
I'm Daphne Greengrass. You are?" Daphne asked. Harry made a top hat appear out of thin air. "Hadrian Thornwood, at your service."

"Where did that top hat come from?" Daphne asked. "Magic." He said as he twirled his hand and the top hat disappeared. "How did? Did you?" Daphne said in shock. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Greengrass." Harry said as he entered the doorway. "Thornwood, that name is familiar to me. Have we met?" Daphne asked. "No, but I have stock in your families plantations." Harry said cracking a smile. Daphne gasped at Harry's teeth. "What's wrong?" Harry asked before realizing he was smiling. "Oh, my teeth. I've been told they are one of my defining features." Harry said.

"They certainly make you stand out." Daphne said. "But you don't have any other features that form a vampire, so what are you?" She asked, pulling out her wand. "Calm down. I have vampire ancestry, but that was a few thousand years ago." Harry said not swaying from the doorframe. Daphne put her wand away at this. "Good to know." Daphne motioned for Harry to sit down. "So who was that creep?" Harry asked, sitting down. "Malfoy." Daphne said with venom. "He's been trying to court me for a while, trying to get his hands on my families business and money. Even though he has enough money." Daphne ranted.

"Sounds like a real arse." Harry said. "Yeah, he thinks he owns the world, because his father is friends with the minister, and he has a seat on the board of governors." Daphne said. "Well, not to be rude, but I honestly don't care what his father has." Harry said. "You better be careful at least. I can't have my hero be expelled on me." Daphne said with a smirk. "Well, my lady, I will try to stay in school. Besides, it would help me in the future to stay in school." Harry said. "So you expect to be in Slytherin then?" Daphne asked. "Well, my Grandfather says that our family is ambitious with an unhealthy addiction to the unknown." Harry explained.

"You said you're name is Thornwood?" Daphne asked. "Yes." Harry said, raising an eyebrow. "I remember my father talking about a letter from the Ministry that talked about your family. Why is that?" Daphne asked. "Your father's a lord right?" Harry asked. "Yes, the Greengrass family is a most ancient and noble family." Daphne said. "Of course, my memory on that subject is a bit foggy is all. You see my family has become active once again, and the wizengamot members must have been notified that we are back." Harry explained.

"You clearly aren't a muggleborn, as your clearly educated in our ways and etiquette. Are you a halfblood?" Daphne asked. "No, I'm a pureblood, but, I'd rather not talk about it, seeing as how I just met you." Harry said. "Understandable. My apologies." Daphne said. Suddenly the door of the compartment opened, causing both preteens to turn towards the door, and two darker skinned preteens walked in. "I'm telling you Tracey there was blood coming out of Malfoy's nose." Said a boy. "I really doubt it Blaise, it's not like anyone is going to deck Malfoy like that." Tracey, the girl said. "Actually his nose was broken by Mr. Thornwood here- where did he go?" Daphne said suddenly.

True to her word, the seat where Harry was sitting was now vacant, and Harry was nowhere to be seen. "Who?" Tracey asked. "Hadrian Thornwood, he was sitting here a minute ago." Daphne said looking around. "Daphne, are you pulling our legs? There's clearly no one here." Tracey said. "But he was! He saved me from Malfoy as well." Daphne exclaimed. "What do you mean save you?" Blaise asked. Daphne then recounted her earlier experience with the Malfoy heir. "That bastard!" Tracey yelled. "But what of Thornwood. You clearly haven't made him up." Blaise thought aloud. "I don't know, he seems to have strange magic." Daphne said. "Well, we will just have to wait and see." Tracey said.

"That was close. Don't want to many people to learn of me just yet." Harry said as he stepped out of the shadows in his own compartment. "Shadow travel really is a wonderful skill." Harry said as he sat down. Shadow travel, or shadow walking, is a skill that comes to all umbramancers at some point in their training. It allows the wizard to step into the shadows and move about unseen until one steps back out through a shadow. Selena meowed from her cage and pawed the lock. "Alright Selena, I'll let you out." He said before getting up. The leopard jumped from the cage onto Harry's head, knocking him over. "Jeese Selena, you really hate your cage." He said as he got up from the floor.

"Sssssssseeeeeeeeeeee." The train squealed as it slowed into the station. "Alright Selena, I don't think I can take you with me to the sorting." Harry said. Selena's head fell as she sadly walked into her cage. "But, seeing as you are my familiar, why not stir up some change?" Harry smiled with a lopsided grin. Selena meowed excitedly and ran to Harry's leg and started to rub her face on him while purring. Harry chuckled and bent down and grabbed Selena, and placed her on his shoulder before leaving the compartment.

"Firs' years over 'ere!" A large man yelled. Harry walked towards the man and saw Daphne with her friends. He gave a smile and waved while walking in the crowd. "That's Thornwood." Daphne whispered to her friends. Blaise and Tracey looked over and saw the waving boy. "I gotta say Daph, he's not bad looking." Tracey said, causing Daphne to blush. "Gross Trace, we're eleven." Blaise said. "Yeah, but in a few years..." Tracey said, leaving the comment in the air. Daphne blushed even harder. "Hah, I knew it." Tracey said as they kept walking towards a pier. "Alright firs' years. Two t'a boat!" The large man said, getting in his own boat. Daphne immediately appeared next to Harry.

"Jesus! Where did you come from?" Harry asked. "You are a Christian?" Daphne asked. "Nope. Come on, lets grab a boat, as I'm sure you're curious about me." Harry said, leading them to a boat. "Alright, everyone in a boat?" The man asked. The kids let out an affirmative noise before the man took out a... pink umbrella? "Forward, t' Hogwarts!" The man said as the boats took off. "I've seen a lot of focci before. But never a pink umbrella." Harry said. "You have seen a lot of wands?" Daphne asked. "I did not say that. I said focci. Big difference." Harry said. "And how do you know that?" Daphne asked. Harry pointed to a crest on his left shoulder. "This is the mark of my apprenticeship. I work under a focci crafter."

The crest was that of a anvil and a hammer, surrounded by an ornamental circle. "Wow. That is quite impressive." Daphne said a bit colder. "It seems you are skilled in the art of Occlumency." Harry said. Suddenly, the boats took a turn around a cape. "That, is quite impressive." Harry muttered. "Behold. Hogwarts!" The large man yelled. The castle stood out in the night, illuminating the starless night. "No kidding." Daphne said, forgetting the revelation. They travelled in relative silence until they entered the castle, where almost everyone burst into excited whispers. They were ushered into a large gothic hall, before a large wooden door, easily big enough to fit a giant.

After about ten minutes of waiting, the doors opened, revealing a stern looking witch, in a Celtic dress. "Good evening. I am Professor McGonagall, the deputy Headmistress. Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, beyond these doors lie your future. There are four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Your house will be your family, and your performance reflects your house. For any misdemeanors, you will loose points. For good behavior and other things, you will gain points." Professor McGonagall explain. "Now, all of you will stay here until I come back." She said as she re-entered the great hall.

"I'm going to be in Slytherin. My Father told me so. Every Malfoy has been in Slytherin he says." Draco boasted, his nose now fixed. "He fixed his nose awfully quickly." Harry whispered to Daphne. "Pipe down Malfoy." A boy said. The crowd of children expanded into a circle, revealing a red headed boy with badly maintained robes. "Let's see here, red hair. Hand-me-down robes. And dirt on your nose. You must be a Weasely. You aren't even worth my time." Malfoy sneered. "That's very rude Mr. Malfoy." Said another kid. A boy entered the circle, sharply dressed in expensive robes.

"Who are you?" Malfoy asked. "Damien Potter. And I don't like people insulting my friends." Damien said. The crowd burst into more whispers as he announced himself. "It's him!" Daphne whispered. "It's Damien Potter, one of the two children who lived!" She said to Harry. Harry's eyes went cold. "Is he now." Harry stated with a hint of venom. Daphne looked at Harry weirdly. "You don't need to know at this point in our relationship." Harry stated before the doors opened once again. "Alright, please follow me!" McGonagall said as she appeared in the doorway. Everyone followed the professor into the Great hall.

Millions of candles floated about the air, and large metal braziers lined the windows, illuminating the whole room. Four tables lined the hall, each with a banner over head. At the end of the hall stood a large golden podium in the shape of an owl. Behind that was another table where all the faculty sat. The ceiling shifted form into that of the night sky. "I've read about that in Hogwarts, a history." Said a mousy girl. In the middle of the aisle stood but a single stool, and a moth eaten hat. "Now, when I call your name, please come forward, and sit on the stool, and I will place this hat upon you." McGonagall said. "What's that gonna do?" The red head asked. Before McGonagall could respond, the hat sprang to life and started singing.

"OOOOOH, you may not think I'm pretty,

But don't judge on what you see,

I'll eat myself if you can find,

A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,

Your top hats sleek and tall,

For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

And I can cap them all!

There's nothing hidden in your head

The sorting Hat can't see,

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be,

You might belong in Gryffindor,

Where dwell the brave of heart,

Their daring, nerve, and chivalry

Set Gryffindor apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,

Where they are just and loyal,

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true

And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,

If you've a ready mind,

Where those of wit and learning,

will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,

You'll make your real friends,

Those cunning folk use any means

To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

And don't get in a flap!

You're in safe hands (Though I have none)

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

Sang the hat. Everyone burst into applause after the hat ended his song, giving a bow with his bill. McGonagall stepped over to the hat and produced a scroll. "Abbot, Hannah." She started. Harry didn't really pay attention for most of them until it came to Daphne. "Slytherin!" The hat yelled. Harry clapped for his friend. He tuned it back out until he heard the name, "Potter, Damien." Harry looked up to see his no longer brother. "Hm, better be... Gryffindor!" The hat announced. The Gryffindor table erupted into cheers as one of the children who lived was sorted to their house. "Potter, Rose." McGonagall said after the noise died down. The hat took longer this time, a good three minutes before announcing, "Ravenclaw!"

The Ravenclaw table cheered, but at a much more dignified level. "Potter, Harry." McGonagall said, causing the whole room to go quiet. No one had heard of a third Potter child. Daphne looked at Harry with a questioning look. He didn't respond. Upon seeing no one step up, McGonagall went on with the list until she ended with Blaise, leaving Harry standing there. Dumbledore stood up from his seat. "Who are you my boy?" He asked. "Hadrian Thornwood. I'm not sure why I wasn't called up." Harry said calmly. He really did know why, but chose to keep it to himself.

"Do you have any proof that you were supposed to be here?" McGonagall asked. Harry opened his robe, and Selena jumped out. "Selena! There you are. What were you doing in there?" Harry asked. In her mouth was a letter. "Ah, actually, I need that, thank you." He said, scratching behind her ears. "Here is my letter." Harry said. He handed the paper to McGonagall, still scratching his familiar. "Hm, everything seems to check out Professor. He truly should have been called." McGonagall said. "Wait, can you repeat your name for me?" Dumbledore asked. "Hadrian Thornwood." Harry said.

Dumbledore approached him, studying him as he got closer. When he was a foot away he stopped, his eyebrows raised into his hat. "Harry, is that you?" The old man asked. "Yes, and no. It took you a while to catch on Dumbledore. I was hoping for more time actually." Harry said. "And my name is Mr. Thornwood to you sir." Harry said a bit annoyed. Everyone in the room looked confused, having no idea of the situation or the context to the conversation this eleven year old was having with the Headmaster. "Why didn't you go up when you were called?" Dumbledore asked.

"Because that is no longer my name." Harry said. At this point McGonagall joined the conversation. "Albus, you mean he was called already?" She asked. "Yes, his real name is Harry Potter." Dumbledore said, causing the room to gasp. "Incorrect." Harry said calmly. "What do you mean?" The old man asked. "I have not been a Potter in years. My blood and magic are Thornwood now." Harry said, causing another gasp. "What form of dark ritual have you done to yourself Harry?" Dumbledore asked. "None except a blood adoption ritual." Harry said. "Now can we move on, a lot of this stuff is private." Harry said. Dumbledore regained his composure. "Yes, but we will have a meeting later on this week." Dumbledore said. "Very well Sir." Harry said as Dumbledore retreated.

Harry then went to the stool and sat down. Hm, this will be interesting if that little spat had anything to do with anything. The hat said in Harry's mind. You are quite the enchanted artifact sir. Being able to use legilimency to the degree that you have. I would almost say you are a product of alchemy or even a soul yourself. Harry replied as he lowered his shields. Thank you dear boy. Not many people have appreciated the skill it took to bring me to life. Now, you would do well in Gryffindor, but you would probably kill the majority of your housemates. So that leaves Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Hm yes, you possess the craving for knowledge, but you also want it to be used correctly. Your ambition is high, if you truly go down the path that is at the far corners of your thoughts. And you possess the skill and cunning to do it. It better be... Slytherin!"