Gyasi's Concerns (R-18)

He felt a little guilty about the imperial treasure, so he would be bold to ask first:

"Gyasi, the leaves of the world tree... Could I have one? If it's not possible to give it to me, is there anything I can do to win?" Mu Liang asked still hugging his fiancé.

"If you want a sheet it's not complicated. In the treasure of my palace, I have the leaves from this tree of the world. If you want, just talk to the butler." Gyasi said kissing Mu Liang's forehead, seeing his fiance's blue eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Okay" Mu Liang became a little more sticky with such good news.

"So, are you playing your charm to seduce me into giving away the palace treasures?" Gyasi said playfully, running his hand down Prince Mu's back until he reached the soft flesh of his buttocks.

"This is bad?" Mu Liang said with an innocent wink, even though he was openly harassed by the groom.