
Quite an interesting deal

In that room full of luxuries, Marie walked looking at everything with quite curiosity because it was the first time she had seen so many luxuries.

"This is surprising, although Dad always told me that gold was just a resource for change.

I never imagined seeing a room of gold. "

Prometheus smiled and scratched his cheek "I think you do more fantastic things than a room of gold, but even if it looks very luxurious.

Gold has no value, so you should not be surprised. It is just a holdover from the old world before the asteroid miners.

But join me, I'll take you to a VIP dealer, who will help us get the money for the nuclear batteries. "

After those words, everyone follow Prometheus around the place until they were interrupted when a man with half a metal face approached them.

"But if it is the mythical Prometheus, I thought you were living a perfect life in retirement in the homeless district.

What took you out of your burrow and why are you accompanied by two beauties, a girl and two androids.

I thought an old guy like you would never work again. "

Prometheus laughed and looked at the guy in front of him with an evil smile "I thought the garbage in sector 2 would be mourning the death of his family.

I have to admit that from the homeless district, the fireworks were beautiful.

I hope you don't mind my words Uzziel.

But since I am an educated person, I will answer your question. These women are my new partners. If you are intelligent, you will try nothing.

Well, that girl so happy that you can see, will make your life impossible, even your existence will be in danger.

There are things that are better not to disturb, and my partners are one of those things. "

Uzziel, who was angry, clicked his tongue and glared at Prometheus, "You are a son of a bitch, but I can assure you that this time your retreat will be the pantheon.

Like the bitches they have as partners, especially that brunette woman, who I will enjoy raping "

Marie, who was not satisfied, walked towards the rude man and pointed out "Hey, don't threaten my mother Diara, you should be a bad person so don't make me angry."

Uzziel, who was not afraid of the girl, approached and prepared to hit Marie in the face.

But to his bad luck, when his hand was inches from Marie's face, it stopped.

It was then that Uzziel's body inflated like a balloon before exploding into a shower of blood and pieces of bodies.

Marie, who was angry, just sighed and used her divine energy to cleanse the blood on everyone's body.

All those who had seen what happened said nothing and lowered their heads as they were afraid of the girl because of the ease with which she killed such a high-level drug dealer.

The only ones who didn't seem too happy and raised their weapons were Uzziel's bodyguards, who took aim at Marie.

Marie, who was still angry, just gave them an angry look, and they all started puffing up like balloons before exploding.

At that time, the black market personnel left some rooms carrying buckets of water and garbage bags to clean the place.

The waiter who had served them approached with them at all times, keeping his helpful face.

Upon arrival, he looks at Marie with a friendly smile.

"Miss Marie, the black market apologizes to you and all your companions. I know you were molested by garbage.

In compensation, the black market offers you to enter the VIP area, where you can buy and sell the things you want.

As for Uzziel's threats, you can be sure that they will no longer exist in this world, because they will be eliminated.

This is a special and free service for people like you. "

Prometheus sighed and looked at Diara "I didn't know I could do that."

Diara turned her head and also looked at him doubtfully "Me neither."

After that incident, everyone walked towards the VIP area, unlike the first glances of the people which were curious.

Now they looked at them with fear and respect, because for them to see a girl kill armed men doing nothing was an image of fear.

So they could only assume that they were very important members of some corporation, which had experimental weapons.

Entering through a silk-covered door, they entered a beautiful room where there were card tables and people of all kinds playing.

Marie, who did not understand why there were game tables, looked at Diara "Mom Diara, why these people are playing, that they are not supposed to be selling or buying.

I imagined a market like the ones in the towns of Mexico, where people sell and buy. It is an exquisite environment. "

Prometheus smiled and looked at Marie "It is completely different. You will see each table is dedicated to selling or buying special things.

We will go to the last one that is in the right corner because that is the one that is dedicated to selling energy materials. "

After this, they all walked until they reached the last table on the right side, where a dealer was shuffling a deck of cards.

Prometheus sat at the table and looked at the dealer with a smile "I want to play a game of black jack. I will bet five nuclear batteries that can produce 1500 MW.

You can try each of them. I am looking to bet all 5 and win 100,000,000 Ehmarks.

I think Joker and the king of hearts are interested in my bet. "

The dealer shuffled the deck of cards and dropped two cards on the table, both of which showed two holograms.

In them you could see a green symbol, so Prometheus took the five nuclear batteries and placed them on the table.

Where a blue light began to analyze them, the process lasted a few minutes, but when it was finished, a summary was displayed on the table.

Where it was shown that nuclear batteries were real and produced the amount of energy of 1500 MW shown with a duration of 200 years.

At that moment, the Joker card and the king of hearts started a silent competition.

Where they increased the original number of 100,000,000, when they finished fighting, there were two proposals.

The Joker's showed 150,000,000 along with a black card that had the name Armageddon Energy Corporate.

The one with the king of hearts showed 150.00000 along with two black cards, one had the name Moon solutions Corporate and Red Fly Corporate.

Prometheus then looked at Marie with a somewhat curious face "We can sell to one side but the other will be angry. Who do you want to sell Marie?"

Marie, who didn't see a problem, just turned up another five batteries and casually said, "Why we don't sell to both."