Chapter 62

"The boarman's body? Yeah, we plan to throw them away or maybe burn them but we most likely will do what the system want," said Rico.

At the beginning, before they met the released explorers, everyone in the group will likely to just burn the boarman's body or throwing them away.

However, after what they heard from the released explorers, it was unlikely for them to do that. Now, they knew why the system asked them to torture the boarman and most of them wanted to do just that.

The released explorers looked better than when they found them but everyone in the group remembered what they looked like when they first found them and everyone was angry.

Especially now that many of them had died, it was highly possible for them to do what the system wanted. Even if the resident of Biscuit Star Sector loved peace, they still got angry when they knew what the boarman did to the other humans.

No sane human will not feel angry and mad when they knew about what had happened. They were not some main character in a drama or comic that were too nice to forgive their enemy stupidly.

"I have a way to make us strong but I need the boarman's body. Can you ask the others to pass the body to me?" said Cade. He decided to just ask Rico straightforwardly. He had no intention of keeping the essence a secret.

If he tried to be bashful about it, no one will cooperate with him. He knew that everyone was on edge and he was sure that everyone will want to release some of their stress on the boarman's body.

It was possible that they won't give him the body without any clear reason from Cade. He did not want to create a drama with them and the best way to do that was told them the truth… partial truth.

"What do you mean by that? From what everyone here knows about the body, there is nothing that can benefit us other than their equipment," said Rico.

He was telling the truth. When they first defeated the boarman, their tried to find out if the body can be useful to them. However, there was none.

"I am not planning to keep this a secret. By some chance, before I enter this world dungeon, I got a skill book. At the time, the skill was totally useless but after I enter this dungeon, I finally found out the use of the skill," said Cade.

"What skill?" asked Rico. He was curious as well as interested to know what was the skill that can help them becoming stronger by using the boarman's body.

He did not know if Cade was lying but he knew that Cade was not the type to lie. He was by no mean closed to Cade but he had that kind of feeling that Cade was not that type of person. He did not know why he felt that way towards Cade.

"Essence extraction," said Cade. He was lying about the skill. The reason he was able to extract the essence was because of his maximum luck but he cannot say that. Especially to someone from a powerful family like Rico.

Jonathan knew about Cade possessing high luck but Cade can trust him because Jonathan was a good boy. He was not the type to blabber around about someone else matter.

Cade did not know why the luck stat can do something like that but he will just use it as long as it benefited him. It was not like the ability was harming him so he will gladly used it.

"With this skill, I can extract the essence of the boarman into essence pills. This essence pills will be able to increase our stats without levelling up," said Cade.

Hearing that, Rico frowned. "Essence extraction? What is essence? I never heard anything about it," asked Rico.

He was part of the powerful family but he had never heard of essence. He knew the words but he never heard of this 'essence' that can help increase their stats.

"If you ask me, I also don't know what exactly the essence is but I do know it can increase our stats. I tried once and it worked perfectly," said Cade.

"You tried once? Did you kill a boarman before?" asked Rico. He was shocked to know that Cade can kill the boarman. He knew that Cade was an E grade explorer and for him to be able to kill a boarman was an extremely shocking news to him.

"Err… yeah, I killed one but why do you just realize that now? I told you I found out about how to use the skill and we are talking about the boarman's body…" said Cade. He felt weird that Rico took a while to realize that.

He knew Rico was an outstanding person in his class and he was part of the smart people in their class. Compared to Cade who was just an average student, Rico should be able to catch on what Cade had said much earlier.

Rico rubbed his head, "The situation here had been hectic for the past few days so…" said Rico without finishing his sentence.

Looking at Rico, he can see his serious face but at the same time, he looked tired. When Cade thought properly, Rico was part of the three explorers in the group that can fight properly against the boarman.

He must have worked hard to fight most of the boarman and that must have tired him out a lot.

"Well, anyway, the skill can extract the essence and the essence can be used to increase our stat. I hope you can ask them to give me the boarman's body," said Cade.

He continued, "It is better for you to ask them about the body since you are somehow one of the leaders in this group. If I ask them about this, I am afraid they will not listen to me because I am still a newbie in this group and my equipment, as you know, it will not make them feel confident with me," said Cade.

"I need to discuss this first with others before I can ask them. It is better if you have one of this essence to prove that what you said is the truth. I know that you are not lying but it is better to show the evidence of what you are saying," said Rico.

"You collected a few of the bodies, earlier right? Just extract the essence from those and give it to me. I will show them the essence to convince them."

"It will be hard to convince them so it is better if I show the essence to them," said Rico.

Cade already knew about that and he had been processing the body since he got it earlier. It will take a few more minutes before it was done.

Cade told Rico to wait for a few more minutes before the extraction finished. Rico nodded and he went to find Xing and Dianne to explain to them what Cade had said.

Xing was like the leader of the group and was actually the highest-level explorers in the group. He was a swordsman.

Dianne on the other hand was the strongest water mage in the group. She was focusing herself on water skills and thus she was called the water mage. Telling them first about it will be better than him doing it alone.

While waiting for the extraction to finish and Rico discussing the matter of the boarman's body with Xing and Dianne, Cade went around helping the other explorers cleaning the battlefield.

As there were many injured explorers, they cannot move forward and needed to wait for them to heal. Due to that, they decided to camp there for one day.

They were sure that more boarman will appear but there was nothing they can do as there were too many of them injured and all of them were extremely tired too.

Out of all the battles they had went through for the past few days, the latest battle was the biggest and hardest battle they had fought because the boarman sent one of their leaders to kill them.

The previous fights they had had always been against the small fries of the boarman. Although they were small fries, they were strong too.

Even fighting the small fries caused a lot of explorers to die and fighting the small fries led by a leader, they suffered more damage than before.

For the past battles, Rico, Xing and Dianne was scattered all around the battlefield to fight the boarman. However, against the boarman leader, the three of them needed to work together to defeat it.

With them focusing on the leader, they cannot help the other explorers and that resulted in them having more losses than before.

While Cade was helping the explorers, Rico came to him with Xing and Dianne behind him. Cade saw the two of them and he slightly bowed to show them his respect.

After explaining to them about what he told Rico, Cade took out the essence pills that he had finished extracting.