Chapter 76

Looking at the panic face Rico was showing, Dianne and that explorer explained to Rico what happened.

"You switched him with that girl?" asked Rico as he did not believe that they switched Cade with a useless girl like Lynn. Rico saw the way Lynn fought a few minutes ago and he knew immediately that she will die without the support of others.

He had seen Cade fought before and knew that Cade was far stronger than most explorers in the camp so, them switching him for a weaker explorer was totally a bad decision.

Rico wanted to complain more to Dianne but he decided to stop that as he had more pressing matter to attend to. He looked at Dianne and said, "I am going back to the camp. Send someone to my group and tell them about this."

"Wait! Why are you suddenly going back to the camp? You have a group to lead," said Dianne as she tried to stop Rico from going back. She knew something must have happened for Rico to want to go back.

However, she needed to hear the reason first. Rico was one of the group leaders. For a leader to left his group like that was not right.

"I think something is happening at the camp. I need to head there fast… No! we need to head there right now," said Rico and Dianne can see the panic look he had.

"You thought? Why do you think that?" asked Dianne as she did not know why Rico was thinking that. She knew about a detection skill that was possible to know about something that was happening somewhere far but to her knowledge, Rico did not have that kind of skill.

"It is just a feeling I have," said Rico as he did not want to explain more.

"A feeling? I am sure everyone here is feeling anxious too but I am sure nothing is happening at the camp. All the boarman is here fighting us, so there is no need to worry about the camp," said Dianne as she tried to stop Rico from leaving.

"You don't understand anything I am feeling right now," said Rico as he suddenly disappeared from Dianne's sight. He moved extremely fast. He was using all of his speed he can use to get back to the camp.

While he was running at his highest speed towards the camp, he felt tremors on the ground. "I need to move faster! Cade, please be safe!" said Rico as he clenched his teeth and tried to run much faster.


Rico, 18 years old.

Rico was in his room as he sat in front of his computer scrolling the list of college he needed to choose to attend after he finished his high school.

"Not this… not this one too… hmm~ maybe this… no, not this one too. Sigh~ which one should I choose?" said Rico as he did not know which college he wanted to attend after high school.

He was not the only one in dilemma with this matter. Most of his friends was in the same situation as him. They did not know either to applied for college or not. For Rico, with his results, he can enter any college he wanted.

However, he did not know which college was the best for him. Rico knew that all the college that offered him a spot there was one of the best colleges in the star system he lived in but he just had this feeling that none of them was the best choice for him.

Rico was in no way the type who follow his feeling more than his reason but he did not know why he was feeling that way.

"This feeling is suddenly getting stronger for the past few weeks like it knows that I am graduating high school," said Rico while he patted his chest.

The truth was that Rico had been having the feeling that something was wrong since he was small but that feeling was not as strong as he was currently feeling.

He did not know what happened and he did tell his parents about that but they said he was just anxious. However, that feeling continue all throughout his life and it was getting stronger as he was almost graduating from high school.

"Still having problem in choosing? How about you just enter our family's college?" suddenly a man's voice came from behind Rico. He looked behind him and saw a familiar face.

That voice belonged to his older brother, Rizian. Rizian was holding a baby on his arm. That baby was Rizian's daughter.

"I don't know, it just feels wrong. So, I try to find a college that I feels right," said Rico as he tried playing with his niece's small, soft and cute hand.

"That feeling again? You never talk about it again for a long time and now it came back?" asked Rizian as he was surprised to hear that the feeling that Rico felt a long time ago was back.

Rico stared at Rizian and said, "That feeling had never once disappear. It just that I never talk about it again. But that feeling had been getting stronger and stronger for the past few weeks," said Rico.

Rizian was surprised to hear about that. He tried to remain calm as his mind was thinking of a lot of possibilities. "Maybe you are curse or something?" blurted Rizian.

"I don't think it is a curse. It is not painful or anything like that. It is more like a guidance or something. This feeling is trying to lead me to something," said Rico.

"…" Rizian fell silent and said, "If it is a guidance, why didn't it guide you to save Marco before?" said Rizian and then he continued, "I will talk this to father and grandfather and see if we can find out something about it," said Rizian as he left the room.

Rico fell silent when he heard that. He saw Rizian left without looking back and he knew that Rizian was angry. Rico bit his lip as he felt frustrated when he thought about what happened to Marco, his twin brother years ago.

Marco died when he was 10 years old. Someone kidnapped him and threatened Rico's family for money. They tried to find the kidnapper and Marco but unable to do that. The kidnapper had some kind of concealing skill that prevented them from locating Marco.

At that time, his family asked Rico if he can feel something about Marco but Rico failed to do that. Everyone was disappointed with Rico when that happened.

After the appearance of the system and dungeon 10 000 years ago, a weird phenomenon happened to twins all around the world. Before this, some twins used to say they can feel some kind of connection with their twin.

However, after the system appeared, all twin in the world felt strong connection with their twin. They can somehow feel the feeling of their twin and will know immediately if something had happened.

Rico and Marco however were a bit different. Though they were twins, that connection they had with each other was not as strong as other twins. No one in the family knew why that happened.

When they asked Rico to locate Marco, he failed to do that as his connection with Marco was not strong. Due to that, the family were late to give the money and resulted in the kidnapper killing Marco.

Everyone blamed Rico about what had happened including his family and that made him started talking less and less.

However, the blaming did not last long and everything went back to normal after some time passed though, in his heart, Rico was still blaming himself about what happened to Marco.

Rico put his head on the desk and stared at a frame of picture on the desk. There were two young boys who looked similar to each other in that picture. It was the picture of him and Marco.

Rico slowly moved his hand and picked the picture frame. He stared at the picture and his eyes started teary. Realizing that he was almost crying, he immediately lifted his head back and wiped his eyes.

Rico looked at the picture back and said, "I am sorry Marco… I led you to this fate. If only I can detect you at the time… you will not end up dying…" Rico looked really sad while saying that.

Though they did not have the twin strong connection between each other, they were closed with each other. Rico kept staring at the picture for few minutes and then continued searching for the college his feeling said was right.

While scrolling all the college available in the star sector he was currently living, "Maybe I should try another star sector," said Rico as he moved on to another college in the different star sector.

Rico moved on from a star sector to another and he kept scrolling one by one and then arrived at the site about Biscuit Star Sector's list of college.

Staring at it, he can feel that his feeling was saying, "Here~ Here~" Rico sighed as he clicked on it and a list of college appeared and he suddenly felt a strong feeling towards a college in the Biscuit Star Sector.

"Dineon College…" said Rico.