Chapter 48

"It is here, so I guess all monsters can drop the puzzle pieces for language bloodline skill," said Cade as he was happy with his discovery.

The language skill needed 20 puzzle pieces just like the language skill from the toad. Cade smiled because it won't take long for him to get twenty of them.

When Cade looked at the leader skill, he wondered about what it can do. He saw the same one from the big blue tongue toad but that leader skill was for the big blue tongue toad and the one he can get from the slime was for the slime.

By the name of the skill, Cade wondered if he can be a leader of a group of slime if he were to learn the skill?

Looking at more of the list of the puzzle, Cade found another familiar puzzle. The slime essence, slime key and slime core. The essence and key needed 100 puzzle pieces while the core needed 1000 puzzle pieces.

"They must be something really big. Since slime is easy to defeat, should I collect them all and see what I can do with them?" thought Cade. As he had finished looking at the list of drops, Cade chose to get the first part of the figure puzzle to increase his stat.

With all of that done, it was time for Cade to continue hunting the slime and he suddenly realized how stupid he was. He opened the system and chose the map function. He completely forgot about it.

When the map opened, Cade can see everything lurking around him. Apparently, just like he thought, no one was around him. He can see a few red dots around though and when he touched the dot, the system said it was slime.

"So, red mean they are hostile," said Cade as this was his first time seeing the red dot. Actually, that was his second time using the mapping function. He had totally forgot about it.

With the mapping function, it made it easier for Cade to know the direction and then came to his realization about the reason the level limit increased that fast.

Maybe the explorers were using the mapping function to locate the slime and find the right way to the floor boss room.

Cade went to the slime he detected through the map and when he arrived at the location, he appraised the slime and to his surprise, the appraisal showed more information about the slime.

Name: Slime

Grade: E

Level: 1

Max Stat: 10 per stat

Total Stat Points: 10

"Whoa~ what with this sudden information about the slime? Is it because I kill one? That's right, this happen to the iron ore too. Before I dug the ore, the system only showed me the name of the ore but after I dug the ore, more information can be seen," said Cade.

Cade deduced that it was because Cade obtained the ore and killed the slime that more information about them were available.

Looking at the slime information, it was a bit different from the past. When the system appraised the monsters before the update, all it shown were the name, grade and level but now, Cade can see the maximum amount of stat it can have as well as the total stat they had.

Cade got curious of other monsters' stat. Once he had enough looking at the data, Cade went and attack the slime. Just like before, one hit to the core and the slime was killed. Cade chose the second part of the puzzle and complete a figure of the slime.

Cade absorbed the puzzle and he was a bit disappointed at the amount of stat he got. He only got 10 stat points. Compared to the 35 stat points he got from the toad, that was too low.

He used all ten stat points on his endurance stat increasing it to 33 points. Cade wanted to raise his vitality and endurance stat first before he considered raising other stat.

His reason was because he wanted to last longer in a fight. He felt really soured when he lost the fight against the humanoid toad that quickly. He did not contribute anything to the fight and he even needed the help from others to save him.

He was too useless and he hated that feeling. He was abandoned because he was deemed useless and at his current stat, his family proved to be right.

As for other stats, he can rely on his equipment especially strength because his weapon was far stronger and more than enough to deal with monsters up to level 20 if they were grade D or below.

Cade had completed one of his objectives and it was time for Cade to continue to complete what he came there for. The slime language bloodline skill.

With the mapping function, Cade breezed through the dungeon towards the slime he found and killed them. Since they were hostile, he did not feel guilty killing them.

All the killed he made; Cade choose the language skill puzzle piece as his drop. Thanks to the mapping function, it was easy for Cade to locate the slime and his hunting had become faster than when he was in the big tongue toad dungeon.

He just needed to walked a bit and the map will locate the slime, he headed to them, killed them and got himself his chosen drop.

It only took Cade about half an hour to kill 20 slimes and collected all 20 pieces of puzzle for the slime language bloodline skill.

Cade was elated as that was his first time completing a 20 pieces puzzle or maybe he was the first in the universe. From his knowledge, the highest amount of puzzle that was completed was 12 pieces and that puzzle needed 15 years to complete.

However, Cade knew that that was untrue because the normal bloodline skill needed 10 puzzle pieces and many founders of the big family had the full bloodline skill that Cade cannot found once in any of the monsters he killed.

Imagine if the normal skill needed 10 puzzle pieces, the full skill will surely need more than that. It just that they never publicize it. Normal human won't even know about the amount of puzzle pieces need and the same goes for explorers too.

Cade was lucky to get his link growth skill and was able to increase his luck and by chance knew more about the puzzle pieces. If not, he will be as clueless as everyone else.

Now that he had all the puzzle pieces for the slime language bloodline skill book, the system asked him if he wanted to combine them and Cade said yes.

Bright light shone but it did not last long. Only a few seconds. Completely different compared to the complete figure puzzle.

He remembered that time when he was with Jonathan and he cannot absorb the complete puzzle and it kept shone without stopping until Jonathan absorbed the complete puzzle.

The skill book for the slime language bloodline skill was on his hand. The skill book was thicker than normal skill book.

[Learn the slime bloodline skill – slime language?] asked the system. Cade said yes.

[Are you sure?] asked the system again. Cade said yes again.

[Really?] asked the system one more time.

"??? Yes… Why is the system asking me three times?" said Cade one more time and the skill book disintegrated into lights and it entered Cade's body. Cade felt like something was happening to his body. He can feel it.

Usually, when learning a skill from the skill book, nothing will happen. The system asked if they wanted to learn the skill and boom, the skill will be in the list of skill. That was it.

However, Cade can feel something changing in his body and he did not know why. "Is this because this is a bloodline skill?" Cade wondered. The changes happened for 10 minutes when it suddenly stopped.

After that, Cade felt like usual like nothing had changed. Cade checked his body and nothing was changing. He actually felt a bit scared that he will turn into a slime or something because the skill name was bloodline though everyone knew that the skill was named like that because of its ability to be passed down to the next generation.

Once he confirmed that nothing was changing in his body, he sighed in relieved. When he felt something was changing inside himself, he was scared shitless but he tried to maintain his calm demeanor.

Cade wanted to try checking his skill when suddenly the system let out another notification.

[Your body now contain the gene of the slime. Due to this, your body is unsuitable to learn another monster skill as well as getting another monster bloodline skill. Fret not, you will be fine]

Cade stared blankly at the notifications. Once he came to his senses, instead of talking or thinking, he immediately went to his skill list and saw the slime language skill. Cade immediately touched the skill and wanted to delete it, however…

[The skill is permanent] said the system.


