Chapter 64

"Mr. Ben, something this big, there is no way they will tell you. I know about this from the system and not someone else," said Cade as he tried to convince Ben to eat the bloodline essence.

However, Ben did not buy that. He did not believe what Cade was saying. He thought that Cade was stupid to think that he will believe that nonsense.

Cade decided to continue persuaded Ben as everyone's chance of surviving the World Dungeon depended on Ben based on what the system told him before.

However, to Cade frustration, the dying, stubborn and stupid Ben insisted on not believing him. Some of the explorers nearby saw the commotion between the two and decided to help Cade by telling Ben that Cade had been really helpful and he should believe in Cade.

But no, he still did not want to budge an inch. Cade decided to tell the explorers about the system trying to help them by telling Cade to do this and when they heard that, they were shocked.

Cade also told them about what the Golden Dragon family did before when they sent more explorers with fire skills inside the world dungeon on Planet Draor and the one responsible for that was the system.

Cade did not know if the system really did something but he believed that the system did indeed responsible for that. They believed Cade immediately because they were desperate.

Because it pertained to their survival in the world dungeon, everyone started trying to persuade Ben to eat the bloodline essence. However, none of them able to convince Ben.

One of the explorers got fed up with Ben and he snatched the bloodline essence from Cade's hand and shoved it into Ben's mouth.

Everyone was shocked with that including Cade. "Our survival in this dungeon depends on you! Don't be selfish," said that explorer while his hand was covering Ben's mouth with the bloodline essence in Ben's mouth.

Ben tried his best to not swallow the pill but he cannot hold himself anymore and ended up swallowing the pill. Ben was sweating from trying to resist swallowing the pill.

Looking at Ben, Cade felt pity a bit at him but he thought that the explorer did the right thing. Ben was too stubborn and everyone there was desperate to survive.

Suddenly, Ben's body glowed in red. Everyone decided to take a step back from Ben. The light became brighter and brighter and suddenly, Ben exploded.

"!!!" Everyone was shocked to see that. Blood, meat, bones, organs splattered everywhere and the one stood in front was covered with most of them.

"W-wh-what is this?" Cade was shaken to see the scene. That was not what he imagined it to happen. Ben exploded after he ate the bloodline essence Cade's produced. Ben died.

"The system asks me to do this!" Cade was really shaken by what had happened. He killed a human. Ben died because of him.

Everyone there were shocked too and they all looked at Cade. One of them suddenly became mad because he should not believe what Cade had said and decided to attack Cade.

However, to their surprise, Ben's exploded body parts shone once again with red light. All the blood, bones, meat and organs of Ben flew and they all grouped up together. All Ben's blood splattered on the explorers' body was not there anymore.

The blood swirled around the body parts and they formed a huge red cocoon twice the size of a normal human. At the center of the red cocoon, everyone can see that something was forming.

Looking at each other, the explorers then stared at Cade. Cade was shocked too and he did not know that this will happen. Everyone was silence.

"So, is Ben still alive?" one of the explorers break the silence.

"I think so. Check your map and you will know that he is still alive," said another explorer.

Hearing that, Cade immediately checked his map too and he saw the yellow dot of Ben and that meant he was still alive.

However, the yellow dot was surrounded by red line. Cade assumed that Ben was undergoing the bloodline awakening process. Cade sighed in relieved.

"I thought that I killed someone," thought Cade. He was really scared when Ben suddenly exploded. He blamed the system for not telling him that that will happen.

[Normal bloodline awakening is not that brutal. He is undergoing the forceful bloodline awakening.] As if it knew what Cade was thinking, the system sent out a notification.

"Forceful bloodline awakening?" Cade seriously had no idea that eating the bloodline essence pill will force Ben's bloodline to awaken. "You should have told me about that earlier!" Cade was a bit angry at the system for not telling him that.

[Read the notification about the bloodline essence again you idiot! Why in the world did I trust an idiot like you to do this!] the system suddenly sent that notification to Cade and Cade was dumbfounded when he read the notification.

"You don't need to be this angry at me. I really had no idea," said Cade but there was no response from the system. Cade wanted to check the past notification when Rico suddenly tapped his shoulder.

Cade was a bit surprised by that and he saw Rico was staring at him. "Care to explain this?" said Rico while he pointed at the red cocoon.

Cade explained everything to Rico about what the system wanted him to do and Rico sighed and told Cade that he should tell him first about that.

Because Cade did all of that without consulting anyone, the incident happened. Luckily, Ben was still alive. If not, everyone there will kill Cade and thought that Cade was a spy sent by the boarman.

When Cade said about the bloodline awakening to Rico, he looked really shocked about that. Rico was part of the powerful family was known to everyone and it was no secret that he possessed the bloodline skills.

The shock shown by Rico was not of 'someone who knew about it beforehand and tried to keep it a secret' shock but more of someone who had no idea about it.

Cade did not know which family Rico was from as he never seen Rico used his bloodline skill but he felt like Rico's family was not someone from lower tier powerful family like Jonathan.

If he considered that Rico was from the upper tier of the powerful family and he had no idea about it, that meant that it was highly possible that no one knew about the bloodline awakening.

It was only a possibility but the universe was big and it was possible that many people already knew about it but decided to keep it a secret.

After Cade had explained everything to Rico, he left him alone before Rico stopped him. "Do you have any idea how long this awakening will happen?" asked Rico.

"I am sorry, I really had no idea about it. I think that we need to wait for Ben to hatch from that cocoon," said Cade with apologized face.

"I guess, we need to stay here until Ben awakened," said Rico. Rico left the area and went to search for Xing and Dianne. He needed to tell them about Ben and planned for what they should do.

Cade also left the area and many explorers came to the red cocoon to see it from up close. They all was in awed looking at it. None of them had seen something like that in their life and they were all curious about it.

Cade found a tree and sat below it. The essence pill he promised the explorers were not yet ready and thus he decided to rest under the tree as well as looking back at the past notification from the system.

Looking back at the past notification one by one, Cade did not see anything that can tell him about the forceful bloodline awakening or a hint about it.

"Which is it? Did the system messed up with me to cover his own fault?" thought Cade. Looking at how revengeful (based on the mission) the system was, it was possible the system will do that.

While he was thinking that everything was the system fault, one of the notifications was blinking. Cade chose that notification and he read it.

[Your bloodline is not compatible with this and it is also not awakened. Do you still want to choose the bloodline essence?] was what the system said before.

Looking at it properly, Cade did not know if it really told him about the forceful bloodline awakening. Cade seriously had no idea.

"If this notification really tells me about the forceful bloodline awakening and I did not realize it, I am really a fool… Am I going to make this kind of mistake again?" thought Cade as he sighed.

While Cade was racking his brain to understand that notification, the system sent a new notification to notify him that the extraction had finished. Cade decided to let it go and now that he knew about it, he would not make the same mistake again.