
Mu Liang did not ask what made Gyasi postpone this conversation, after all, after waking up he went into estrus and after traveling to the Diablo Empire, he had to meet with the Emperor, and then he passed out, taking two days to wake up.

Mu Liang's thinking was interrupted when he smelled Gyasi's strong scent. The smell of black tea, at that moment when it is fried for tea when perfume is more intense.

Mu Liang felt like an uncontrollable pervert because he approached Gyasi and began to smell the other man's strong neck and chest excitedly, like a little puppy looking for a little snack.

Ah, he couldn't help it, he even got a little thirsty, his throat felt as dry as on a sunny summer day with the alpine sun in the sky. His hands generally behaved this time were behaving like real thieves, Gyasi's loose clothing did not help.