Raiga's End

Raiga roared as he pushed Yuuma away with brute force along with his lightning release managed to penetrate Yuuma's skin causing his arms to start feeling numb, "Lightning Release: Thunder" Raiga slash his sword as several lightning sparks were sent flying towards Yuuma, it was difficult to choose which mean to make but Yuuma chose with a different idea as he weaved his hand seals before pointing his blade towards the incoming lightning sparks.

"Lightning Release: Lightning Rod!" After absorbing the lightning sparks, "Ninja Arts: Hidden mist!" Suddenly the surroundings became covered in thick Mist which made Raiga laughed with glee seeing how Yuuma was using techniques he was used to, but Yuuma already prepared his next steps "Shadow Clone jutsu!" Three shadow clones identical to him appeared as the three clones transformed into the looks of Ranmaru before Yuuma submerged himself into the ground after unleashing the Earth-style movement technique.

"Let me show you how one deals with this" Raiga plunges his swords into the skies, suddenly a massive amount of lighting struck his sword, just as he was about to swing his sword he saw the shadow silhouette of Ranmaru causing him to hesitate 'Ranmaru?' He thought as he was about to move forward he felt a stabbing pain through his neck as he coughs out blood, it was at that moment Yuuma erupts from the ground impaling his katana through Raiga's neck.

"B-Bastard" Raiga cursed as he felt enraged at how shameless Yuuma was to make use of his weakness to deal a fatal blow to him, he was not even certain if that shadow was another clone or it was Ranmaru but he could not take that chances because if it was Ranmaru he might lose his mind. Raiga was losing blood while he moved actively, he roared while throwing Yuuma on the ground but before he could attack the three shadow clones emerged from the mist attacking Raiga together.

'D-Damn it!' Raiga felt his body was growing weaker while he was blocking each sword strike sent by the shadow clones if he was not fatally wounded he would have already been able to deal with them but because of his serious injury, he could only keep fighting. This gave Yuuma ample time to submerge back into the ground moving far away since he was certain Raiga would think of committing suicide if he is cornered, 'Phew' Yuuma glances at Raiga fighting against his shadow clones as he starts to weave his hands.

Raiga was being pressured feeling he should consider exploding himself and hope he would take this bastard with him, but seeing Ranmaru's faces on this shadow clones infuriated him as he unleashes a massive lightning shockwave that destroyed the shadow clones in one wave of his sword but Yuuma was already completed with his next attack "Earth Style: a Thousand needles of death" Suddenly a thousand thin needles erupted at fast speed piercing Raiga's body to the point he could not move and died when the needle managed to penetrate his head.

Yuuma sensed that Raiga was finally dead as he went over while dispersing the earth needles allowing the dead Raiga to collapse on the ground, Yuuma did not glance at him as he picked up the swords but suddenly the corpse of Raiga was submerged into the ground and disappeared. It was at this time Ao and Chojuro arrived "Yuuma where is Raiga? Someone kidnapped Ranmaru from us while we were busy dealing with the lackeys"

Yuuma displayed the dual swords called Kiba towards Ao causing him to smile warmly, "I killed Raiga but his body was stolen by someone before I could dispose of it" Yuuma touched the ground as he tries to trace the leftover chakra but it was no use because the chakra was bizarre as if it had the characteristics of three people in one. "Whoever stole them came for him before we did, their movements were too accurate" Ao explained as he already activated Byakugan to search the surroundings but spotted nothing.

Ao watches when Yuuma places Kiba into his ninja bag, "We should head back to the village and rest for the night since our mission is complete here. We shall leave the Land of Rivers for Amegakure, I need to confirm a few things before we head straight for Kumogakure" Yuuma nodded at Ao's orders, the three of them went back to the village they arranged to stay the night at, while Ao and Chunjuro left to cook food Yuuma was outside holding Kiba in both his hands.

Holding the grey hilt of both swords were slim and straight double-edged blades with an upward-curved bladed prong near the tip of one side of the blade and another one near the base of the blade's other side. Yuuma could feel his lightning attribute was being more active compared to his other attributes, just by manipulating his chakra to enter the dual swords it automatically began to generate lightning sparks around the blade.

Yuuma held both swords firmly in his grasp as he takes a stance as if he intends to spin, "Lightning Kenjutsu: Thunder vortex" Yuuma muttered as he injects chakra into the blades that start to unleash series of lightning sparks around the blad while Yuuma leap into the skies rotating his body at a fast speed which generated a whirlwind that was coated with lightning generated from the swords, even when Yuuma already stopped moving and landed on the ground the vortex kept spinning with him in the dead centre.

With a single slash, the vortex was shredded apart by the thunder sword itself, Yuuma nodded feeling that the swords gave him a sense of familiarity he felt like he did with his parent's two swords. "Time for dinner Yuuma" Ao called out, Yuuma turned and left the plains entering the house with Ao who clasps his hand on Yuuma's shoulder, "Feeling familiar with the swords already?"

Yuuma smirked "a Little, I need to familiarize myself with Lightning jutsus so I will be able to use this sword to its full potential" Hearing Yuuma's words Ao nodded since this was also a part reason for his journey to train while gaining more combat experience, "Well tomorrow you can have a spar with Chojuro as a fellow Swordsman of the Mist, we will be heading for Amegakure later tomorrow afternoon for my investigation mission"

"Why amegakure?" Yuuma turned to look at his sensei who had a cramped face, "We discovered that the fourth Mizukage had strong ties with this Akatsuki group of shinobis who charges less or high-level missions compared to the hidden villages causing us to lose quite the amount of money, al the one Yagura killed before his death was a member of this Akatsuki group." Ao took his seat as Chojuro wearing a white apron was dishing up food for them on the plate while Ao Continued, "From our information we gathered someone in Amegakure started Akatsuki to face against Hanzo, we are going now to investigate who started it and what is their purpose"

Yuuma nodded, but what the three of them never realized was at this moment Hanzo drawn his last breath. "Konan, how is the progress of us taking over Amegakure?" a young handsome man with short spiky orange coloured hair, purple ripple pattern eyes. He bore six piercings through each ear, three studs pierced through the side of its upper nose, and one spike stud on each end of the bottom lip. He wore a strange black cloak with red cloud patterns over it which is not widely known yet.

a beautiful woman with short, straight lavender hair tied in a bun with a large light blue flower clipped onto it. Her grey eyes glance at the dead Hanzo with a neutral facial expression but deep within the eyes, one could feel the deep hatred she held for Hanzo who killed her first love. Like the man who talked with her, she wore a similar black cloak with red clouds on it. "Yes, I have already sent out the Akatsuki members to deal with the aftermath"

The man nodded as he glances at the village hidden in the rain from the top of the building where they fought, "Seal the area shut, no one can enter or leave without our permission" The man declared, Konan nodded before disappearing from sight as she starts to implement his orders. "Good Work in killing Hanzo, with this we secured Amegakure as a proper headquarters for our operation" another man spoke after exiting a spiralling space vortex.

The man wore a striking similar cloak while having an orange mask on his face with a spiral pattern focused around his right eye which was a Sharingan, "What do you want Tobi? I already told you I will start the plan in capturing the Tailed beasts in time" Hearing the man's answer Tobi nodded "As long as you don't forget our purposes Yahiko, we can't let things continue slowly or peace will never be in your grasp"


The next morning Yuuma was made to spar against Chunjuro while using Kiba instead of his other pair of swords, Yuuma injects his chakra to generate lightning to increase his attacking power in hopes to see Chojuro unleashes Hiramekarei but just before Chojuro was about to release the stored Chakra in Hiramekarei Ao raised his hand, "That is enough for a spar" Ao muttered as he saw the unsatisfied face of Yuuma who glared at him, Ao smirked tauntingly towards Yuuma but the latter simply snorted.

'I will have to wait for another chance to witness Hiramekarei's true form' Yuuma thought although he himself never thought of using Kiba to it's fullest either since Yuuma was not yet fully accustomed to using lightning nature compared to his Wind,Fire, Water and Earth. After having breakfast the three of them only took a few hours to reach the borders of Amegakure but they were stopped by guards who were watching over the borders. "Hold it, who are you and what have you come here for"

It was a good thing that Ao, Yuuma and Chojuro changed their appearances and were walking normally towards the borders before they were spotted or the Guards would have instantly discovered their true nature. Ao bowed like a timid merchant as he starts to explain that they were here to visit their family since their business was closed for a vacation, the guard bought the story, however, "The Angel of God prohibits the entrance of anyone, right now Amegakure is in full lockdown"

Ao eye twitched as he asks, "Could you tell me more about this deity, Angel of God?" Hearing this the Guard was not suspicious but instead thought Ao was asking of their most favoured Angel of the God whose beauty was unrivalled with her white wings. Because of the manipulation going on in the shadows, the guard did not release any useful intel so Ao left together with Yuuma and Chojuro after saying they would come try come home later.

Ao caresses his chin while he was thinking he concluded, "Hanzo is dead" Hearing this Yuuma and Chojuro was greatly shocked as Hanzo was a figure that was close to reaching the summit where Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju stood during the war period. "How did you conclude to that sensei?" Chojuro asked as he could not figure out how Ao came to such a conclusion, "Because locking down the village entirely with no one leaving or entering is something that man will never do... Because he hates being compared to a turtle more than anything"