Graduation Examination

Arriving at Mokuzu Island Ao led Yuuma towards the main city that was built in the centre of the island, "Remember, your mission is to stop the thief. I will not be supporting your mission but only oversee it so fail or pass will be of your own hands, do you understand?" Hearing Ao's question Yuuma nodded while he pulled out a single fingerless glove with steel plate covering the knuckle up to where the glove ends halfway the finger and placed it on his right hand. His current attire consists of a dark brown shirt and pants with brown boots, he also wears a yellow scarf over his neck.

When they arrived at the city the two of them immediately went to the jewellery maker shop that was the one who posted the request, when they entered the shop they were welcomed by a sales assistant who was dressed with revealing clothes to place emphasis on her curvaceous figure as she moved seductively towards Ao but when she saw Yuuma she had the impression that perhaps Yuuma was his son so she toned down her act, "Good Evening Sirs, how may I be of assistance"

Ao said nothing as he turned his gaze towards Yuuma as this was his mission, "Good Evening, I am here as per request of Sir Kaede" Hearing this the Sales Assistant understood so she turned to look at the surroundings before leading Ao and Yuuma through the staff-only door which took them to the second floor, which had the workshop and office of Kaede Yamato, the owner of the KY Jewellery shop of Mokuzu Island. The Sales assistant knock on the office door "Sir Yamato, you have guests from the Ninja village"

"Bring them in" Yuuma could hear the voice of a elderly man, when the door was pushed open they were revealed the sight of a skinny short old man in his 60s sitting behind a desk drawing when Kaede lifted his gaze only to see a child and an adult he turned to look at Ao, "It took the village six months to answer the request, and you came with a Child?"

Ao kept his silent but Yuuma took a step forward, "I am here to respond to your request you have submitted to the Village Sir Yamato" When Kaede heard what Yuuma said he was shocked and surprised but then his face grew darker with anger.

"So my request became a graduation test huh?" Kaede muttered with a deep voice filled with anger, Yuuma kept his calm as he responds "Although it is a graduation test, I am certain you saw my Sensei here? He is Ao also known as the Byakugan killer. If I were to fail the test he will certainly complete the request otherwise him being here would have been meaningless"

Everyone including Ao was surprised at what this boy just said, 'I see, that does make sense' Kaede thought while nodding with a satisfied smile while Ao had a darkened expression 'This boy used me as a guarantor in case he fails?' Ao thought while smiling as he thought of a few punishments for Yuuma.

Yuuma saw how Kaede was calming down so he could only feel relieved his on the spot decision was the correct one, although the look of his sensei Ao is questionable as he was not certain if he was proud or disappointed at the result of the conversation.

"Since you convinced me I will tell you the current layout of the plan, we hope you can take the place of my assistant to deliver a precious jewel I recently refined for a wealthy merchant and it is the very same Jewel that Kaito Kuroba wants to steal"

Yuuma thought for a moment before starting his hand seal movements "Transformation Jutsu!" Yuuma was covered in white smoke till his new looks appeared exactly how the sales assistant looks were, seeing this Kaede felt even more convinced to entrust the job to this Boy.

"Good! Very Good!" Kaede clapped his hands feeling quite relieved, with this the job should be completed much easier, "Well since you just arrived you can rest for the night, we will begin the operation tomorrow early in the morning" Kaede told Yuuma with a happy face, Yuuma felt relieved that this old man was easy to please so with this he only needed to ensure he completes the mission.

"Go sleep early, tomorrow you will heading out alone" Hearing Ao's words Yuuma could only nod as he went into his room they booked at a nearby inn, Ao took a deep breath heading into his room as he could sense several presences just like Yuuma did.

The only reason Yuuma did not make a move is that he spotted their Kiri Head guards which were why he never moved but Ao knew they were here for a different reason, 'Don't make me regret my choice tonight Yuuma' Ao thought as he slipped out of the window since it was destined to be a bloody night.


"Gah! You unfilial bitch" THe head of the Terumi clan coughed up blood as he glared at Mei Terumi who was looking at her supposed father laying on the ground in his own blood, "I had to remove you for the sake of the village, we have evidence of your dealings with the man called Danzo of the Konoha Village" Mei muttered with a emotionless voice, but her eyes contained even darker emotion that scared the old man more than her voice, "Although it would be more accurate to say if only you just left Yuu-chan alone I might have not moved so soon"

"So you already planned to take over the clan?" The head of the clan glared at Mei who had a stoic face, "I don't care who takes it over as long as their better than you, but since you forced me to move ahead of schedule I will have to move everything else ahead of schedule as well" Mei sighed while she took out a locket with a picture of Yuuma.

"Don't worry, Big Sis will protect you" Mei muttered as she waited for the old man to die from blood loss, that night the Terumi clan head changed abruptly taking the Mist Village by surprise. No one knew how or why, but all they knew was that the Terumi clan was about to face a change that could possibly bring change to the village in the future as well.


The next morning Yuuma woke up getting himself washed and dressed before he met Ao in the Dining hall where they ate their breakfast together, "Are you mentally prepared for the mission? Don't forget I will not be helping" Ao reminded Yuuma once again.

Yuuma rolled his eyes "Yes sensei, no need to support me as I intend to complete this mission..." Yuuma completed the sentence with a soft voice "I can't let big sis Mei down" When the meals were finished Ao disappeared to where Yuuma did not know but Yuuma went off to the Jewellery shop.

"Morning Sir Yuuma, where is Sir Ao?" The Sales Assistant greets Yuuma before leading him up, "Sensei is hiding and monitoring me from a distance" Yuuma explained it vaguely causing the Sales Assistant to wonder if this man is possible a peeping pervert if his eyes are so good.

"Morning Yuuma, I see you came alone huh?" Kaede greeted Yuuma but he was not the least bit bothered since he thought Ao was hiding while using Yuuma as the bait, this was naturally a misunderstanding that Yuuma will never correct otherwise this old man will not allow the mission to continue and he might fail because of that.

"Here is the package" Kaede picks up a small box that could fit in a hand, he hands it over to Yuuma. Yuuma nodded as he places the box into his side pouch before using Transformation Jutsu to transform his looks to that of the Sales assistant.

"Now then, the merchant shop is quite easy to find, you can follow the northern dragon road that will take you across the mountains to the next town, the shop is the tallest building, as I said the merchant is extremely rich so please don't displease him or anything" Yuuma nodded at Kaede's instructions while taking the map Kaede drawn for him before leaving the building.

Among the regular civilians, one of the average-looking males swept his gaze over Yuuma before muttering to himself "He left the building" hearing this several shadows moved in different directions before disappearing from the location.

Ao who was currently standing at a food stall already detected the people who were following after Yuuma, so he followed right behind them at a distance they will not detect him easily. 'Would have never imagined that we will be dealing with Kumo shinobis so soon, will have to extract Yuuma from this mission as it is far more dangerous than we expected' Ao thought.

Yuuma who was currently jogging at a fast yet not too fast pace was sensing several presences was heading in his direction quite fast, but from the looks of it, three were staying behind while only one was leading the way far ahead of them.

'Never expected them to take the bait so easily' Yuuma thought as he kept moving ahead while doing the tiger hand seals "Shadow Clone Jutsu" Poof! Two different Yuuma's split up running vertically separated from each other. "Damn! You guys follow that way and we will head this way" The four ninjas split into teams of two heading after their selected target.

Ao was stumped seeing that Yuuma split of the group but instead of following either side he went straight ahead remaining right in the middle so he could easily reach either side once conflict breaks out, Yuuma chuckled as he watched the two approaching ninjas who had tanned skins their hair appeared to be white and wearing the standard ninja uniform for Kumogakure which meant it was enemies.

Yuuma began to use his hand seals as he whispered "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu" Yuuma slaps his palms together as the surrounding was suddenly covered in thick mist, "Damn I did not expect the brat to be able to use ninjutsu's" One of the Kumo ninjas became vigilant,

The other ninja kept quiet as he does the hand seal dog, horse and was about to do the bird seal to use wind style: Breakthrough to blow away the mist but he dodges a narrowly deadly strike aimed for the back of his neck, 'Shit! That was close' The Kumo ninja cursed as he does a spinning back kick but he hit nothing but wind.

Meanwhile, Yuuma used body flicker to appear right in front of the other ninja "W-what" Before the ninja could continue Yuuma slammed the back of his katana's hilt into the ninja's gut distracting his thought process as the other ninja was already sprinting towards Yuuma's back with his kunai.

However, just as the kunai was about to touch Yuuma's back the kunai sudden pierces the heart of the Kumo ninja's partner, blood-splattered out as the Kumo ninja felt the sharp pain of his chest being pierced and the last thing he saw was the face of his killer, his partner "W-Why..." The still alive Kumo Ninja looked at his partner with disbelief, he was certain he targetted the boy but never he would have expected Yuuma to use substitution jutsu to push the incapacitated ninja he attacked first to take the strike in his place.

Yuuma stood a distance away looking at the Kumo ninja with a smile, he was not sure what was going on but he felt his blood was boiling while feeling the thrill of being close to death, he did not expect that he will not feel nauseated at all but instead he felt excited to face off enemies in a real combat.

"You brat!" The Kumo ninja lost his calmness as he felt grieve and remorse for being the one who killed his own partner and it was all this boy's fault, "I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Yuuma raised his katana pointing it at the Kumo ninja with a sneer, "Let's see if you have the ability to do that"