Chapter 86

Everyone agreed to let Ben hold the green thing possibly a variant Boarman while they would be focusing on destroying the main core. None of them made a long preparation as they were afraid that they would take too long and Ben would not be able to hold the Boarman by himself.

They had seen what the Boarman was capable of doing and it was dangerous and they needed to move fast. With all of that settled, all of them jumped off the floating island straight to the main core.

"The main core is indeed the source of gravity holding the floating island," thought Cade as he fell straight towards the main core alongside Rico, Jonathan, Shihoon and a few other explorers who wanted to fight with them.

Aera, Sera, Muruku, and Viola were not with them on the same floating island. They assumed that they were on a different floating island and would join them soon too.

As they were falling, they passed through the island where the fight between Ben and the Boarman was happening. They could see that the fight was intense and while staring at them, Cade and everyone could see the appearance of the Boarman.

The Boarman was muscular but he was not as big as a normal Boarman. Just like other Boarman, that Boarman had fur all over his body. However, he looked different compared to all the Boarman they fought before, especially his fur.

Common Boarman had brown fur but that Boarman had green emerald fur. The fur was beautiful. It was sparkling when the sun hit the fur. It did not look like fur but crystal. That Boarman looked beautiful.

Shihoon was entranced by the beauty of the crystal emerald fur of that variant Boarman and he instinctively took a picture of that Boarman while falling.

Name: Emerald Boarman

Cade appraised the Boarman from afar and he saw the species of the Boarman. It was an emerald Boarman. The emerald fur of that Boarman said it all about that Boarman.

"He looks really strong," said one of the explorers following them.

"Is he some kind of boss in this world dungeon?" said another explorer.

"I bet he is. Look at the way he uses his skill and the impact of his skill. It is totally on a different level compared to all the Boarman we had fought all this time. Even that mage Boarman that uses ground magic earlier is not as strong as that Boarman," said another explorer.

Cade looked at the fight and he could see that not only Ben, Xing, Dianne and everyone else were there too and to his surprise, Aera and Sera had joined the fight too.

"Let's not worry about them. We should focus on our target, the main core," said Rico and everyone else nodded. "If we fail to destroy the core, not only us, our planet is done too," everyone became serious when they heard that.

"Rico is right. The fate of the planet depends on us," thought Cade and he focused on the main core.

"Charge your skill at full strength. Let's smash this thing to pieces in one go!" said Shihoon and he took out a picture and held it in his hand. The picture shone.

Rico held his bow and aimed at the main core. He drew the string of the bow and a huge amount of mana could be felt concentrating on his bow. An ice arrow with high mana concentration formed.

Jonathan activated his armored bear bloodline soul skill and mana in a shape of armored bear formed behind him and wrapped his body a few seconds later. After that, his full set blue bear armor shone with blue light. Jonathan was activating the full set armor skill. A strong surge of power could be felt coming from him.

As for Cade, there was nothing he could use and all he needed to do was focus on the main core. He felt a bit embarrassed as he was the only one without any good skill. Even the other explorers coming with them had one kind of skill they were proud of and all of them were pouring all their mana into their skill.

His strong feeling of embarrassment without him noticing affected Rico slightly. Rico could feel what Cade was feeling and he glanced at Cade and saw him not charging his mana.

"Is Cade not possessing any strong skill?" thought Rico. Though he could feel what Cade was feeling, he was not able to know what Cade was capable of.

Cade's fighting style all this time was mostly relying on his linked equipment. If he was not careless and did not learn the slime bloodline skill, he would be able to learn good skills. It already happened and there was nothing he could do.

Cade did regret it a lot though. If he was careful, he would not end up in his current situation. Luckily, he could rely on his linked equipment and his luck or else, he would not stand a chance to become an explorer.

"That's right, he is an orphan so he might not have enough money to buy any skill book," thought Rico and he continued, "Should I buy him a skill book? This feeling is a bit too much…"

As they were all charging their power, everyone who was fighting the emerald Boarman could feel them including the emerald Boarman himself.

"That-" said Xing before he was hit by a skill from the emerald Boarman. He was sent flying but he easily maneuvered himself and landed safely on the ground. He looked at the direction of the mana he felt and saw a group of explorers went straight towards the main core.

"I will just pray that you guys succeed," said Xing as he charged forward towards the emerald Boarman.

The emerald Boarman was completely different than the other Boarman they had encountered before. He was not only strong but fast and also possessed a good defensive skill. All of that made it hard for them to defeat the emerald Boarman.

Their attack hit the emerald Boarman but the defensive skill the emerald Boarman used blocked all of their attacks. Out of all of them, only three people had managed to land a hit at the emerald Boarman.

First was Ben. With his awakened long tusk boar bloodline, he broke the defense of the emerald Boarman with brute strength.

The second was Aera. With her air manipulation skill, she was a natural enemy to the emerald Boarman because the Boarman used air magic. The emerald Boarman wind magic had zero effects on her because she could manipulate air.

However, just as Aera was able to do that, the emerald Boarman was capable of doing that too. Luckily, she was better in the manipulation and thus, the emerald Boarman wind magic was useless against her but her wind magic, on the other hand, could hit the emerald Boarman.

The third was Sera. With her fire manipulation skill, she reigned supreme against the emerald Boarman because the wind was a bad match against fire. With wind, her fire became much stronger than before and she easily tore down the emerald Boarman's defense.

Due to the three of them, the emerald Boarman was focusing more on fighting them compared to the other explorers.

However, even with them able to hit the emerald Boarman, they were unable to defeat him.

"Aera!" screamed Sera and she shot her fire straight towards the emerald Boarman. At the same time, Sera shot her fire, the air around the emerald Boarman contorted. Aera was using her oxygen concentration skill.

The emerald Boarman realized what happened but he did not try to run away. The emerald Boarman glanced towards Sera and he slightly smiled and then, the fire shot by Sera hit the concentrated oxygen and a huge explosion occurred.

"BOOM!!!!" Everyone was shielding and holding themselves from being blown away by that explosion.

"Amazing!" one of the explorers said as she was amazed by the prowess shown by Aera and Sera.

Everyone was happy with that skill and they all thought that even if that skill could not kill the emerald Boarman, it would highly likely to injure him.

However, their smile was gone when they could feel that the emerald Boarman was fine and it was the truth when the smoke from the explosion blew away by the wind created by the emerald Boarman.

Nonetheless, they saw something fast shot towards the emerald Boarman. "Arrgghh!!!" Ben was screaming and launched himself straight towards the emerald Boarman.

With his arm wide open, Ben wanted to smash the emerald Boarman with his fast tackle. The emerald Boarman moved his head and looked straight towards Ben and Ben felt chill all over his body.

"Nice!" said the emerald Boarman and he smiled sinisterly at Ben and Ben knew something bad would happen soon and he was right.

A few inches before he strokes the emerald Boarman, his body was shredded to pieces. "!!!!" everyone was shocked and terrified.

The emerald Boarman was suddenly covered in the purple aura, "Time to get serious," said the emerald Boarman and he smiled menacingly towards everyone there.

"Awakened bloodline!" said Dianne shocked.