Yuuma's first meeting with Danzo

Using Reverse Summoning Jutsu Yuuma returned home where he spent a week following Mei as her guard, He also met up with his best friend Kisame (Not Fishman) at the Ninja Academy seeing they were doing excellent at school. Hiei Group which is led by Yuuma have been expanding challenging the prices Akatsuki has set, this fierce competition alerted Yuuma that there was more to Akatsuki than meets the eyes so he warned his sister Mei to be careful with her approach with them.

"Yuuma, can you help with the stamping?" Mei complained as she saw one of the administrators bringing in another tower of paperwork for her to complete, "Or perhaps could you take the Mizukage seat?" Hearing Mei's complaints Yuuma chuckled as he was hiding in the shadows, "You should be in the light sister, I will work in the shadows. I am not fit to be a leader of the village" Yuuma answered to Mei who pouted, "HMPH! You just hate paperwork" Yuuma nodded "That is true"

"So you will be leaving for Uzugakure soon?" Mei asked with a reluctant voice as she turned to look towards the shadow Yuuma was hiding in, seeing that she wanted to see him Yuuma emerged from the shadow facing Mei "Yes, as planned I will complete the mission for my promotion so we can be ready for the time they strike" Yuuma answered as he already perceived there was no one else other than the two of them.

"Make sure you come back safe you hear me? I still have to get a boyfriend" Mei mumbled although Yuuma knew something about her that no one knew, the fact Mei had a boyfriend but the problem lay in the fact he was a civilian and them making their relationship known will endanger him. Yuuma sighed as he knew she was complaining that she could not be with him until Yuuma could control Kirigakure from the shadows. "Understood"

After a few hours, it was time for lunch, Yuuma said his goodbye to Mei before he disappeared from the ports. "He left?" Ao asked Mei who was eating her last home-cooked meal made by Yuuma since he might be gone for about a month or two. "Yes" Mei nodded as she looks at Ao with a stern face "Any news about Iwagakure's involvement?" hearing Mei's question Ao shook his head "None, so far the only link to Iwagakure we found was Yuuma's mission. Did you ask him about it?"

Mei shook her head "Not yet, right now Yuuma is working on something. He did explain it properly but he intends to create a second hidden Anbu group similar to Konoha how Danzo created Root" Mei explained, this news surprised Ao as he did not expect that young Disciple of his would have such ambitions "Does he intend to have power rivalling the Kage?" Ao asked feeling a bit anxious.

"Yuuma feels that having a Leader in the Light and a Leader in the dark will work for Kirigakure since we can't easily deal with the Blood Mist had left us... So he will take on the darkness to bring a balance in our village" Mei answered Ao's question to which he felt relieved but troubled as well, "How many people know of this?" Ao asked but was surprised when Mei pointed at herself and then at him, seeing this Ao nodded "Right now we should focus on reforming the Academy Policies, if we intend to wipe out the blood mist. Then we have to start with our future"

Meanwhile, Yuuma was already on the boat gazing at the endless sea. In a few more months Yuuma will become eight years old, his life have been fast forward due to the dangers surrounding him. He never encountered the people who wanted to kill him in Kirigakure because Mei had been dealing with them repeatedly as she always had her eyes on Yuuma. But Yuuma himself knew he had to become the strongest if he wishes to survive in this unreasonable world.

"Yo Yuuma, you want some coffee!?" One of the sailors called out to Yuuma, "Yes please" Yuuma answered back watching how the Sailor turn to head back in the cabin to make some coffee, "Shinomi, you followed me again?" Yuuma asked as he sighed, near him a familiar girl appeared behind him kneeling "Always young master" Shinomi answered as if it was a matter of fact.

"How are the operations of Hiei holding up?" Yuuma asked as he turned to look at Shinomi, "It has been going well, the number of operations who take away from Akatsuki is increasing since our performances are higher level than theirs. Although, I fear they might start investigating us" Shinomi addressed a possible problem, "Have the men pull back for now and do business as usual without a fierce competition"

Shinomi nodded as she summons another shadow clone before she herself burst into white smoke to notify her real self that was currently working in Hiei Headquarters, Yuuma chuckled when he saw this since Shinomi was not breaking the promise she made not to follow him herself all the time and instead sent her clones to do so.

"If you intend on following me I would prefer you change the looks of your outfit to Kiri" Yuuma muttered causing Shinomi to smile brightly as she uses transformation jutsu to change her outfit close to the standard Kiri uniform. Few days of travelling pass by till Yuuma and Shinomi climbed off the port city within Whirlpool Nation, "Thanks for the lift old man" Yuuma thank the captain of the ship before leaving.

"I want you to investigate the locations of any other Missing Nins that is not on the list" Yuuma turn to look at Shinomi who nodded as she disappeared to get to work, Yuuma however, went out of the port city heading straight for the Uzugakure where the missing nins he was meant to kill last appeared. Uzugakure was a ruin of a hidden village that was surrounded by broken walls, some of the houses even decayed to the point that good wind might cause it to topple over while the others were already broken.

Traces of dried blood is all over the place with the dust settled, the strange thing was the fact there was not a single corpse lying anymore which meant they probably cleaned up the village to prevent a disease from breaking out. Yuuma stopped as he picks up a withered forehead protector with a whirlpool symbol on the plate. 'I would not be surprised if this village was massacred under someone's orders who were once an ally, this place reminds me of the villages where some of our own kekkai Genkai villages once lived in' Yuuma thought.

Suddenly he began to feel faint presences deeper within the village, when he glances at the direction he predicted them to be near the largest building which was probably the Kage office. Moving silently Yuuma used the cover of the shadows, building and walls as he moved irregular paths but still heading straight for the Kage office. Entering the last alleyway where he will turn right to face the Kage office he could hear a man's voice, from the tone he should be old. Sticking close to the wall at the corner Yuuma focused on his hearing.

"I see, so you managed to gain some information on Kirigakure" a frail, old man standing with a cane spoke to one of Yuuma's targets. He had black, shaggy hair, his right eye was bandaged and had an x-shaped scar on his chin. He wore a white shirt, with a black robe over the top of it covering from his feet. "Yes, we have a map leading straight to the Mizukage's Office" The Kiri shinobi answers the old man's question.

"And you want free access into Fire Nation?" The old man asked as he glances at the several Kiri shinobis who were part of the negotiation, "Yes!" The Kiri shinobi answers, Yuuma detected several other presences high on the roof of the buildings. As quietly as possible he suppressed his chakra to erase his presence before leaping from one wall to the next till he reaches the roof where he spotted a black attire shinobi watching the negotiations.

Yuuma pulled out his special kunai throwing it towards the shinobi who blocked it but he never expected Yuuma to warp in front of him slamming the very kunai he blocked into his heart while blocking his mouth with his free hand. 'One down' Yuuma thought as he looks at the next target which was a floor lower to him, he threw the kunai once again get stuck near the pillar where the Root Shinobi stood.

Pulling out another Kunai Yuuma warps next to the Root shinobi killing him silently, one by one Yuuma began to clear up the surrounding Root Shinobis quietly. Yuuma placed on the joker mask over his face as he activates his eyes, he noticed the last shinobi was a strong sensor type. Keeping his chakra suppressed as he used [Earth Release: Earth Military Movement Technique] to submerge himself into the ground.

"Hmm?" The sensor shinobi glances at the direction Yuuma left an earth clone before he emerges from behind the sensor shinobi killing him swiftly, Yuuma crouched as he watches the negotiation was still taking place. 'Good thing none of them realized their allies are dead' Yuuma thought as he moves once again closer to the ground floor near the remaining men, "You know... You should not have come here" The old man muttered as he raises the bandages revealing his Sharingan.

"He intends to kill us!" The missing-nin screams as several of Yuuma's shadow clones he sent out to surround the perimeter leaping towards Danzo, Danzo's eye squinted as he weave several hand seal "Wind Style: Great breakthrough" He blew out a fierce wind causing the clones to explode this gave an opening for the missing nins to attack Danzo, seeing how Danzo was forced to defend Yuuma submerged himself within the earth once more but this time he drew Kiba.

"You bastards broke the deal! Root attack!" Danzo screamed out but when he noticed his men were all dead he cursed under his breath as he fiercely attacks the Kiri Shinobis using different kinds of wind style ninjutsus to keep them away, Yuuma erupts from the ground swinging his sword causing Danzo to dodge with his life still intact but at the cost of his right arm.

"You brat!" Danzo weaved his hand seals "Wood style: Binding roots!" Yuuma smirked as he picked up the arm which he found peculiar from his sight before he used body flicker to disappear from the vicinity. Yuuma moved far enough as he noticed that the old man became quite serious when he lost his arm which was unfavourable for Yuuma, pulling off the bandages from the arm Yuuma shivered when he saw the familiar eyes embedded into the pale white arm.

[Kun: "Be careful not to reveal your eyes", Ao "Both your eyes are valuable and highly sought for"] Yuuma began to remember the warnings he received in regards to his eyes, BOOM!!! Yuuma glances beyond the corner he was hiding at to see a massive cloud of dust rising to the skies, 'He is probably looking for me' Yuuma thought as he disappeared from his location, a few moments later Danzo arrived at the location panting heavily while he held his wounded arm.

"I will hunt you down you little brat! You hear me! I will kill you and everyone you love!" Danzo yelled to the skies but he could only fool himself since he did not know who his attacker was other than the fact he was a Kiri shinobi. The pain of his wound could not compare to the pain he felt to lose his right arm that contained his trump card that could save his life. Meanwhile, Yuuma stored the arm in a sealed storage scroll to preserve it for evidence.