
Periodic table training with Marie

In a laboratory completely lined with white tiles, Marie was sitting at a table while Diara was showing her tablet.

"As was explaining to you, Marie, your ability to resize objects can also work to create objects.

Following the principle of matter is neither created nor destroyed, you just have to understand how atoms work.

For that we will begin to analyze hydrogen, the first element of the periodic table which is made up of a proton and an electron.

Now first I will teach you about molecules which are larger than the atom, because to teach you about electrons, neutrons and protons we will need more time. "

Leaving the tablet on the table, she got up and went to an aluminum shelf from where she took two bottles, one containing hydrogen and the other containing oxygen.

"To begin, I would like you to analyze the two elements in my hand. Inside these bottles, there is Hydrogen and Oxygen.

They are the two elements that, if joined, can form the most important element for life, which is water. "

Marie took the two flasks from Diara's hands and used her divine energy to try to figure out how the gas worked.

The first thing she could feel is that the hydrogen gas was too strange. She could feel some spheres spinning around the flask.

She could assume that they must be the molecules Diara was talking about. In just a few minutes of analyzing the vial, she raised her other hand and mimicked the molecules.

From what she could feel the hydrogen molecules forming in her hand, Diara didn't know what Marie was doing, so she continued to look at her in silence.

Tas this Marie stopped producing hydrogen gas and took the oxygen bottle, when analyzing it with her divine energy she realized.

That the molecules were so much more complex than those of hydrogen so it took almost an hour before it could mimic oxygen gas.

"I think I can create hydrogen and oxygen, but what's next?"

Diara was surprised "Well, since you can create those two gases, I think that what follows will be to form water, you should know that two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule can make water.

Although I would love to tell you the correct way to make water, scientifically it is only possible through an explosion which makes it a non-viable method.

But in your case I think the best way you can do it is to turn a drop of water into a puddle of water.

Now that you understand the elements behind water, you should be able to analyze the process to increase the size of the water.

To make the process easier, we will use distilled water that does not have any amount of minerals, so when you analyze it, do not get confused "

After she finished saying that, Diara took a bottle of distilled water and, using a dropper, placed a drop of water on the table.

Marie, when she saw the drop of water, tried to make it grow, so she realized that while the drop of water was growing.

A bond was formed between hydrogen and oxygen molecules to create water which made the drop grow. Although it was something strange, it had a kind of understanding.

How the chemical bond worked, so using her hand, she started creating water out of thin air.

Leaving Diara completely surprised, who formed a smile on her face "Fantastic, Miss Marie, you have created water, one of the most extravagant resources in the base.

With your help we can increase water reserves, since cleaning radioactive water is too complicated.

But I think you could already make water. It is time to move on to something more complex, but first I need to change my clothes and prepare the air filters to avoid accidents.

For the moment, continue creating water, don't worry about flooding the place because there is a drainage system that will receive all the water and purify it to integrate it back into the system. "

When Diara left the room, Marie began to play with the water that came out of her hands. At first it was amusing to see water appear.

But then she thought it would be even more fun to make figures with it, so she used her divine energy while water appeared.

To try to mold the water, she imagined it as a kind of plasticine that she could mold to her liking, so without realizing it.

In front of her, the figure of a small cartoon-shaped lion began to form.

When she opened her eyes, Marie could see the lion in front of her, so she smiled and caressed him. It was quite strange because although it was water, it seemed to be able to maintain its shape.

The scientists who were watching everything through the cameras were analyzing every last detail in a desperate attempt to find out how this alteration of reality had been achieved.

When Diara entered the room, she did so wearing a full hazardous materials protective uniform.

"Marie, I'll show you how to make table salt, so you'll be dealing with a very dangerous gas called chlorine, as well as a volatile material called sodium."

Marie sighed and let the lion in front of her turn into water, which quickly fell down the drain.

From a small bag Diara took two flasks, one with a yellow gas and the other with what appeared to be a white stone.

"You have to analyze the two materials. Just remember that chlorine is dangerous, so it may cause you some kind of discomfort.

But I think for a goddess who just tickles radiation it shouldn't be dangerous. "

Marie did not understand why chlorine was so dangerous if her father always used it to clean the white clothes or blood of his enemies.

Not to mention that it left a very rich aroma in the environment, which always reminded her that there was a clean place, perhaps after so many years of being in bloody environments.

The scent of chlorine was a sign that everything had come to an end.

When Marie began analyzing chlorine with her divine energy, it took almost two hours to understand how the molecules behave.

She could even feel the atoms in each molecule, but unlike hydrogen, which was a simple element, chlorine was much more complicated.

After she had learned how to make chlorine, a yellow gas began to appear with her hands, although after pampering himself he turned the chlorine into a yellow liquid.

Diara seeing how Marie played with chlorine like a child with a new toy only swallowed a little saliva due to the nervousness she was feeling.

"Miss Marie, I think you shouldn't play with chlorine in that way. It is extremely dangerous for everyone.

If you use chlorine, you can kill people or poison them, so you have to be careful and only use it on bad people like your dad Julien taught you. "

Marie then stopped playing with the chlorine and gave Diara a smile "Okay, I'll stop playing with the chlorine, but now I need to learn how to create sodium."