One last job before training

Yuuma left the Anbu building after he chatted more with his Sensei, "Joker, the Mizukage demands your presence" One of the Kage Protection Squad Anbu appeared in front of Yuuma who nodded as the two of them disappeared in different directions. "Joker reporting for duty" Yuuma spoke as he appeared kneeling near Mei, Mei sighed "Stand up Yuuma no one is here" She pouted while Yuuma chuckled as he removed his mask.

"So what is your plans?" Mei asked, "I will be training with the White Tigers for a while before I head for the mission" Yuuma answered. Hearing this Mei nodded while she handed over a few papers for Yuuma, reading it Yuuma's eyes squinted "You seriously want me to?" Mei nodded at Yuuma's question, it was not that long ago that the Anbu Commander came to complain to Mei. "Before you leave, I want you to assassinate the Anbu Commander before he becomes a problem" Mei spoke towards Yuuma with a stern expression.

Yuuma nodded before he disappeared, according to the intel the Anbu commander was drinking with his former comrades in a bar. When he reached the bar he immediately changed his appearance with [Transformation Jutsu], entering he could see the commander was wasted while chatting happily with everyone. "I Managed to pressure that pussy Mizukage to demote her own brother! Bwahahahaha, this shows you younglings that only those who lived through the Blood Mist era are destined for greater heights!"

Yuuma moved without showing any signs or feelings of intent to kill the commander so he was not spotted, walking calmly as he took his seat next to the commander who was bragging more and more how he made it hard for the Joker of Kirigakure. "You... Have you heard how I managed to pressure the Mizukage?" The Anbu commander chuckled as he turned to speak with Yuuma, what he did not expect was Yuuma smashing the glass as if he was angry.

"Hold on, why are you angry? Could it be the Joker made it hard for you too?" The anbu commander asked Yuuma, but Yuuma never answered only keeping his head down faking his sobs. The commander began to pity this man for some reason, when Yuuma sensed that the commander dropped his guard he grabbed a piece of broken glass in a swift motion piercing it into the Commanders throat.

Blood spurting out from his wound as he gazed at the middle age man transforming into a little boy, "J-Joker" The commander was scared out of his wits at this sight that he fell off from his chair, everyone in the bar became scared wondering if they too would be targetted, "You are wanted for several reasons dear ex-commander, as for the rest of you. This will be a good warning, don't let me catch any of you being disloyal to the Mizukage or Kirigakure" Hearing Yuuma's words the people shivered.

Yuuma gave the commander one last glance before he turns to leave the bar, shortly several Anbu shinobis arrived to clean up the mess and interrogate those who were at the scene. Yuuma was currently next to Mei "Mission is complete" Yuuma reported, Mei sighed feeling relieved since she was still cleaning out the office so she had to ensure this commander dies because of the influence he had over the village.

"Good work Joker, for now I have approved of your one month leave" Mei muttered as she turn around while getting off her chair to hug Yuuma firmly, Yuuma smiled warmly as he held his sister in his embrace "Everything will be okay Big Sis, I will always be there for you" Yuuma spoke as he rubs the back of Mei who shivered before sobbing quietly, it was no surprise she was crying since she ordered several assassinations on people she trusted the most who turned out to be traitors.

After a while Mei calmed down as she lightly kissed Yuuma's forehead, "Go train, Big sis will be fine for a while" Yuuma nodded when he heard Mei's words, he could see that she was feeling much better so he immediately performed [Reverse Summoning Jutsu] to send him to the White Tigers new Village location.


"Welcome to the new Village Yuuma" Airi welcomed Yuuma who appeared in the middle of the village plaza, the buildings were built with proper bricks instead of bamboo sticks. Even the pathways were neatly laid with marble texture rocks, "Is Sensei here?" Yuuma asked towards Airi as the two of them began to walk while Airi showed the new village look to Yuuma, the place completed different from the backwater village the Tigers once lived in.

"Yes, he had been waiting for you to arrive ever since we came to our new home" Airi answered to Yuuma, 'This place is no different from a Shinobi Hidden Village' Yuuma thought as he looks at the shops and houses building orderly, "He has?" Yuuma asked, Airi nodded "He created special blindfold that could prevent others from discovering your eyes, but it is transparent from your view" Airi explained to Yuuma the surprise.

Yuuma greeted every single white tiger as he and Airi went up the steep road leading to a medium-sized house, "Grandpa we have a guest!" Airi called out and soon Kun came out seeing Yuuma his face was stoic but Yuuma could catch the glimpse of excitement flashing in his sensei's eyes. "It's about damn time you unfilial disciple, your making this old man wait for you" Kun grumbled but soon a smirk formed on his face as he drags Yuuma into the house.

"Ara, you finally come Yuuma? I will make Rice for dinner" Momo smiled happily as she head into the kitchen, Kun smirked "That is why having you here is a good thing for us" He muttered but unexpectedly Momo came out with a smiling face that made even Yuuma took a step back at how dangerous it was looking for Kun. Seeing his wife being angry which is rare Kun began to laugh "No need to worry dear I am only teasing you"

'Heh, yeah right!' Yuuma thought as he felt glad there was someone who could put this old man in his place for once, Momo nodded before heading back into the kitchen prompting Kun to breathe out of relief. "Anyway, I made something for you" Kun went into a room coming out with a white mask, it had a smiley face drawn on it with a single tear beneath the right eye and a scar over the left, "This should be able to safeguard your eyes from being discovered" Kun added

Yuuma smirked as he felt Airi really got him this time as he was not sure how he would use a blindfold but at least he could use this mask for his Anbu Operation as well since he left it blank because of his previous "Noname" codename that changed to Joker to suit his reputation. "So what brings you to us Yuuma?" Kun asked as he and Yuuma took their seat in the dining room, Airi went to help Momo cook.

"I passed the Chunin exam, but I Have an assassination Mission one month from now that will aid me in my Jonin promotion. I came here to train" Yuuma answered to Kun who caressed his chin before nodding, "Very well, I will take some time to train you personally. It is time we start training your senjutsu as well" Yuuma smiled at Kun's arrangement as he felt he needed to have Senjutsu as another trump card he could use if he were ever in a pinch.

Soon Momo came out carrying variety of dishes including the White tiger speciality Rice, the four of them ate happily while chatting over the meal. Yuuma could feel his body was becoming accustomed to Nature energy with each time he ate the rice, he realized that the white tigers already decided to train him the moment he took the first bite of their rice.


Next morning Yuuma was sitting cross legs on the new platform that was the original one and not the fake one they built, this time while he was absorbing nature energy within his body he was feeding his active Sharingan and Byakugan as well. From the reports he read that the Uchiha became blind when they began to use the ability they unlock at their next level, Mangekyo Sharingan. Since he was not even close to this yet, he still thought of counters for this and his curiosity of how his one Sharingan managed to evolve to three tomoe so fast was due to natural energy.

Because of this, he started to manipulate the natural energy towards his byakugan as well. The good news was he did not experience the side effect from overusing byakugan which meant, natural energy was a key to the solutions he seeks. Although he would prefer to train his swordsmanship to the highest degree, he still wanted to have knowledge of other areas because he tends to operate alone. Kun was surprised at Yuuma's brazen idea to use Natural Energy to stimulate his eyes to see if he could evolve or perhaps mutate them.

"Make sure to not toy around with Natural Energy too much Yuuma, if you were to anger nature it can go against you" Kun warned Yuuma briefly but Kun himself knew it will not happen, it will only happen towards something like Juubi who ate a massive portion of Natural energy for itself. Yuuma nodded as he circulates the natural energy to balance along with his physical and spiritual energy, he could not find the perfect balance as he kept failing but each time he absorbs natural energy it began to strengthen his constitution in the process as well.

'Although he is failing, his method of manipulating the natural energy through the marrow of his bones to strengthen it is quite fascinating, should make note of this' Kun thought as he watches the method Yuuma thought of making use of the Natural energy before it dispersed from failing to finding balance. Yuuma took a deep breath as he stood up while picking up the wooden katana at his side, tall with his back straight as he starts to swing his blade for a warm-up.

"So you chose to stick with the sword?" Kun asked Yuuma who nodded, "Learning Ninjutsu will be simple for me with my eyes, I only need to focus on training my control over my chakra, Taijutsu and Kenjutsu" Yuuma answered as he swings his sword without pause, Kun nodded as he found the boy's answer is reasonable. "We found a lead on your bloodline, or we could say a possible lead to it"

Yuuma almost paused his training when he heard this but he continued to swing as he waits for Kun to continue, "From the toads we learnt about their Sage's old friend named Hagoromo Otsutsuki, from them we learnt this man's mother who is called Kaguya also had both Byakugan and Sharingan. The difference is the fact her Byakugan was white and it was both her eyes, her Sharingan was on her forehead, or we should call it Rinne-Sharingan" Kun took his seat on a nearby rock as he continued.

"Although it is not confirmed, we believe you may have a strong Otsutsuki bloodline within your veins. The reason for your eyes would probably be because you are not a pure Otsutsuki" Kun spoke as he watches Yuuma sweating as he swings his sword while being under gravity pressure, "The stories of Kaguya is not a good one Sensei, are you certain this lead is credible?" Yuuma asked

Kun sighed, "It is the only reasonable explanation, unless you want to say your mom and dad is an Uchiha and Hyuga respectively which is unreasonable as it will not explain your strong Genjutsu ability that does not off from your eyes" Yuuma nodded at this thinking that Kun had a point there, 'When the Village is at peace I will take some time off to search for clues' Yuuma thought as he starts to practice he stances while executing the sword techniques he accumulated throughout his journeys.