myself if something happened to me. "

Marie could see how Suzie pulled a black box out of her star pack that had a beautiful Glock 17, which had an attractive silver finish and wooden handle.

Joseph nodded, "Beautiful gun Miss Suzie.

I can see that you have it in excellent care.

Later I will show you some forms of care so that your weapon is always working correctly.

Marie is your turn. "

Marie scratched her head. "I may not have a beautiful weapon like Suzie's, but I kill a bad guy with one of them after my father's skull flew off with one shot.

I remember taking the gun of my dad and aim to that evil man on the roof and I open fire. The first shot failed, but the second I could see how it entered through his eye and exited through his head. "

All the companions of Marie were surprised because the way in which Marie seemed to take the weapon was something professional and quite similar to how the soldiers held her.

Joseph approached Marie and handed her his Glock 17.

Marie accepted Joseph's gun and held it like when she killed the trash that shot his father from the ceiling.

"Excellent grip and use of weight distribution.

But Marie remembers that it is not enough to just hold and use the weapon, Julien should have explained that the most important thing is to know how to keep the gun.

You have a special weapon that you like to use. "

Marie nodded and handed the Glock 17 to Joseph while she appear a beautiful golden revolver from nowhere.

"This weapon is a gift from my fake father, Flavio, or that is what Quetzalcoatl told me.

I haven't been able to try it, but I like the beautiful golden color it has. I think it matches my hair. "

Joseph only saw her for a few seconds and sighed, "It's a beautiful Smith & Wesson Model 19, but I see that its operation is not with traditional .357 magnum bullets would you like to show me how it shoots."

Marie scratched her head. "I have no problem with doing so, but it can be a dangerous thing."

Joseph understood what Marie meant. "All right guys, change plans today we will have class at the shooting range.

Because a Glock 17 weapon has a recoil that can hurt your hands, only Suzie and Naolin can train with it.

For the rest of the class, I will teach you to use a Walther P22 that has a caliber of .22mm.

It may look like a small weapon that doesn't do much damage, but remember that caliber means nothing if you know how to use the weapon."

Everyone was glad and began to get up from their chairs so they could get out and get to the shooting range.

When the preschool students left their classroom, some students from higher courses could only look at them with envy because it meant that they will receive physical training and not the boring theory.

For Marie, being able to line up with children her age was surprising.

After touring some corridors, everyone entered a large concrete room where there was a female soldier taking care of the place.

"Professor Joseph, remember that the use of the shooting range must be planned in advance.

Tell me what reason you have to enter and that it is nothing related to the use of experimental weapons.

Last time it was a farce, and my superiors scolded me. "

Joseph smiled forcefully. "You know very well that Hexe had to be trained for the use of assault rifles.

But this time it is different. Marie has a Smith & Wesson Model 19 that works with divine energy.

It was a gift from god Flavio, her dad. "

The woman opened her eyes in surprise and looked at Marie with some doubt, and then sighed and opened the door of the shooting range.

"Before firing, wait for the scientists to analyze how Marie's weapon works.

You don't have to worry, Miss Marie, nobody will touch your objects, this will be analyzed using the best technology in the country. "

Marie didn't understand, but that didn't matter, since she could try her fake dad's gun.

After entering the place, the children were taken with Naolin as a young man to the field of normal, so they could test their weapons while Marie stayed with Joseph to see the quality of the firearm.

After a few minutes, the place was filled with light, and some speakers heard that Marie could shoot.

Hundreds of scientists were checking cameras and some gadgets to analyze how Marie's weapon worked.

Marie scratched her head, and her golden revolver appeared to point it at the target at the end of the shooting site.

She pulled the trigger. But nothing happened, so Marie looked oddly at the gun and tried to remember what Quetzalcoatl told her last night.

The scientists looked weird, and the woman at the shooting range was a little nervous because she believed that Joseph had lied to her again.

But suddenly, a high noise was heard, and everyone turned their eyes to the place where Marie was.

Who was holding his golden revolver that was smoking, but that was not what surprised them. Was that the place where the target was supposed to be was only a large hole.

That it was too deep because the divine bullet only seemed to have been stopped by the divine barrier that Quetzalcoatl created.