Chapter 69

[The C grade accompanying core has been destroyed] the system sent out notification.

Everyone who were doing their work at the camp stopped their work and they all stared at the notification from the system. Upon reading the notification, all of them smiled and they cheer in joy.

They were all happy to find out that another accompanying core had been destroyed. Now, only one more accompanying core needed to be destroyed and the real core of the world dungeon will appear.

"With the news from the system, it is confirmed that the accompanying core in this boarman's base is D grade," said Xing. He smiled when he read the notification.

His heart felt a bit at ease now that the second accompanying core had been destroyed. All that was left was one more accompanying core and their group had already found it.

"Whoever destroyed the two accompanying cores must be someone powerful. I am glad that we have someone like that inside this world dungeon," said Dianne.

"Let's do our job too and destroy the last accompanying core. I want to close this dungeon as soon as possible," Dianne continued. She held her necklace while saying that.

Dianne did not enter the world dungeon by herself. She came in with her younger sister who insisted on entering the dungeon with her.

Dianne wanted her sister to evacuate the planet with their family but her sister did not want to do that. She wanted to enter the dungeon and helped Dianne closing it.

She wanted to save the planet alongside Dianne though she knew she might die inside the dungeon and she did die by the hand of the boarman.

Dianne was sad that her sister died but she steeled her heart and did not cry all. She was in the battlefield and she did not want her emotions to control her.

After the battle ended, she stored her younger sister's body in her storage and prayed that they will be able to close the dungeon so that she can give her sister a proper burial.

No one in the camp knew that Dianne had a younger sister as she never talked about it and thus, they were unaware of what happened to her.

The necklace that she wore was a present from her younger sister after she successfully complete her first dungeon. She never treasured the necklace much until she lost her sister.

Now, the necklace was worth more than any treasure she can find. Nothing can beat the necklace. It had become her most treasured thing.

"Are we going to attack them head-on or is there someone with some kind of plan?" asked Tyrren. He did not think that it was possible to fight that many boarman straightforwardly. They needed to plan something or else they might lose their chance of destroying the last accompanying core.

"You know, the boarman might have tremendous strength but that's it. Their defense and magic defense are pretty much crappy. As long as our attack land on their body, we can inflict lots of damage. So, I suggested that our magic user explorers to lead this attack," said one of the explorers while looking at Dianne.

"You get that slightly wrong. Their magic defense is crappy but their physical defense is decent but I agree with you that the magic user in this group should lead this attack," said another explorer.

"Even if us magic user want to lead the attack, our number is too low. We won't be able to handle all of the boarman," said Dianne.

Not only on their group, even in the whole universe, the number of magic users was lower than explorers with physical skills.

There was a reason for that. Magic skills was extremely expensive compared to physical skills because they caused more damage and was usually much more flexible to use.

Magic skills were those involving elements and purely made of energy. Something like fire skills, water skills, wind skills, ice skills and many more. All in all, there were about 16 identified elements in skills. The rarest amongst them were skills with time and space element.

Skills that increase or decrease the performance of someone was also a magic skill, however, due to it supportive nature, it was considered a supportive skill. Only those that inflicts damage was called magic skills.

"There is no need to plan that much. Let's make this simple. We will attack them head-on and lure most of them to us. At the same time, some of us will infiltrate the base and destroy the core," said Xing.

"Our mission is to destroy the core not the boarman. We had the mindset of killing every boarman because of the essence produce by Cade but let's remember that our mission is the core," said Xing and everyone finally remembered their real target.

After more discussion were made, they decided to send some people inside the base to destroy the core while most of them will attack the base from every direction to lure the boarman out of their base.

The one tasked in destroying the core were those explorers with stealth skill or similar to that skill. That team will be led by Tyrren, the best assassin in their group who had killed more of the boarman than anyone else in the group due to his high speed.

No one objected to it as everyone knew the capability of Tyrren. He was a bit hot headed for an assassin but he made sure he did his job well. With that settled, everyone started dividing the leftover member into four groups.

Each group will attack from every direction of the base to divide the boarman's attention and the core destroying group will sneak into the base to destroy the core.

The four group will be led by Xing, Dianne, Rico and Ben. As for Cade, he was assigned to Join Dianne's group. The group leader was chosen based on their fighting capabilities and contributions to the team.

Though Cade made much more contributions due to his essence, he was not chosen as the leader because his fighting capabilities was subpar in their eyes.

Cade did not mind about being a team leader because he preferred to work alone rather than leading people.

Though he was in a group, it did not mean that they will fight together and their roles were only to lure the boarman away from the accompanying core.

After everyone was assigned to their respective group, the team leader of each group gathered their member and discussed what they should do.

Just like what Cade thought, he can fight by himself. Dianne and two more magic users with the archers in their group will support everyone attacking with their magic from behind and everyone else will charge forward to fight the boarman.

"I can finally fight by myself," thought Cade. He did not mind fighting with others but he was unhappy that no one actually acknowledge his power because he never managed to show what he can do when working in a group.

His roles were usually holding out the boarman and the others will finish the boarman. Though, to tell the truth, defending against the boarman's attack was harder than killing them.

However, everyone he had worked with never realized that and thought that they were the ones that did a lot when it was already known that the boarman's defense and magic defense were low.

Cade did feel a bit pissed at them for always thought that Cade took the easy job when Cade was the one who did the most difficult job. He had taken the role of pure tank when he can actually deal damage too though no one allowed him to do that.

Since he needed to defend against the boarman's strong attack, his cardboard shield had always been destroyed after fighting three to four boarman.

Not that he minded that but it was annoying when he needed to wait for his shield to recover. It took hours too.

Cade did think of just killing the boarman after he defended from the attack but he was ordered to not attack and he wanted to keep his relationship with others on a good term as they were the only ones he can rely while he was in the world dungeon.

As a result, he cannot show what he can do. Due to this, Cade had decided to not show much of what he can do in front of others. He will only fight to the best of his ability when he was fighting by himself.

With his cardboard equipment, if he used them right, he can easily kill the boarman in one strike. The maximum stat the boarman can have in one of their stats was the same as the explorers at the same level and grade.

Since their defense was low, it meant that the boarman's endurance will never be at the maximum number.

The boarman's attack was quite straightforward and it will be easy for Cade to kill them in one strike with his cardboard short sword's high attack stat.