Mission: Missing Nin Hunt!

A few days later Yuuma arrived in the Country of Waves, "Have a pleasant journey ahead young man!" The Sailor who let Yuuma on the ship waved as Yuuma left, Yuuma followed the crowd as he noticed he would have to take boats in order to reach his destinations. When Yuuma arrived at the harbour he realized there was only one transport provider called Gato Company, 'Wonder why there is only one company dealing with the transportation in this area' Yuuma thought

"Good Day, welcome to Gato Company where we ensure you a happy and safe trip on the waters" The Receptionist repeats the same line she had to say every single time according to Gato's instructions, Yuuma came over when the lady saw Yuuma she scoffed "You better no cause any trouble here young man, I suggest you go home before the thugs come to pick you up" Yuuma chuckled when he heard the lady's warning causing the lady to blush beet red feeling humiliated that the child think she was joking.

Yuuma takes out a few coins placing it on the table when the lady saw the currency of the coins she was almost shocked out of her chair as she looked at the boy with shock "You want to book a trip?" Yuuma nodded, "The furthest island in the northeastern border of the wave country" The lady nodded giving him his ticket, with the ticket in his hand, Yuuma went to the pickup zone where he took the boat who took him to an island that was covered mostly by a jungle with wild animals living which most of dangerous, a good hideout for deserters.

"As agreed we will be returning tomorrow afternoon" The sailor mentions the pickup time for Yuuma before leaving, Yuuma watch the boat leave before he covered his face with a white mask. Silently Yuuma entered the jungle moving zig-zag using trees as his cover while trying to sense the presences of the ninjas. "Water Style: Hidden Mist!" Yuuma suddenly heard someone use an area effect technique to shroud the entire jungle in a thick mist, Yuuma weave hands signs before he began to submerge in a puddle of water "Water style: Water Clone"

The C-Yuuma continued to head deeper into the jungle until he sensed several presences approaching him, "hehe, we found a little lamb to play with" One of the ninjas laughed as they approached the water clone of Yuuma yet the moment they came to close "Water style: Water needles!" Hearing an unfamiliar voice right before the body exploded the men turned around only to have their bodies pierced by flying needles killing them.

One of the ninjas escape while looking at his surroundings, he weaves his hand seals before disappearing within the mist leaving behind a water clone. Yuuma who was hiding this entire time silently saw everything happen, he activated his eyes as he could see the ninja he marked by following his chakra. 'Where the hell is the enemy? I have been looking around for a while now but there are no signs of them!?' The Kiri Rouge ninja was feeling restless

The rouge ninja was slowly feeling his patience was diminishing at an astonishing speed because of the eery silence that placed psychological pressure on his already restless mind, 'If he won't come out then I will force him to' The rouge nin began weaving the hands seals and at the last seal he emerges from the mist "Water Style: Water Shockwave Jutsu!" The rouge ninja spurts out a large amount of water that blew the surroundings like a wave while the rouge spun around blasting everything around him away with high pressured water.

Yuuma sneered thinking this man was a fool for using water against a Kiri Ninja was asking to get face smacked, Yuuma held his palm straight like a knife as he moulds and shape his chakra to be a revolving drill around his hand, Yuuma leap out of the water puddle not far from the rouge while using Body Flicker movement to appear right behind the ninja "Water Style: Water Piercer"

Yuuma pierced his hand straight through the chest of the ninja killing him, once the battle was over Yuuma sensed his surroundings first before he started to dispose of the bodies but he made sure to take all over the consumable shurikens and weapons that could still be used and sealed them in a storage scroll he kept at his side for a rainy day. Yuuma could still feel his last target was much stronger compared to these clowns so he treaded silently while he came across a cave hidden behind a thick moss and plants growing over it.

Just as Yuuma was about to push the plants aside to peek inside a high-pressure water blast blew through the cave entrance, Yuuma was slightly wet as he barely managed to escape from that attack. He did not move a muscle while he waited quietly as he regains his correct breathing rhythm. "So finally arrived huh? Hunter-nin" a powerful voice reverberated from the cave filled with strong killing intent and if Yuuma did not experience several killings himself he would have frozen but his experiences saved him from this.

Just as the man exit the cave Yuuma lept towards him while flash drawing his katana from his back in a spinning motion using the kinetic synergy generated from his spin to supplement the power of his strike, the ninja met his attack head-on only being pushed back a few millimetres. "To think my little executioner would be a brat old enough to be my grandson" The missing-nin spoke with disdain but Yuuma instead smirked "Honma Tsunetada, Kiri missing-nin, Rank: Chunin, Nickname: Suifutokuro" Yuuma muttered causing Honma to smile broadly, "So you know of me"

Yuuma did not answer but instead answered with his body flickering movement while scooping up sands from the ground while appearing behind Honma with the tiger seal "Demonic Illusions: Hell Viewing Jutsu" Yuuma flew the sands from his hand as it began to spiral around Honma till it dispersed, in front of Yuuma he could see the horror-stricken face of Honma who was currently facing his greatest fear.

Yuuma held his katana firmly as he slashed Honma's neck separating his head from his shoulders, Yuuma took a deep breath before disposing of the body. 'Since there is still a lot of time before my pick up ride arrives I might as well see what these ninjas gathered all these years' Yuuma thought as he entered the cave that was still dripping water from that last water attack when he reached the lower part of the cavern he was welcome by a well lit open room filled with several chests full of ryo coins, there are also some consumables the ninjas kept in stock.

When Yuuma finished moving all the things he wanted into his storage scroll he came across an old looking notebook, when he flipped open the notebook it's written the title on the page was "Formulae Technique and how it's used in Seals, Summoning and Space-Time Jutsus" When Yuuma started to read the book it gave a comprehensive explanation on how scrolls are created using Formulae Techniques to draw the seal on the paper and using chakra would activate the drawn seal.

It also mentioned how the second Hokage who was known for his fast speed incorporated the Formulae Technique by using the examples of Summoning Jutsu to create a unique space-time jutsu however the name was not recorded. After spending time to read the book, Yuuma became quite interested in studying Seal Jutsu but then it will definitely not be his speciality. Although he was quite interested in this technique of the Second Hokage the book mentioned, it only gave vague explanations.

'The best for me would be to give it a try' Yuuma thought as he flipped through the pages of the notebook and came across a summoning technique called, reverse summoning jutsu. Yuuma flipped the pages but the explanation of the jutsu was shredded out the book, Yuuma checked outside the cave to see it was still not even midnight yet, because of his eagerness and curiosity of this technique.

Yuuma bit his thumb hard enough for the blood to drip lightly while he formed his hand seals before slamming his palm on the ground, the drawn formulae technique that was displayed on the book appeared with his hand being the centre "Reverse Summoning Jutsu" Yuuma was not certain what happened but instead of appearing somewhere he got himself lost in the void, it was at this time Yuuma remembered one could only use Summoning techniques when they contracted an animal.

He gripped his head while cursing himself in different manners but after a while, he gave up, he could not see nor feel anything yet he sensed the familiar feeling he felt for a long time now much clearer. He sensed like he was surrounded by something mythical that he swore he could touch it but he could not, it felt like his body was already surrounded by it but at the same time not.

Yuuma closed his eyes while he immersed himself in the feeling, he was not certain why but a part of his chakra was reacting to the surroundings so he manipulated his chakra towards his hand using the said characteristics that could not be determined with chakra paper but he always knew there were two characteristics he kept feeling but had no method to determine what it was.

But when Yuuma waved his hand vertically with his hands unknowingly covered with space-time chakra ripped the void open causing suction to pull him out of the void falling from the skies, "UWAAAAA!!!" The scream of Yuuma reverberated enough to cause nearby birds to take off in fear til his crash-landed into a lake. BOOM! When Yuuma resurfaced he realized the book in his left hand was destroyed by the crash landing but it was by luck he managed to completely memorize the book, otherwise, it would have been a massive loss.

Yuuma collapse on the ground when he finally got himself out of the lake, he was not sure why but he felt more relieved to be back in the world instead of the void. But he was lucky, out of a disaster he reaped the benefits of understanding one of his two unknown chakra characteristics. Yuuma closed his eyes not realizing something he could not sense since his senses would not pick up something one with nature so easily approached Yuuma, it was when Yuuma felt something big and fluffy poked his face that he barrel-rolled away standing up while pulling out a Kunai from his back pouch.

Standing in front of Yuuma was a White tiger wearing short pants only, "Are you perhaps a lost person?" The tiger asked politely, Yuuma realized he must have stumbled in an unfamiliar place so it will not do him any good to appear too aggressive but then again he could not appear too weak either, Yuuma relaxed his stance "Apologies I got lost and somehow ended up here" The tiger said nothing but when she got a good look at Yuuma's eyes she shivered "Boy, what is your name?"

"My name is Yuuma Terumi"