Joker becomes wanted!

Yuuma and Yui appeared within a motel room right next to Shinomi, "YUI!" Daisuke came rushing towards Yui while pulling off his jacket to cover her naked body. "Daisuke!" Yui came out of her stupor thinking about what had just happened but when she saw Daisuke she clung onto her beloved as she sobs. Yuuma left the two couples alone while leaving the room with Shinomi, "I want you to escort them to the Water Nation" Yuuma spoke towards Shinomi while he used [Shadow Clone Jutsu] to leave a clone behind to guard the door.

"Is it necessary to go this far for them?" Shinomi asked to which Yuuma sighed as the two of them went out of the motel, "I am not certain but it is possible they might be the parents that left me in the orphanage when I was but a baby" Yuuma's answer shocked Shinomi beyond belief as this was not something she would ever expect, but then again she did not have the information Yuuma had which he gained from the White tigers.

Meanwhile, Daisuke and Yui both calmed down after catching up. "Daisuke, who was that boy? He looks so similar to our Yuuma" Yui asked Daisuke as her instincts told her that it was her son but she still had to make sure she was not having a delusion, "He has an older sister, although he shares the same name and comes from the same nation... It can't be him because we never had a daughter" Daisuke answered as he shook his head, "You fool!" Yui screamed out of a habit when her husband does not use his head properly and send him a chop on his head.

"OW!!!" Daisuke held his head while glancing at the furious look at his wife's face, "What if he has gotten adopted by a family that had a daughter?" Yui asked to Daisuke's surprise he cursed himself for not being able to think about this obvious point he missed. Yui saw her husband lamenting but she knew it as well the fact the two of them could not just walk into Yuuma's life again, "For now, let's head for the Water Nation. We can slowly get to know our son and when the time is right we can tell him... about you and us" Yui muttered

Little did the two of them know that Yuuma's clone heard it all, 'What should I do now' The clone thought as he glances in the direction from where he felt his original body returning with Shinomi, "Would you want them to live at our base?" Shinomi asked as the two of them walk down the corridor, "No, build a house for them in the civilian village and have some people watch over them" Yuuma answered, when the clone dispersed the knowledge the clone had entered his mind.

Yuuma stood still as he took several deep breaths to calm his emotions, he already suspected it but gaining confirmation caused him to feel conflicted. 'How should I face them now?' Yuuma thought as he knocked on the door, "Come in" Yui answered the door, when Yuuma entered he saw that she has gotten dressed in the clothes Shinomi and Daisuke bought for her. "Are you feeling okay?" Yuuma asked with his mouth twitching.

"Yes, thank you for saving me and helping my husband. I'm truly grateful" Yui bowed towards Yuuma who wanted to stop her, Shinomi realized her master's odd behaviour and took a step forward "No need to bow Mrs Yui, we have two options for the both of you. It may seem forced but in this world, the paths you can walk is limited" Shinomi spoke to which Yui nodded as she took her seat on the bed next to her husband.

"We can offer you protection and a place to live in the Water Nation, its in a civilian Village where you can live your lives in peace. The other choice is we separate here" Hearing the options Shinomi gave to the two of them Yui and Daisuke glanced at each other talking through their eyes, it was after a while Yui turned to look at Yuuma. "Can I ask you a personal question?" Yuuma nodded as he maintained his stoic face but his heart was beating fast.

"Have you grew up in an orphanage?" Yui asked while looking intently at Yuuma who nodded but shook his head, this caused her to feel a pain in her heart thinking she might have made the wrong call but Yuuma answered "I was left in an Orphanage for I believe a few days maybe less, and got adopted in a Family afterwards" Yuuma took off his mask glances at the two adults who were his parents, seeing Yuuma's odd eyes Yui was certain that it was him.

Yui's eyes began to tear up as she choked a little trying to speak or say something to her son who was in front of her, Yuuma placed his mask back on his face "We have plenty of time to talk, for now, let us rest" Yuuma muttered as he turned and left the room, Yui turns to look at Shinomi but Shinomi left as well. "Daisuke... It's him... My son!" Yui muttered as she cried while leaning into Daisuke's chest, Daisuke himself was shocked as he could not believe how he came across his own son who helped him save his own mother and he did not know it was his son!

"Young master, are you certain it was fine to let them know?" Shinomi asked to Yuuma who undressed himself leaving his uniform and equipment close to reaching near his bed, "I don't know, I... Probably just wanted them to know that I am here" Yuuma answered Yui's question, he felt he acted by impulse but he did not regret it. Just from Yui's expression, he could tell how much she loved him, even Sakura told him that his parents had a situation before they left him here so he could not entirely blame them for it. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Let them live their life, I will visit occasionally but Kirigakure and Big sis Mei is more important for me right now" Yuuma answered Shinomi's final question as he climbed into bed, at that moment Shinomi swapped clones once again to relay a message to her original body.

Next morning Yuuma came to sit alone with Yui and Daisuke, he explained the location of the village he planned to have them live in. He did not tell them about the safety measures he took to safeguard them, after the discussion they had breakfast together before heading back for Port City at the borders fo the fire nation to head back to Kirigakure.


"Lord Hokage, there is a Kurama Shinobi who wishes to see you" One of the Anbu in charge of protecting the Hokage came to report to Hiruzen the third Hokage who took back the seat of Hokage after the fourth died in the Kyuubi attack to save his son, "Let him in" Hiruzen answered as he continues to work through the paperwork as the door opened with Kurama Shinobi entering the room.

"To what pleasure do I owe to meet with the Kurama clan so openly" Hiruzen spoke as he glances at the Kurama shinobi, "Hokage, the clan patriarch has sent me to get an answer from Konoha to a kidnapping incident" hearing the Kurama shinobi's question Hiruzen had a confused facial expression as he looks at the shinobi "What kidnapping?"

The Kurama shinobi did not flare up but patiently explained the incident and how Yui Kurama was saved using a technique the fourth Hokage was famous for, hearing this Hiruzen's heart was beating fast. 'There should be VERY few who can use that technique, no the technique they use is the one the Fourth Hokage prepared for them to keep the Hokage safe! No one should be able to use the Thunder god... No' Hiruzen thought of the possibility someone recreated it causing his face to become a bit paler.

"I can assure you that Konoha has nothing to do with this incident" Hiruzen answered the Kurama shinobi, "Then who can use that technique, you should know convincing the clan patriarch is not going to be simple as that" Hiruzen turned to look after he heard what the Kurama shinobi just said, "It is similar but not entirely the same, did you see a yellow flash?" hearing Hiruzen's question the Kurama shinobi shook his head 'God forgive this old man for lying' Hiruzen thought

"Then it is not our technique, our technique leaves behind a yellow flash for a short instant. This is where the Fourth Hokage has gotten his name from" Hiruzen explained which was reasonable for Kurama shinobi to understand but he would never have expected that the Hokage would lie to him. "Also, I will place a considerable amount of wealth to have this Joker placed in the bingo book" Hiruzen spoke towards the Kurama shinobi who nodded before leaving.

Hiruzen did not make a move but several Anbu appeared behind him kneeling "Lord Hokage!" All of them addressed to Hiruzen who turned around, "Find this Joker and bring him here, if he resists. Kill him" Upon the Hokage's order the Anbu dispersed while Hiruzen stood up to look out the window while puffing out smoke from his tobacco pipe, 'Just where did this Joker manage to recreate the second Hokage's technique' he thought.


"Mizukage, it appears Konoha has called for Joker's head! They inserted him into the Bingo Book" One of the Anbu appeared behind Mei who was completing paperwork but she froze when she realized Joker was her little precious brother, "Have the Anbu replace his mask, give him a tiger mask" Mei answered to which the Anbu nodded before disappearing.

When she was alone Mei glanced at the letter that was sent by Yuuma's 'informant', "Just what have you been up to Yuuma?" She mumbled as she returns back to completing the administration works.