
A personal talk

When Marie woke up, she stretched her hands and could see Diara sleeping next to her, who was leaning on the bed as she was sitting on a chair.

With her small hand she caressed the forehead of Diara, who woke up when she felt a hand.

When Diara saw Marie awake, she could only sigh while hugging her "Miss Marie, which was what happened before.

The mouse floated and then returned to normal; it is as if you could have created a soul. "

Marie laughed and happily agreed, "I could create a soul that mimicked the original mouse consciousness, because accidentally, in the teleportation, I killed the original mouse.

Although the conscience and the soul are the same, I could say that the soul is a motor, and the conscience is the gasoline, the two need each other.

When a person dies, the soul leaves the body and goes where it belongs, although according to information from dad Flavio.

There are places where souls remain stagnant because there are no gods in the world, it is what he calls dangerous worlds.

Although we can enter those worlds, our powers will be suppressed, we can do some things like appear objects.

But most of our power will be sealed until those places are abandoned.

Either way, you should know that this world has an automatic system to treat souls, so there are no gods in this place.

I could feel it when I created the soul of the mouse. "

Diara felt a little anguish for her parents, who had long since died, but at least she knew that they had continued on their way.

"It is an uncomfortable situation because your words only reaffirmed that no god exists in this place, thank goodness that most of the base is atheist.

But even so with only your words many things were answers, promise me you will keep this a secret.

Although I am not immune to these issues, there are still people on the ground who have beliefs in their god.

So if you know that there is nothing and that the souls only enter a repetitive cycle, it could end all their hopes.

Although there are universes anyway where there are gods, so there are heavens and hells, right? "

Marie looked seriously at Diara "That's right, but remember that in many religions there are no heavens, but you said it very well.

It depends on the universes whether there are gods or not. "

Diara, who was analyzing those words, stroked her chin "But there shouldn't be a version of you in every universe.

If that's the case, aren't you a goddess at all? "

Marie shook her head "The multiverse is infinite, there may be places where it exists or where it just doesn't.

There could be some universe where I died or another where I just being born. I may be a goddess or a mortal.

Fate is not written. That is what I can understand from the memories of my dad Flavio. "

Diara sighed and looked at Marie with concern "How are you going to be able to go back to your family then?"

Marie bowed her head because she felt down "I don't know, but I will go from universe to universe learning everything I can so that I can return home.

I'm sure my mother should look for me with my family. Staying in one place would only be a waste of time.

I have to learn as much as I can and when I do, I may find a way home or a way to communicate with them. "

Holding her chest, Marie gave Diara a smile. "Although the bond between my family and I was weakened, it still exists, so I will just have to keep looking.

The stronger the bond, the closer I will be to them. I just hope they are all okay.

But I can feel that maybe a war happened because of my disappearance, however I can't do anything just move on.

I want you to tell me where I can find the particle accelerator so that I can recreate it and that way I can learn to create a black hole.

According to my father's memories, the black hole moves between limbo and the universes they are portals of passage that unleash white holes.

Whatever that means. "

Diara laughed because although she spoke like an intelligent girl she was still a girl "A white hole is a place that creates matter.

Black holes devour matter while white holes create it, the exact process I do not know because we have no way of corroborating it.

Everything is based on theories and some mathematical calculations to explain how it works. Of course we have satellite images where we can observe.

The limit of a black hole is light years away but we can only make theories about its workings, although when you can create a black hole.

In order to create a door to another universe you must be prepared, because you do not know what things could happen in those places.

That is why the ideal is that you carry computers, information, materials and weapons in your pocket dimension so that you can use them if necessary.

As a girl you can suffer a lot if you cannot defend yourself and even if you are a goddess, you must always take care of yourself, because you will face a real battle alone.

Perhaps on your travels you can find comrades to accompany you on your adventures, but remember that having friends implies a great responsibility.

Because you can always meet enemies that can end their lives, learn to defend yourself and defend them.

I know it can be complicated but you must do it. You must also learn to have your own criteria, Marie.

What if you came to a universe where people like to beat up the elderly because they consider them useless, would you defend them or would you let that continue to happen? "

Marie decidedly said, "Of course I would defend them. Quetzalcoatl and my mother Miyuki always told me that the elderly are wisdom.

They must be respected and not treated improperly. "

Diara nodded because Marie's answer was correct "When you are saving them, the society of that place will consider you a monster because of their moral values ​​as a society.

They tell them that someone who defends the elderly is bad, so they will label you as a bad person.

Always remember that as long as you feel that you are doing good that you do not care about opinions.

But remember that before taking any action, you must be silent, watch and listen.

Because that way you can know what is happening around you, even if you want to perform an action, do not be impulsive because that will bring you problems.

In the time you will spend with me, I will teach you everything I can, and Miss Marie always remember to accept criticism because you will know if you have made a mistake.

That way you can improve because you will correct your mistakes. "