Chapter 60

The sun rose and Cade was sleeping on top of the tree. He woke up by the sunlight as he did not set up his alarm.

"I am tired…" said Cade while he yawned. Last night, he was punching the tree without stopping for 3 hours to get the extra strength stat from the strength essence.

Cade considered it an exercise and he never did it that long in his whole life. The longest he had ever exercise was 20 minutes and that rarely happened.

Cade looked at his fist and he sighed. His fist had healed from punching the tree but he can still feel the pain while looking at it. That pain was merely his imagination.

Cade drank the healing potion and the injury as well as the pain on his fist had long gone. His imagination appeared because he had never trained and endured the pain that long.

His endurance can actually prevent him from getting the injury and pain but unfortunately, the tree defense was higher. It was no wonder the tree was bigger than others around it and the reason for that was its high defense.

Coincidentally, Cade also found out that the fruit of that tree was one of the missions that the system issued. After he finished his training for 3 hours, he got the system a few of those fruits.

He did not know how he can give the fruit to the system but the system said to just put it on his storage.

For the three hours of training, Cade got himself 12 strength stat points increasing his strength stat from 13 to 25. It was not much but Cade was happy nonetheless.

He can actually get more if he knew the right way of gaining it but he realized it late. In order for Cade to earn more, he needed to train his strength by using it at full power. If he refrains his strength, he will gain less strength stat.

Cade had his breakfast and it was time for him to search for others and maybe killing some lone boarman he can find, if possible.

His map was activated all the time so that he can stop the boarman from ambushing him as well as detected if there were allies nearby.

Cade decided to went back to the place he killed the boarman and see if he can trace the path the boarman took to reach him.

Cade arrived at the location and he found the trace of the boarman. Cade followed the trace and a few hours of walking; he found the location where the battle had happened.

Looking at the scene of the battle, Cade knew that the battle must be big. There was no corpse of human or boarman there so, Cade did not know which side won the battle.

Cade tried looking around the battle scene to see if he can find any clue as to where the humans or boarman had ran to.

After searching for half an hour, Cade had no idea where he should continue. He sighed and decided to just take whatever path he liked to find them.

Cade decided to head to east. He continued his explorations to search for more humans. Along the way, Cade found a few animals he can eat and he did not waste that chance and hunted them.

He also found a few things the system wanted and collected that too. It was noon and Cade decided to take a rest. He had been travelling for few hours and there was no sign of human.

He did find a few battle scenes along the way but that was it. Cade kind of lost hope that he will find anyone in the world dungeon. The world dungeon was huge and he had no idea how to search any of them, the boarman included.

"What is this? I am supposed to be rushing to destroy the core but here I am doing nothing," said Cade. Cade drank the mineral water he had prepared before and suddenly; he can hear some noise and felt the ground vibrating.

Cade stood up, "Someone fighting!" said Cade and he climbed on the tree to see if he can see where the fight was happening.

When he looked north of him, he saw a smoke from a far away. Cade jumped down the tree and rushed towards that direction.

He was fully equipped and ready to strike when he arrived there. Cade ran as fast as he can.


"Mr. Xing, behind you!!" screamed a young man with black hair to the small eyes man. Xing heard the warning from the young man and he swung his sword to his back and slashed the boarman that was trying to kill him.

That boarman however, managed to dodge but he was soon hit by a tower of water coming out of nowhere. The boarman was trapped inside the water tower and tried it best to get out of it before he drowned.

Xing saw what happened to the boarman and continued his fight against the biggest boarman there in front of him. His sword shone and he launched a barrage of sword slashed towards the huge boarman.

The huge boarman held its huge axe in front of him to block the barrage of sword slash by Xing. However, unbeknownst to him, an arrow clad in cyan light was shot at him.

The arrow hit the huge boarman on his left arm and part of his left arm was froze by the arrow. The huge boarman looked at the direction of where the arrow came from and saw a young man with black hair.

"The archer monkey!!" the huge boarman screamed in anger as he remembered the report from his subordinates that the archer monkey was the biggest problem.

While his attention was at the archer monkey, Xing did not lose the chance and he stabbed his sword forward but the sword suddenly slithered like a snake and stabbed the huge boarman.

The huge boarman realized that he was stabbed and he got angrier but then an arrow was again shot by the archer monkey and it hit directly on the huge boarman's head.

The huge boarman's head froze and Xing slashed the frozen boarman's head and killed it. The boarman that got trapped by the water tower had also drowned.

The other boarman that was busy fighting the other explorers saw their leader had died and they suddenly felt fear.

"Retreat!!" one of the boarman shouted asking the other boarman to retreat now that their leader had been killed. However, before they can retreat, the other explorers were already retreated away from them.

The boarman felt weird as to why the explorers retreating earlier than them but they soon know the reason as two lights, cyan and blue flew high in the air.

Both lights blew and release a lot of arrow raining down towards the boarman. The cyan light released a lot of ice arrow while the blue light released a lot of water arrow.

The Boarman tried their best to deflect the arrow but it was to no avail. One by one, they fell and in less than a minute, all the boarman in the battlefield lost their life.

The explorers won the battle but none of them were smiling. On the battlefield, not only the corpse of the boarman can be found, the corpse of other explorers was there too.

"Rico, Dianne, good job," said Xing as he looked at Rico dubbed as the archer monkey by the boarman and Dianne, the beautiful young woman with blonde hair.

"…" Rico did not say anything as he clenched his teeth and fist looking at all the explorers they lost on the battlefield.

Dianne also did not say anything as she moved towards a dead body of a female explorers with the same hair color as her and she put the dead body in her storage.

"What should we do now, Mr. Xing?" asked Dianne to Xing.

"What else? We need to destroy the accompanying core," said Xing with bitter smile. He actually did not feel like continuing this but in order for them to get out of the world dungeon, they needed to destroy the core within the time limit.

He knew what happened if they passed that time limit.

Xing looked at the other explorers collecting the dead body of their comrade and his bitter smile earlier disappeared immediately.

"An explorer is coming here," said Rico while looking at his map. Xing and Dianne looked at their map too and they can see that a green dot was coming fast in their direction.

However, Rico on the other hand saw a yellow dot, "He is someone I know," said Rico.

"Then, I guess you can explain everything to him once he arrives here," said Xing as he went and helped the others collecting the dead body of their comrade. Dianne followed Xing too.

Rico then headed towards the green dot. He knew it was Cade from the map but he was not happy to meet him. Meeting someone he knew inside the world dungeon meant that it was possible that he will see that person died.