Yuuma obtained Subordinates!?

Yuuma discovered that most of the Residents living in this village were all in the range of six years up to their mid-twenties of age, there was a minority which was the Iwagakure Shinobis who appeared to look older unless it was done on purpose with transformation jutsu. The thing that most residents shared was a strange sign drawn on their bodies, but from the looks of it, the minority of the group which was men had their on their back and the majority which is the women had the symbol on the back of their hand.

The symbol had a similar form like an egg but the top edge was sharp-pointed, within the Symbol was a golden eye. Yuuma was not sure where this symbol came from as there is no records of this, 'Is this the secret division of Iwagakure? Or perhaps a new group they are training' Yuuma thought while walking toward the most heavily guarded building.

He realized that the residents were quiet and did not look like normal people who would glance at him even if it was for a moment, it was as if they were trained to keep their eyes ahead of them and mute. "Togashi, you finally came back" One of the door guards greeted Yuuma, "Yes, can you open the door? I have something to say to Hideatsu" Yuuma spoke shortly as he noticed the strange glance from the gate guard before so he chose to approach differently.

The Door guard nodded "Open the door" He called out as he knocks the door four times in different intervals, soon the sound of locks unlocking before the door began to open. Yuuma entered the building with a guard walking in front of him, "Lord Hideatsu is meeting with his contact from Iwagakure" The guard spoke towards Yuuma, Yuuma nodded and did not say anything as he did not want to arouse suspicions.

When they came close they were stopped by two guards, "You can't go inside, Lord Hideatsu instructed no one to enter" The guard explained to Yuuma who nodded and the guard who followed Yuuma turned and went back to his post, Yuuma leaned his back against the wall as he manipulates his chakra to enhance his hearing.


"How is the training for our suicide shinobis going Hideatsu?" The Iwagakure shinobi questions Hideatsu who was leisurely leaning back against his chair with a smirk on his face, "Everything is going well! We have trained 25 shinobis equipped with covert operations as well as intelligence gathering skills" Hideatsu muttered but he flinched when the Iwagakure shinobi glared at him so he continued, "And 80 Kunoichis"

"You better increase the number of Shinobis Hideatsu, Lord Tsuchikage is growing impatient of your delays" The Iwagakure shinobi mentioned his Tsuchikage to Hideatsu causing the latter's face to become pale, it was no secret that this old man was incredibly ruthless to the point he would sacrifice several thousand Shinobis to take out someone that scares him. Hideatsu nodded vigorously "I understand! I will get to it"

Back at Yuuma, he opened his eyes as he already sensed his surroundings and found it quite fortunate, for him that is. Yuuma pushed himself away from the wall as he approach the two guards against, "We told you, you can't go--" Before the guard could continue Yuuma slashed the throat of both guards separating their heads from their bodies when he pulled out one of the dual swords Kiba, but before the bodies collapsed he caught it swiftly as he laid them both on the ground silently.

After making sure there was no noise from the heads that almost fell off while he handled the bodies, Yuuma went towards the polished dark coloured wooden door. "I expect to see double the Shinobi numbers when I visit against Hideatsu" Yuuma heard the Iwagakure Shinobi's voice as the door was pulled open, before he could react to Yuuma his head was forced to slide off the body as blood spurting out from his wound.

"You! Who are you!?" Hideatsu yelled out hoping his guards would hear him but both of them were lying dead, seeing this Hideatsu slammed the button to activate the alarm. Yuuma smiled not feeling pressured at all since he could already tell the quality of the shinobis he chose as guards were lower compared to the residents outside.

"Now let us begin our talks" Yuuma muttered as he releases his spirit energy, Yuuma weave several hand seals before he unleashed a newly created Illusion spell for interrogations. "Demonic Illusion: The Punisher", Hideatsu did not realize that he was under a genjutsu as he was still in the same room and situation. But he could hear something was approaching, the sound of a sword grinding against the wall the closer it came.

He was not certain why but the hair on his body stood straight as he recognizes the feel of fear was encroaching his heart, it did not take him long to come face to face with the mysterious creature that wore a skeleton mask while wearing a doctors robe equipped with different shapes and sizes of scalpels. "Now then Hideatsu, if you don't want to feel the pain I hope you can share all the information you have about your operations and dealing" The punisher spoke with a tone of voice that portrait a kind and caring doctor, but coupled with how he was sharpening the scalpel it became creepy.

While Hideatsu was screaming like a pig slaughtered in a genjutsu, Yuuma closed the door leaving behind a Shadow Clone to watch over Hideatsu while he went to deal with the guards. Making use of the shadows Yuuma efficiently killed the guards who ran towards Hideatsu's office without them being able to react to his actions, "Shit! There is an enemy attacking our men!" One of the guards who were at the back realized how fast his allies were dropping the moment a black shadow flashes.

Yuuma immediately flickered towards the guard killing him, "Shadow Clone jutsu!" Yuuma materialized two more shadow clones to aid him as they scout the entire building till one of the clones managed to find the security room to disable the alarm, but the residents were all dressed in black metal shin guards, bracers, pauldron and chest armour over their black shinobi outfit heading towards the building. Yuuma snorted as he did not want to recklessly kill these people just yet, he was not certain why but he felt these people were being manipulated.

And he was right, the moment when Yuuma entered Hideatsu's office he witnesses a grown man crying like a child while confessing. "We used a forbidden genjutsu called Imprint" Hideatsu began to explain, according to him this technique was created by a shinobi who enjoyed researching animals and their habitats. They used this genjutsu to imprint the chosen person as their master, and only he could command them.

"How do you undo it?" Yuuma asked while Hideatsu froze before his shivering became more evident, "I-It's not my fault! I did not know that the technique can't be undone!" Hideatsu explained while feeling death was slowly crawling up his spine, the more he looks at Yuuma the more he felt fear had its fingers around his throat. "How do you change masters?"

Hearing this question Hideatsu shook his head "PLEASE! Please don't kill me!" He pleaded at Yuuma, Yuuma who saw this realized that he was given his answer. "So if I kill you, then I will be recognized as the master?" Yuuma asked while Hideatsu began to sweat unnaturally as he reluctantly nodded, before he could plead for his life again Yuuma killed him off immediately and took his head as he went out of the building.

Yuuma glances at the hundred-plus black armoured shinobis as he raised the head of Hideatsu, seeing their imprinted master was killed by Yuuma their mindset automatically recognized Yuuma as their new master. Just as the Iwagakure Shinobis came to kill Yuuma, they got killed by the black armoured shinobis instead. "Who is the leader of you all?" Yuuma asked and suddenly all of them kneeled in front of Yuuma.

'I will find a way to release them from the imprint' Yuuma thought as he was tempted of keeping them all as his subordinates but, after he met his sister his mindset of such things turned for the better and he disliked slavery. "Who is the team leader?" Yuuma asked once again, this time a young girl who appeared to be in her teen years old, black long hair tied in a ponytail with green eyes stood up facing Yuuma.

Her name was Shinomi Yagyu, age seventeen. Origin: Iwagakure, Bloodline Limit: Magnet release. "Master, this one is Shinomi Yagyu. The current team leader of the Assassins" Shinomi answered Yuuma as she kneeled once more before him, Yuuma realized that Hideatsu had taste in his choices as every single girl he kidnapped turned out to be beautiful. "Do you all still have families?" Yuuma asked since he could just order them to live with their families but Shinomi shook her head.

"We are all orphans from across the countries, the majority of us were saved by Hideatsu before we were killed for our bloodline limit" Shinomi answered, Yuuma rubbed his forehead trying to figure out how he could deal with this situation. "Have the men dispose of the bodies, don't bury it but burn it" Yuuma ordered, "As for the rest of you, clean up this building. Shinomi follow me"

All of the assassins rushed to complete the orders of their new master, although Yuuma was having a different thought. "Considering you could speak, why have you all be so silent when I first appeared here" Yuuma spoke as he undid his transformation, this scene shocked Shinomi but there was no change in her loyalty. Seeing this Yuuma was certain that the technique was making use of something else and not outward looks.

"We have been ordered to live our lives without talking or looking at others by Hideatsu" Shinomi answered Yuuma's question, "I see, well from now on you all can talk as much as you want from now on. Look at what you want, but be discreet as to not invade others privacy" Yuuma muttered causing Shinomi's eyes to become sparkling like stars, although the genjutsu made them incredibly loyal they still had their individual thoughts.

"Thank you, master!" Shinomi bowed towards Yuuma displaying her gratitude, Yuuma waved his hand to stop her "No need to call me Master, I am younger than most of you. Just call me a little brother or something else" Yuuma spoke as he entered Hideatsu's office, inside Shinomi has shown him the storage hidden behind the bookcase. Seeing chests stacks upon each other tall as the roof, in long rows arranged in a decent collum formation. He could only chuckle.

"Young master, this is the storage where Hideatsu stored most of the weapons, armour and his money hidden from Iwagakure" Shinomi reported to Yuuma who gently tapped the first chest with a smile on his face, "Tell me Shinomi, what do you feel after being forced to recognize me as your master?" Yuuma asked

"I feel gratitude, unlike Hideatsu. Young Master gave us our rights to speak back to us, allowed us to look at each other. We have been trained to be assassins for all our lives, and that is all we can be in this life." Shinomi spoke as she kneeled before Yuuma, "So please don't abandon us, Young master, we will serve you and only you loyally till the end of our lives" Hearing Shinomi's declaration made Yuuma feel surprised.

"What if I die?" Yuuma asked, "Then we will die before you do, I as the leader will only recognize you who gave something important back to us as our master" Shinomi answered, "How can you trust me so faithfully? Is it because of the imprint?" Shinomi shook her head at Yuuma's question with a smile, "Because it is you"