Rice makes the world go around

After attending a massive banquet thrown by the tigers, Yuuma enjoyed how the tigers were open, kind and straight forward with him. It was announced that Airi will be Yuuma's main support summoning beast as she is one of the strongest younger generation Tigers, because of that many felt envy but still celebrated all the more since they will be able to go home in the future. Next to Yuuma was a large black and white scroll with a tiger paw print lock holding it together, this was the contract scroll he was in charge of and should keep with him at all times.

"Come come, eat some more Yuuma" Momo was dishing up some more of Yuuma's favourite rice, he was not sure why he felt that he could never eat enough but the rice was simply too addictive. Even after eating several servings his stomach did not bulge but he felt his chakra was becoming vigorous after eating. "You treat the boy more than your own husband!?" Kun was surprised how caring his wife became of the glutton Yuuma but he still enjoyed it, Yuuma fitted right in with them without any pretences, unlike the man he once knew many many years ago.

After the party Yuuma stayed in the village for a week since it would have taken him that long to return to the Village from the Wave Country, after all, he took this time to train his body as well as studying seal arts from Kun who overheard Yuuma trying to figure out how to use the formulae Techniques so the easiest way was for him to learn how to make scrolls. Other than that, Yuuma would practice his ninjutsu as well as his genjutsu since he could abuse the natural energy that is assisting his chakra recovery.

It could be said that Yuuma managed to rake in a few months worth of training in a single week, he managed to create a basic storage scroll after several tries although it was successful by a fluke. But now the time had come for him to say temporary goodbye as he was surrounded by Tiger villagers who all wanted to shake his hand before he left after he shook every tiger's hand did Kun managed to squeeze through the crowd.

"Cough cough, I almost thought we are having another birthday party from how enthusiastic the people were saying goodbye to you young lad" Kun spoke while gazing at the tigers who felt embarrassed but Kun only chuckle as he felt the village became, even more, livelier which was good, "They are family so it would make sense that they would come bade me farewell" Hearing this everyone nodded with a satisfied smile, even Kun nodded "I will be sending you off to your village, but don't announce your contract with us yet except for those you can trust"

"Understood" Yuuma nodded as he knew the Tiger had a history with the Humans in the past and they were not yet ready to announce their return just yet, at least till they returned home which they are planning to do in this week. "Take care boy, Reverse Summoning Jutsu!" Kun placed his palm on the ground as the formulae form with Yuuma as the centre before he disappeared in a puff of white smoke.


"Where is Yuuma!? It has been a week and he did not return yet!?" Mei was screaming at the entrance gate of the village, the gate shinobi was not certain what he should say or do other than telling her that Yuuma did not appear yet but before he could repeat what he said a familiar white smoke explodes near the gate revealing a familiar-looking brown hair boy with light blue barely visible pupil eyes, the most eye-catching was the massive scroll attached to his lower back.

"Oh, Old Man Kun did indeed send me back to the Village" Yuuma muttered absentmindedly while checking his surrounding, "Yuuma?" Hearing the familiar voice Yuuma gaze towards the VIllage entrance gate seeing his big sister a smile form on his face, "Big Sis---" Before he could finish his line Mei stormed towards him pulling him into a firm embrace causing his face to dig into her cleavage causing the poor boy to blush beet red from embarrassment while holding back the urge to have a nosebleed at his current situation.

"Where were you!? I missed you soo much!" Mei felt sad as she feared that something would have happened to Yuuma who is her pillar, just from feeling how firmly she was holding him Yuuma realized just how much Mei cared about him as he returned the hug. His current feeling of love for his elder sister overwhelmed his lustful urges, "I'm home" Hearing these two simple words made Mei feel more relaxed "Welcome Home"

Yuuma walked beside Mei who held his hand as the two of them head to the Terumi Compound, seeing the familiar members of the Terumi clan Yuuma was not certain how he should be facing these people "Welcome home Matriarch Terumi and Young Master Terumi" When Yuuma heard this he felt he came to a different world, this was one thing he knew better than anyone the clan would hate to call him was Young Master. "It was my order as the new Matriarch of the Clan"

Yuuma listened to how Mei handled the affairs and cleaned out the Terumi clan of those who prefer the Blood Mist era to continue out of the clan and now only those who wish for peace and prosperity of the clan remained which was why most of them could accept Yuuma as the new heir of the Terumi clan since Mei took him as her younger brother. "How was the mission?" Mei asked Yuuma when the two of them entered the main manor taking their seats in the Lounge while the servant was brewing tea for them.

"I completed my mission and took out one of the Bingo Book targets" Yuuma answered as he handed over his bingo book to her, seeing the cross mark on the face Mei was surprised but nodded as she felt it was only natural her little genius should be able to handle Chunins by now. "Also there is something only for your ears" When Mei heard this she formed a series of hand seals before covering the area around her and Yuuma with a barrier.

Under the cover of the Barrier Yuuma began to explain his accidental meeting with the Tiger tribe while explaining that he became the contract holder for the tribe, when Mei heard this she was surprised as she was still planning to decide which summoning beast to introduce to Yuuma but never she would have expected he would contract with the fabled Tiger Tribe that was scarce. Mei pulled Yuuma into another firm hug while shaking "Good Job Yuuma! You made big sis VERY proud of you"

Yuuma chuckled as he enjoyed the embrace of his sister feeling a bit proud of himself as well, with this point forward he could start training in earnest by transferring himself to the Tiger Village where he could train on days or time he was off since he could make use of nature-rich energy to increase the length of his training since his recovery speed would be much faster there as well, although this is all a plan he made during the times he had nothing else to do. "Sis, how is the situation in the village?"

Mei who heard this let go of Yuuma as she began to explain, "Things became more peaceful compared to the Blood Mist period, however, there is still many clans and families that support the idea of continuing the blood mist era for the sake of creating stronger shinobis as real tools since they feared that the Mist village will become weaker by adapting a peaceful atmosphere like Konoha" Yuuma nodded as he expected this to happen, the people were too scared of change so when they see a change coming they would cling on their glorified past for the sake of reviving it.

"Also congratulations on completing your first Anbu mission, I have already arranged with your superior to allow you to follow me while we will protect the Daimyo of the Water Country in his trip around Kirigakure two days from now" Yuuma nodded at Mei's arrangements since she had things she needed to do she left Yuuma alone in the lounge.

But Yuuma himself did not stay long either, he first went to the study room where his sister normally store some records. He picked out the explanation book which explained Shape transformation before he left for the back yard to continue his training in controlling his chakra, he was not sure if he was running the gun but chose to take the controlling training to the next level by giving shape transformation a try. The garden at the back of the Terumi clan was quite large with a few fish ponds linked with a tiny stream and small bridges built over it for people to walk over it instead of jumping over the stream.

Yuuma sat cross-legged on the grass, reading the book he came to understand shape transformation is an advanced controlling technique that is the next level after mastering the tree climbing and water walking. There were several examples of shape transformation but the information was not comprehensive like the other notebook he had about Formulae Technique.

So he decided to try something small like a shuriken, he closed his eyes to help him focus on his other senses as he starts to manipulate the chakra to cloak his palm at first. Because of his previous technique, he developed with his palm strike to create a shockwave from the attack to launch the enemy further away this made it easier for him to bring the chakra out to skin level.

But the moment the chakra went further he could feel how his control over it was growing weaker, the more he played the better he became at controlling it till he felt he could try to shape it in a shuriken but before it could take shape it disperses. Yuuma tried once again only to fail again and again.

'Perhaps I need to find a tool that can help me contain the chakra so I can train how to maintain the form? But how can I maintain form since chakra disperses, perhaps... I could try keeping it on the move? Yes, by moving the chakra it will keep constant activity like a Jutsu' Yuuma nodded but he still failed, however, he noticed that it held on longer.

After struggling for so long Yuuma thought of using a sphere after reading the shape transformation note that held a picture of the three tail beast that used a tailed beast bomb, the sphere felt much easier for him to form and maintain. His training progress but he felt he still needed something that could assist him in maintaining the form first.

Yuuma continued his control practice although the results were minuscule and the sphere kept breaking apart till late at night he did not give up till it was time to sleep, he stood up and was about to head back inside he found himself mesmerized by a fountain with a fish blowing out water but on top of the water was a ball spinning while remaining in the middle of the fountain.

After a while, Mei came back home seeing Yuuma absentmindedly staring at the fountain, "What is the matter Yuuma? You like the fountain?" Yuuma was snapped out of his stupor looking in the direction his sister's voice came from but in his mind, he was excited as he was reminded of the time he would cloak his katana with chakra at time to enhance his cutting ability, but after looking at the fountain he came up with an idea to use a toy ball to help him train.

"No, I just found some inspiration on how to take my shape transformation training to the next level" Yuuma answered with a cheeky grin causing Mei to giggle before she went back inside with him, Yuuma made sure to write a note that he should purchase balls or something round that is hollow inside.

Since he could not control the chakra from dispersing having something that could contain the chakra from dispersing for him to get the feeling on keeping its form. 'Perhaps I should add some substance within that will allow me to feel my chakra moving something?' He thought and added a few more notes before switching off the lights, 'I have so much training to do!' Yuuma thought with a smirk, at least he could see the direction he could head towards.