Chapter 66

Other than Ben who had awakened his bloodline, the other explorers in the group had also managed to increase their stats a lot too.

Since most of them decided to increase their vitality and endurance, they were much more resilient than before. Their courage of fighting the boarman had increased too.

They even dared to lure small groups of boarman to their camp to kill them so that they will have more supply of essence they can use to increase their stats.

Now that Ben had awakened his bloodline, he needed more of the boarman body to strengthen his bloodline. Due to that, they decided to lure more of the boarman to their camp.

Everyone knew that Ben had become strong and his strength were needed to complete or destroyed the world dungeon and thus, some of them suggested that all the boarman's body to be given to Ben.

However, Ben strongly declined their suggestion because he thought that in order for them to complete the world dungeon, his strength alone was not enough.

Everyone in the world dungeon needed to become strong too. They cannot fully rely on Ben to complete the dungeon.

He was only one person and there was a limit to how many he can do. He might be stronger than before but he still had a hard time defeating the boarman.

The E grade boarman was doable for him at the moment but the D grade boarman was still quite hard for him to defeat alone.

Ben even admitted himself that Xing, Dianne and Rico were still stronger than himself. He still needed some more time before he can reach the power possessed by the trio.

He even pointed out that even Cade himself was at least at his level and they were shocked to hear that. Although Ben was actually praising Cade, Cade was not even a bit proud of that praising because everyone there viewed him as the weakest after all.

The main reason for that was his equipment and second was that Cade never really fought by himself in front of them and thus no one knew how strong he was individually.

They did somehow or another acknowledge that his cardboard was not a normal cardboard. It can withstand a few attacks from the boarman before it was unusable.

Yes, Cade cardboard equipment had been destroyed many times by the boarman. Their full strength was totally on a different level compare to the injured boarman he killed before.

Cade was shocked at the beginning but he had gotten used to it after fighting many of them. Cade also sometimes tried fighting them barehanded though he cannot inflict much damage, he still can hold himself well against the boarman.

That was all thanks to his physical resistance skill. Added with his high endurance and vitality, he can easily withstand the E grade boarman's attack.

Since the boarman focused on physical attacks, Cade's physical resistance worked well while fighting them. He also found out the real meaning of 100% physical resistance from E grade opponent.

The 100% resistance only applied to the original attack of his opponent. If his opponent were buffing their attack for example 10% increased in damaged, the 10% added damage was still applied to Cade.

He already expected something like that but he was still unhappy that what he expected was true. Since the boarman in the world dungeon was ranging from E grade to C grade, Cade needed to be extremely careful with D grade and C grade boarman as his physical resistance skill did not affect them.

Luckily for Cade, the battle against the boarman for the past few days had not been that difficult for him to resort using his life saving skill, the fluid body.

Other than that, fighting the boarman gave quite a lot of experience to everyone and many of the explorers in the group gained a lot of level including Cade.

Cade managed to level up to level 14 and poured all of his stat points again on his endurance maxing it to 280 points.

He also leveled up his cardboard equipment. Cade did increase the iron stat slightly but not too much as he can really feel like it had become much heavier.

Compare it to normal iron equipment, it was much heavier. That really shocked Cade a lot and luckily, he had been increasing his strength with the essence for the past few days.

He did not know how the iron stat worked but he decided to not increasing it more. He was afraid that his cardboard will become so much heavier that he will not be able to lift it anymore.

All in all, Cade made a lot of improvement for the three days after he joined the group. Not only Cade, most explorers in the group too.

Currently, the group had sent a few scouts to search the base camp of the boarman to attack them if possible and also at the same time searching for the accompanying core there.

Other than that, some explorers also decided to do the gathering missions issued by the system. They did not get any rewards for that but they knew that it must be something important to the system.

Some suggested that the system needed them to upgrade itself while some thought that it was actually useful to them. Some of the herb and plant gathered was indeed useful to them but not all of them.

Since the system did not care to explain the reason, they decided to do it without much question. Their life in the world dungeon had changed drastically.

They still had a hard time fighting the boarman but their chance of defeating them had been increasing bit by bit and that instill some confidence in them.

Other than that, a day ago, a news was sent by the system and that news boosted everyone mood considerably high. Their confident in defeating the boarman increased a lot too.

That news was that one of the accompanying cores was destroyed by someone. It was the E grade core. They did not know who destroyed it but they were happy about the news.

With the destruction of one of the three accompanying core, the time limit of the world dungeon increased and that lifted a bit of their burden to hurry up closing the dungeon.

They now had more time to strengthen themselves to fight against the boarman.

More on that, their group had increased in size when many explorers joined their group. Before this, it was a small group of 50 explorers with many injured but now, they managed to gather about 100 explorers in their group.

Some of them joined the group without any injuries but most them came with injuries all over their body. None of the explorers in the group minded the injury as they were happy to see more of them were still alive.

With more people in the group, their chance of defeating the boarman increased. Everyone in the group had already considered the fight with the boarman a war. The more people they had the higher their chance of winning the war.

A scout came back to report that they found the base of the boarman that had been sending their boarman to them. They can actually easily find the base if they used the map from the released explorers.

However, those explorers were still scarred from what happened and did not want to go there by themselves. They showed the scout the direction they can take to arrive at the base and that was it.

The scout made his report about the base and Xing gathered everyone with some authorities in the group for a meeting on how they can destroy the base. Cade was included in the group because thanks to him, they can become stronger.

In a tent, there were ten people in it circling a table at the center of the tent. Those ten people included Cade, Rico, Xing, Dianne, Ben and five other explorers.

They all had some kind of role in the group and they all gathered inside the tent to discuss a plan in destroying the boarman base.

Xing face was serious and he looked like he was really mad about something. Xing looked at everyone and he took out many pictures taken by the scout and put them on the table.

Everyone looked at the pictures and they all gasped in shocked at the pictures. A few of them rushed to check the other pictures and they all were fumed with anger.

"This is really too much!!" Dianne shouted as she cannot held her anger and she was extremely mad at what she saw. Another woman in the group was teary looking at the picture and she decided to not look at it.

"I want to torture all that pig. Catch two or three for me and I want to torture them until they die," said Tyrren, one of the explorers that recently joined the group.

Cade were shocked to see the picture but he did not say anything. It was not like he was not angry but words cannot come out from his mouth.