
The problem of the soul

In the laboratory, Marie was looking at a small white mouse that was eating a small seed.

"Miss Marie, today you will try to teleport this mouse to this glass box."

Diara pointed to a glass box that was five meters from where Marie was.

"I know it can be complicated, but the body of the mouse is only a set of elements that make up a body, although I know that it might have been better to start with an insect.

We want to see your ability to teleport living creatures, don't worry if it fails because the mouse will suffer absolutely nothing. "

Marie scratched her head and looked at the little mouse with a smile "Very good, little friend. Today I will show you that I can take you from one place to another."

The white mouse felt a sense of danger so it raised its head and looked around but it just saw humans, so it sighed.

Marie, seeing the funny action of the mouse, just laughed and stretched her hands to teleport him to the glass box that was far from her.

The first thing he did was analyze the mouse and later immobilized it using his divine energy, after which he created a projection of the mouse.

Which she used as a guide while she completely recreated the white mouse's body took almost four hours but she could teleport the mouse to the glass box.

Although to Marie and Diara's surprise, the little mouse just behaved differently.

It was as if it were some kind of badly programmed computer because the mouse did not seem to have feelings, but its body kept moving.

Marie turned her head and looked at Diara "I completely rebuilt the mouse's body but I don't know what is missing."

Diara gave Marie a smile "You don't have to worry, there are many things we don't understand such as gravity.

But in theory you did a good job although now we have to work on finding where the problem may be.

For this I will give you some insects so that you can train teleportation, being creatures with a simple system.

It shouldn't have the same inconvenience as with the little mouse, while you do that I will take our little friend for a full body checkup.

We have to check what is the mental state of the mouse, it should show the problem although I suspect that it must be a problem of something that we do not understand. "

Diara then walked to a table from where she took three jars with insects, which she placed in front of Marie.

"Trying to teleport these little insects shouldn't be difficult, but either way you already know that you can tap the button on the wall to find me."

Marie smiled as she felt Diara's hand stroking her hair "You can count on me, Teacher Diara, I will do everything possible to teleport these insects.

By the way, can I play with them, combining their bodies or altering their size? "

Diara showed a smile "You can do it, but remember that even if they are insects, you have to take responsibility for what you do with them.

Well, in theory their brains cannot process pain, but in any of your changes you allow the insect to suffer pain.

You must end his life because you must not make any living being suffer. It is better to kill than torture because life should not be used that way. "

Marie nodded and patted Diara's hand "I'll do my best not to become a bad girl, but first I have to learn how to teleport these little insects."

Diara looked at Marie with joy and walked to the glass box where the mouse was. After taking it, she left the room.

When she arrived in an analysis room, she handed the mouse over to her colleagues, who took it out of the glass box and performed different tests.

"I'm sure the mouse is the same, but I can assume that maybe the moment it died to be rebuilt something happened.

I don't want to sound pessimistic, but it may have something to do with the soul. "

One of his colleagues who was looking at the DNA analysis simply looked at Diara strangely.

"But then what is the soul, is it our consciousness or is it independent of consciousness?

According to the blood tests, the mouse has 100% equality with the sample we took previously.

It is the same mouse, but if what is missing is the soul, how the hell can we carry it from one body to another if we don't even know something about it. "

One colleague who was thinking about the mouse frowned "If we know something about the soul.

It weighs 21 grams, depending on the weight of this mouse it has a difference of 31 grams, but with the 10 milliliters of blood that we extracted.

We can corroborate that the reason why the mouse behaves in this way is because of that, of course, the results on the functioning of the mouse brain are still lacking.

But knowing that there are gods and even Miss Marie has told us about souls, I think we should not doubt Diara's theory. "

Another researcher who was attached to electrodes to the mouse's head took a deep breath when he could see the information on the screen.

"This is completely insane, this data shows that brain function is just basic.

The entire left hemisphere is working like a little machine, but the right hemisphere is completely off.

This mouse is a small zombie that will only seek to eat, sleep and reproduce to fulfill its duty.

If the soul exists, then I can say that it has an influence on the emotions, so in theory we can assume that consciousness comes from the soul.

This would be a very important discovery but then what is schizophrenia, two souls in one body or a problem of the mind.

Multiple personalities are a bunch of souls in a single body that constantly struggle for control or are false souls created by the brain.

So many questions and few answers, but I can assume that we must show Marie the death of animals so that she can find those 21 grams that leave the body.

Perhaps she can recreate the soul or move it from the old body to the body to the new body that is created with quantum teleportation.

But Marie will be able to resist seeing the death of animals. "

Diara shook her head "I won't let Marie see the death of the animals, maybe she can have her analyze this soulless mouse.

Together with a mouse with a soul, then eventually she will find where the soul is kept or what it is made of.

It will be a longer process but she will not have to live with violence again. I do not want to become a cursed woman that makes Marie become a murderer. "