Chapter 45

With the gas mask on hand, Cade used it to upgrade his mouth mask. All he needed to do now was wait until the upgrade completed. It will take quite some time.

While waiting for his linked equipment to complete upgrading, Cade went online to read any latest news. Just like usual, everything was mostly about the time limit dungeon.

Cade checked the news about the time limit dungeon in Planet Draor, the one Cynthia went and there was no new update about them.

Looking back at the many recording when the explorers entered the dungeon, Cade still cannot find Cynthia. It was weird because Cynthia was usually glowing and she will for sure attracted the attention of the media.

Suddenly, Cade remembered that Cynthia said before that any information about her will never appear on the internet because one of her family members used a skill that block any information about her on the internet.

Cade sighed at the thought that he won't be able to get any news about Cynthia online. Due to searching any news about Cynthia was impossible, Cade decided to search for a dungeon he can explore next.

While scrolling on the list of dungeons that appeared on Planet Dineon, Cade found out that the government had waived the license matter.

At the moment, no more license will be issued to any explorers. They can enter any dungeon they wanted without applying for license. The only thing they needed to do was paying tax later after their explorations.

Cade was actually happy about it because applying for license was a waste of time. Cade saw comments complaining that there might be some guild that will try to monopolize the dungeon even without the license but the government said that they will put guard on every dungeon to make sure that won't happen.

Moving on to that, Cade found out that a new slime dungeon had appeared nearby his apartment. Cade checked the dungeon and to his surprise, there were quite a lot of explorers went inside.

The reason for that was for the material that the slime dropped. Apparently, the fluid that the slime dropped had medicinal properties and were highly sought after by medicine company at the moment. Everyone went there to get some of the material to sell to the medicine company.

The dungeon was that of E grade and it had the level limit of 1 to 10 but the limit had already increased to level 15. The slime was not strong and it was easy to reach the 10th floor, beat the boss and increased the level limit.

Cade checked the comments and to his surprise, the explorers that went inside said that the slime was not as friendly as before and they were all hostile. Whenever they saw an explorer nearby, they will attack.

Everyone said that it was fine to kill them now that they were hostile and even if they killed them, they will revive back so they did not feel guilty about killing them now.

Cade suddenly thought on something. He wanted to know why the slime suddenly hostile towards human and he remembered that the toad had a toad language bloodline skill. He wondered if the slime had one too.

If the slime had one, he will be able to communicate with them when he learned the skill. At the moment, Cade had three more empty slots to learn new skill and he can learn that skill so that he can asked the slime why they suddenly not friendly anymore.

Cade made his decision to enter the slime dungeon that newly appeared near his apartment. With that confirmed, Cade decided to buy some food to prepare for this new exploration.

He decided to explore the dungeon for a day or two because he wanted to know the progression of the time limit dungeon that Cynthia entered.

Entering the dungeon meant cutting communication to the outside world and that was really inconvenience and dangerous. He hoped that someone created something that will help them to connect to the outside world.

While Cade bought supplies that he needed for his explorations inside the slime dungeon, the system notified him that the upgrade of his linked equipment had finished.

Cade checked his linked equipment and the first one he checked was the white t-shirt. The system let Cade chose a new stat to add to the t-shirt. While looking at the choices, Cade scratched his head.

The stat he can choose was not what he wanted. He needed to choose between magic defense 2 or cool stat. Apparently, the t-shirt cannot learn the cooling skill.

Cade asked the system if he can undo the upgrade but the system was unresponsive as usual and that meant he can't. Cade sighed and decided to choose the cool stat.

Cade did not check the t-shirt and move on to the jeans and black hoodie. Since he did not use any special equipment on them, he can only choose one stat and that was magic defense 2.

Moving on to the mouth mask, Cade can choose between defense 2, silicon or air filter. Cade had quite the hard time of choosing because they all looked useful but, in the end, Cade chose silicon as the new stat because wearing cardboard on his face was uncomfortable.

With all of that was done, it was time to see the upgraded linked equipment. Cade checked the black hoodie and jeans and there were no new changes physically happened to them.

Their new stat was not magic defense anymore but magic defense 2. Cade did not know how the new stat was different compared to before but he was sure that it will be good because it was an upgrade.

As for his plain white t-shirt, it was not plain white anymore. On the white t-shirt was many small snowflakes pattern. It covered the whole t-shirt and it looked quite good. When Cade wore it, he did not feel anything from it.

Cade frowned. He thought he will feel cooler or something. He checked the stat and the cool stat was zero. Cade needed 1 ice crystal to increase the cool stat. He wondered if it was because the stat was zero.

However, his shield, sword and body armor all had zero iron stat but they had iron properties on them.

Cade decided to let it go and moved on to his last upgraded linked equipment. The mouth mask equipment had changed its name to full-face gas mask and the silicon stat was added as its new stat.

When Cade took out the gas mask, it was still as light as a cardboard and it still looked like a cardboard but this time, it was black and Cade can feel that it was sturdier than before. Maybe because it was now a silicon cardboard.

Luckily the eyepiece was made of plastic and it was transparent. Cade was afraid that it will be a cardboard too. It looked like the system was not stupid.

Unfortunately for Cade, it was not a full-fledged gas mask because it did not have any filter cartridge. At the mouth part of the mask did have the shape of the filter but it was empty. It was just shaped like that with holes on it so that air can exchange.

Cade deduced that if he chose the air filter stat, it was possible that there will be the filter cartridge. He was a bit disappointed at that but he was happy nonetheless that his mouth mask was much cooler than before and he can fully hide his face.

If Cade intended to do any bad things, no one will know his real identity. His face was fully covered by the gas mask.

With all of that was done, Cade went online again and buy some magic crystal to increase the stat of the newly added stat.

Cade bought the iron magic crystals for his shield, sword and body armor, ice magic crystals for his t-shirt and silicon magic crystals for his gas mask.

Iron magic crystal and ice magic crystal was quite common but their prices were different. Ice magic crystal was much more expensive compared to the iron magic crystal because it had many uses.

As for silicon magic crystal, they were quite rare and it did not have many uses yet to be found and it was much more expensive compared to the ice magic crystal.

Cade only bought a few of them. They cost a lot of money and though Cade had more than enough money to buy them, he did not want to waste the money as preparations for emergency.

With the right magic crystal bought, it was time for Cade to increase the stat of his newly upgraded linked equipment.

However, to Cade surprise, he cannot increase any of the stat. "What happen?" Cade wondered why he was unable to use them and he suddenly came to a realization.

"Could it be that I can only use them in the same way as I have been increasing the stat of my linked equipment?"