
Quite a comfortable routine

Marie, who was sleeping, heard the noise of her alarm clock, so she got up and, using her small hands, moved Suzie.

Who yawned and, with her hair completely disheveled, hugged Marie like a little koala.

"Take me to the shower Marie I'm tired and I don't want to get up."

Marie just sighed and, using her pupil, she put on a song by the Ramones, a rock band that she loved when she came to this world.

"Hey ho, let's go

Hey ho, let's go

Hey ho, let's go

Hey ho, let's go ... "

After this, she carried Suzie on her back and took her to the bathroom, where the first thing they did was brush their teeth using a technological toothbrush.

"They're forming in a straight line

They're going through a tight wind

The kids are losing their minds

The blitzkrieg bop "

Suzie, who was listening to the moving song, shook her head from side to side while staring at Marie.

"I think it's a wonderful song to start the day. At least it's better than the Julio Jaramillo songs that Dad listened to."

Marie, who was humming the song, used some water to rinse her mouth.

"They are different genres of music, but these Ramones, they sing very crazy and nice music I wish I had known them before.

I think it would have been more fun to listen to his music when bad people came to my house.

At least it would put a rhythm to the shots that were fired against my house. You know I can still remember my third birthday I was sitting in a chair.

In front of me was my birthday present, a beautiful strawberry cupcake, which Dad had lovingly bought.

In it there were three beautiful birthday candles, but when I was about to blow them out, a misfortune happened.

A man came in carrying a flamethrower and burned Dad along with the rest of the house. You can believe he almost burned my little birthday cupcake.

I was about to cry that day but dad used his body to protect the cupcake, so I just blew up the dangerous man.

His blood helped put out the burning house. The only good thing is that from that day on, I never dared to attack on my birthday again. "

Suzie was surprised and looked at Marie with some disbelief "You can see that your childhood was complicated, the most serious thing that happened to me taking away the kidnapping I suffered.

It was when on my birthday dad had bought a huge meringue cake; I was happy, but the one who seemed happier than me was Paquito.

My labrador retriever, which without my realizing it, got on the table where he ate all my cake minutes before I could taste it.

Can you believe it, my cake looked so delicious but I guess that happened for some reason that I don't understand, because Dad told me later that our puppy had gone to heaven.

I think I once heard my dad say that Paquito saved my life because the cake was poisoned.

I still miss my pet. "

Marie sighed "I also miss my little pet and my sister and Dad and Mom Miyuki.

I miss everyone, but we have to be strong Suzie, why now we have Mom Diara, Grandpa Prometheus and everyone else.

We can't be sad for them, but we have to hurry because we might be late for school and I don't want Mommy Diara to scold us for teleporting.

The two girls finished brushing their teeth and bathing, after which they went down to the kitchen where they had breakfast while they listened to the stories of Prometheus.

"And at that moment, I raised my gun and pointed it at the soldier on the ground while saying the loudest phrase of an arms dealer.

Guns don't shoot themselves, people do.

After this, I shot him and left his body in that place. Marie always remembers, guns don't kill, we don't have to feel bad selling a gun.

Well, we only sell a service in a world of needs. It is like when a man sells water in the desert.

If the person you sold the water to go crazy and kill using the water in their hands.

That is not our problem, because we fulfill our duty to sell the water.

So he always looks down on those people who seek guilty and refuse to face the reality that the weapons that hurt them were used by people with evil.

Being an arms dealer will always make us bad, but that is not the reality.

But although I would like to continue talking, I think it is time for you to go to school. We do not want to hear Diara give a speech about teleportation and its problems ... "

Prometheus stopped speaking when a blow to the head made him lose consciousness. The culprit had been Diara who had hit him with a frying pan.

"Ignore this old curmudgeon, but if you need to hurry to get to school, I don't think you want another three-hour talk.

On how using divine energy to teleport can affect the environment and the human people that inhabit the planet. "

The two girls shook their heads and ran towards the exit of the place because if they were afraid of something, it was Diara's words.

After this, they got into the limousine and arrived at the school where they took their first history class, then they enjoyed a half-hour break and returned to their classes.

When classes were over, Marie, Suzie, and Blair enjoyed their time at the coding club, where the three of them spent two hours after school studying coding.

At the end, they said goodbye and went home as they had things to do, and at the mansion, the two girls greeted everyone and began to do their homework.

After finishing their homework, they got together as a family to have a nice dinner, where they talked about all the things they did that day.

After this, they played video games for a while and at 10 p.m. the two girls met in the bathroom to brush their teeth.

As they did so, they heard the Ramones 'Rock' N' Roll High School song.

When they finished, they put on their pajamas and lay in bed while Diara told them some stories about the shelter where she had grown up.