Chapter 54

It was morning and Cade's alarm clock rang. He turned off the alarm and woke up with disheveled hair. He looked at the time and it was 5am in the morning.

Cade scratched his head and he yawned as he felt sleepy. He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that, he prepared some simple breakfast and started having a peaceful breakfast.

Cade took out his geniusphone and there were again many missed calls but this time from many people including Jonathan, Shihoon, Viola and everyone else he was in contact with since the incident in the big tongue toad dungeon.

Cade wondered why all of them were calling him. He wanted to call them back and saw they left a message too. Reading the message, Cade was extremely shocked.

He immediately went online to check what they had said and to his surprise, what they said was right. A time limit dungeon had appeared on Planet Dineon. Looking at the video of the dungeon, Cade can see all the info of the dungeon with warning sign from the system.

[2 days 15 hours 27 minutes. Grade C level 10 to 20]

Cade went to his apartment window to look outside and he saw many spaceships flying around and they all headed towards space. They were evacuating the planet.

Cade looked below and the road was a mess with garbage around but there was no human in sight. No one was walking around the streets.

Cade read more messages from his friends and acquaintances. Shihoon asked Cade if he wanted to come to his home planet if he decided to evacuate the planet.

Viola and Jonathan on the other hand decided to enter the dungeon and when Cade tried to call them, unfortunately, the call was not connected.

The others also either asking Cade to come with them evacuating the planets or joining them entering the dungeon.

Looking at the situation, Cade decided to enter the dungeon. His level was within the level limit. He had been living on Planet Dineon his whole life and it was a given that he will do his best to protect the planet.

Cade gave the call to everyone that asked him to join them evacuating the planet to decline their offer and apologized for not answering their calls.

As for the one asking him to join their party, none of them answered his call and when he checked, everyone had entered the time limit dungeon.

Cade wanted to enter the dungeon immediately but he knew it will be suicide if he got in now. His stat was too low and he might die immediately inside the dungeon. That dungeon was C grade too.

Cade opened the government site to see the list of dungeons available nearby his apartment. Cade decided to collect a lot of the figure puzzle pieces to get himself some free stat points.

Looking at the list, there were not many dungeons nearby and they were mostly of high grade but that was what he was looking for.

Once he got himself the list of the dungeons, Cade immediately took off to his destinations. Since everyone had started to evacuate the planet, the road was clear and there were many cars around Cade can use.

Unfortunately for Cade, he was unable to hijack any car as he did not have any knowledge on doing that. He found a bicycle and decided to use that.

He cycled as fast as he can and, in few minutes, he arrived at his first target dungeon. Cade's aim was the figure puzzle piece and it will take him only a few minutes to get a complete of them.

In front of Cade was the portal to a B grade winged rabbit. In this dungeon, Cade can find a rabbit with wings on their back.

Since the dungeon grade was B, Cade will be able to find the C grade, D grade and E grade winged rabbit too. With all of that, Cade will be able to get four complete figures of them.

However, that will all be a dream because on the first floor, the most explorers can find were the E grade winged rabbit. Cade needed to move fast and he did not want to spend too much time inside the dungeon.

Cade entered the dungeon with all of his linked equipment fully equipped. He activated the system mapping function and started running around for a winged rabbit.

A few seconds of running, a winged rabbit was detected on the map. Cade immediately went to that direction and saw an E grade rabbit flying around. The system appraised the rabbit and it had a limit of 10 stat points on each of its stat and it had a total of 20 stat points altogether on its stats.

Cade did not waste his time and attacked the winged rabbit. The winged rabbit however, easily maneuvered itself in the air and dodged Cade's attack.

Since Cade had no long-ranged attack, all he can do was run around with his sword to kill the rabbit. The rabbit was level 1 and it will be super easy for Cade to kill it but that rabbit was quick and gave Cade quite a trouble attacking it.

After a few minutes fighting (chasing), Cade finally landed his attack and killed the rabbit. He did not look at the list an immediately choose the figure puzzle piece.

The winged rabbit surprisingly needed quite a lot of puzzle pieces. A complete figure needed 5 puzzle pieces. Cade needed to find 4 more E grade winged rabbit to complete a figure of the rabbit.

Cade ran around and found another winged rabbit, however, this one was D grade. He never thought that he will find a D grade early in the dungeon.

Cade decided to let it go but he soon found another one D grade winged rabbit. Cade thought for a moment and decided to kill all winged rabbit he can find. He did not care anymore.

Since the rabbit was fast, Cade had quite a hard time in killing them but he soon got himself a complete figure of the winged rabbit. An E grade winged rabbit figure complete puzzle.

The complete puzzle gave Cade 20 stat points. It was a small amount but Cade was happy nonetheless. He used all of them on his endurance and increased it to 53.

He only needed one more D grade puzzle piece of the winged rabbit and he will complete his second winged rabbit figure.

He continued running around and his map detected another winged rabbit, however, it was E grade. Cade ignored that rabbit and searched for another one. A few minutes of running around, Cade finally found a D grade winged rabbit.

No matter how high the grade of that monster was, as long as they were level 1, they stood no chance against Cade. Cade killed the D grade winged rabbit and finally complete another winged rabbit puzzle.

The D grade winged rabbit figure complete puzzle gave twice the amount of stat of the E grade. Cade got himself 40 stat points and again he used it all on his endurance increasing it to 93 points.

As Cade was pressed for time, he decided to left the dungeon using the emergency badge and headed for another dungeon nearby. Since no one was around, it was easier for Cade to move around.

He arrived at the next dungeon in 15 minutes. The dungeon in front of Cade was the D grade goblin dungeon. They were slightly stronger compare to the big tongue toad but the level 1 goblin will not be that dangerous to Cade.

Cade entered the dungeon and started killing the goblin. They were really a cunning monster and Cade needed more time to defeat them.

About 30 minutes later, Cade got himself the E grade and D grade goblin figure complete puzzle. To Cade surprised, the figure gave him quite a lot of stats.

The E grade figure gave him 40 stat points and the D grade gave him twice stat points of that of the E grade figure. All in all, Cade got 120 stat points from the two goblin figures.

He used 107 of that points and maxed out his endurance stat and the leftover stat points on his vitality stat. His endurance reached the limit at 200 points while his vitality stat increased to 58 stat points.

Cade finished his business on the goblin dungeon and moved on to the next dungeon, the B grade colored butterfly dungeon.

The butterfly in the dungeon had many different colors and that difference in color was the variations of the butterfly.

With that many variations, Cade will be able to farm many figures of that colored butterfly. They were not strong too and it will be easy to kill them.

The only difficulty of killing them was that they were small and explorers tend to miss their target. Cade had no time to spare and he continued his hunt on the butterfly for more figure.