I'm not sleeping, I'm training! (Part.2)

In addition to the good story, the sweets, the soft voice of omega that made the children more relaxed, there was also the exotic beauty of Prince Mu for children who were not so exposed to the globalized world yet, the fair skin that reminded a lot of jewels from Zara who shone like stars in the dark sky and pointed ears, made Mu Liang a complete combo that hooked the children's interest and curiosity.

After an hour of interacting with the children in the playroom, Mu Liang and Rashid were taken to the latter's room by an attentive nurse, who like every day briefly explained Rashid's painting to Prince Mu.

The legal process was already completed so Mu Liang and Gyasi became the new legal guardians for Rashid, so the nurse very kindly reported everything about the child.