Minerva McGonagall struggled to recall the last time in which Albus Dumbledore looked so... defeated. The man's slumped, his back hunched over, skin pale, and hands quivered ever so slightly. It was almost depressing to see the man she always viewed in such awe appear so very old.
"When was it discovered that Sirius escaped?"
"I was just notified about an hour ago, Aurors are currently sweeping his cell along with the rest of Azkaban for any sign of him."
The man nodded sadly, he already knew that there would be nothing to be found though.
"Headmaster Dumbledore..."
He looked up, his eyes full of regrets, at the current director of the DMLE. "Black had a visitor last night, Minister Fudge."
"Surely we do not think that the Minister was involved..." Pomona Sprout whispered in shock.
"Or that he would be stupid enough to help the man escape... and smart enough to actually do so..." Snape muttered in contempt.
"No, he is not suspected as being involved." Bones replied, ignoring the quip from the Potion master, "However, he did note that his visit was short. He apparently wanted to rub the fact that Harry Potter was alive and well in the man's face, and had shown him a copy of the class photos from the Prophet."
"Stupid ignorant man..."
Everyone turned to McGonagall, who had begun cursing softly in a thick accent, "now he knows what Harry looks like!"
The man returned his attention to the head of the DMLE, whose eyes were wide in horror. "Mr. Potter said he lived in the Muggle world. When he returns this summer he won't have any protection, Black will be able to locate him!"
"We will relocate him of course, I was intending on doing so during the summer this merely puts more haste in these old bones."
"But where to Headmaster? Most of the boy's friends are in Slytherin. Merlin knows that the Malfoy's would not think twice about turning him over to a Death Eater." Severus noted, earning winces from the remainder of the room.
The elder Wizard sat in silence for several minutes, going over various scenarios in his mind before seemingly coming to a decision. "We need an expert."
The others blinked in confusion. "An expert sir?" Tonks questioned, speaking up for the first time since her boss had entered the room.
"Yes, an expert in Sirius Black. We need someone who knows how he thinks, how he will react and plan, or at least how he used to. Amelia, please reach out and contact Mad-Eye Moody for me, he helped instruct the boy when he first joined the Aurors. I will be summoning Remus Lupin in a few..."
The snort from Snape was heard by all, and earned him quite a few glares.
"I understand that you do not like him Severus, but I hope you can agree that Harry's safety is more important than your dislike of the man."
"Yes... of course Headmaster."
"I will attempt to keep you both working on separate projects as often as possible to keep your interactions to a minimum."
The Slytherin head blinked in shock, before nodding graciously.
"We should take him out of the country."
"Screw the bloody country, let's get him off of the continent!"
"Oh because that will work, what do you intend to do hastily setup a bunch of wards on a random island?"
"What about one of the Auror safe-houses?"
"You mean the ones Black already knows about?"
"No, I mean the new ones he doesn't know about."
"And hope that no one in the DMLE has any dark connections?"
As the room spun with various arguments of how to proceed Albus Dumbledore directed his attention to the one person not speaking at all. The man who had taken to staring out of the window to the courtyard below his office.
What was Remus Lupin looking at? The Forbidden Forest? The Quidditch field? The Lake? What memories consumed his thoughts?
The man snapped out of his stupor, and turned to look at those who had fallen silent at the Headmaster's soft, but commanding, inquiry.
"What do you suggest my boy?"
"I... don't know."
"You knew Sirius Black better than anyone else in this room. Anything you can tell us..."
"I knew him over a decade ago... a lifetime ago..."
"I understand Remus, and we are not asking for you to perfectly predict him but... we need all of the help we can get protecting Harry."
That single name seemed to change everything, a spark that hadn't existed before appeared in the Werewolf's eyes as he straightened up just a bit more than before, his mind working furiously in ways that it hadn't in years.
Another few seconds passed before his voice called out, calm and yet authoritative.
"Keep him moving. Make a list of safe locations that are already warded and switch them out at random intervals, at random times, and in random order. If you think there is even a hint of a pattern do something random. If you don't think there is a pattern make a random change anyway. No more than a week at any location although that is pushing it. We keep the list separate, no one has the complete version. No one knows anything more than the next hop, or an emergency location.
"Now you are speaking my language boy! What else?" Moody growled with an almost excited note in his voice.
"No Aurors, they can be bought or bribed. No one that we are not sure is one hundred and ten percent on our side. No one stays with him the entire time, sweep everything he owns for tracking Charms at every stop, change his outfit as often as possible. Use Muggle and Magical outfits, no school robes. If he will allow it change his appearance but don't force him, we do that and he will act like a teenager and rebel which will make it worse."
"More, come on boy more!" the retired Auror encouraged, feeling life and almost intoxication flowing into his veins at being in the field once more.
"We need a list, a massive one of every possible safe-house we can use, from there we can narrow it down dramatically. Then we need a leak. Someone who is loyal enough that Sirius would trust him, but stupid enough to let out information. We give them a different list. No Aurors though and no traps. We are trying to slow him down until the Aurors catch up, not put him in flight mode. He flees and we have nothing. Right now we know what his target is."
"Is all of this necessary?" McGonagall whispered, almost shocked at the militaristic way that the situation was being handled.
"Sirius was one of the best trackers alive. Not only physically but also in blending in. He could get in and out of virtually any fortress the enemy had better than anyone else, except maybe Peter. But he could get information. He could eavesdrop on a conversation halfway across a crowded room and pick the perfect target for a con or seduction mission. He will find Harry if anyone knows where he is going to be."
"What happens if our luck runs out and he does meet the boy?" Snape inquired, a rare look of respect in his eyes focused on the homeless-looking man.
"Emergency Portkeys, several of them, each setup by a different person with a location unknown to everyone else. We each keep an indicator with us, should one go off, at all times."
"Then what, he will be able to trace..."
"Then we go off the grid entirely. No contact with anyone, period. We leave one message indicating he is safe... and then vanish."
"Meet back at the platform for school?" Filius inquired, his eyes burning brightly as he soaked up the information in the way only a true Ravenclaw could.
"No, if the emergency goes off he doesn't go back to Hogwarts. Sirius will expect it."
"Then what? We go on the run for the rest of his life? What happens if Black is never caught?"
"We deal with it if it happens. This is the 'emergency' protocol. If this group becomes compromised in anyway shape or form. At that point it is better for whoever has him to create a plan on the fly rather than rely on anything concrete that can be leaked. Use your best judgment, but take whatever you would probably do, and the opposite... then choose the option in the middle."
"We will start the list immediately. Most of his housemates are out of the question due to questionable ties either directly or through family friends. However it seems as though Miss Lovegood has taken quite the liking to him, as has the young Miss Weasley and Mr. Longbottom."
Remus nodded towards the eldest Wizard, "I can take him as well, hopefully he likes camping..."
"I am sure my mom wouldn't mind if we asked her, although considering she is cousins to Black... Either way I have my own apartment now under Auror level Wards. I can certainly let him stay with me."
Filius, McGonagall, and Sprout all nodded as well.
"I seem to have a decent friendship with Harry, I doubt Sirius Black will suspect his Astronomy teacher of housing him."
"Thank you Aurora, I myself would take him for the summer but with all of the meetings I have he would be in a constant predictable schedule, but I can at least take him for a few scattered days." The headmaster replied, his gaze drifting towards Severus, who gave a sigh at the look.
"I... can if no one else will. But considering my ties to Lucious Malfoy and my current... situation I doubt it would be for the best."
"I agree, we will certainly not force you to look after him unless it is an absolute emergency Severus."
"Harry my boy, thank you for stopping up to see an old man on such short notice."
"Of course sir, to be honest I expected this after last year. Perhaps this can be a bit of a tradition between us."
The older man smiled, before nodding. "Hopefully under better circumstances next time. A man named Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban less than a week ago. We believe he may have chosen you as a potential target and so we are going to be making a bit of a change in your normal summer routine."
"Oh? Might I inquire as to what this man would want from me?"
"Harry, my name is Remus Lupin." a poorly dressed man announced from the side, as he took a slow step towards the student. "I was a close friend of your parents, Sirius Black was as well before he betrayed them to the Dark Lord. He is the reason they are dead Harry..."
"I... see..."
For the shortest of moments the Wolf instincts in Remus whimpered back in terror, something the man had never experienced before. His eyes widened in shock, but from the corner of his eye he noticed no change in the Headmaster... and thus set the situation aside for the time being.
"So, what exactly is the plan?"
"Well Harry, the current plan is to have you stay at different locations throughout the break, to keep you safe. I am truly sorry that we must interfere with your life in this way my boy, after everything that has happened this year I am sure you were looking forward to a quiet, peaceful summer."
"Actually Headmaster this sounds rather exciting. I was bored after the first week of break last year and this way I don't have to go back to... that place."
Lupin's eyebrow quirked upward, he had never been informed as to where Harry was staying, only that he was 'safe'... or that he was supposed to have been. He had managed to pick up on the fact that his original location had been changed early on in his life though.
"Where... are you currently living Harry?"
"An orphanage in the Muggle world, so where will I be going first Headmaster?"
From the subtle shift in the atmosphere Dumbledore knew he would be dealing with a rather irate Marauder in a moment.
"You will be with Remus here first Harry, remember to be careful at all times. We do not know how much Sirius Black will be able to discover or how many contacts he might still have in our world."
"Of course sir."
"Harry... could you give me and Dumbledore a few minutes alone, we need to have a... conversation."
The boy nodded his hand, before departing, leaving Remus to glare dangerously at the elder Wizard.
"So Harry, have you ever been camping before?"
"I have not Mr. Lupin."
"Please, just call me Remus... or Moony if you prefer."
"Moony it is then."
The man smiled, as the two continued walking through the woods towards a small clearing that Remus had selected a few days prior, and then Warded.
"I hope this is okay with you Harry... I haven't had much luck with jobs lately and so..."
"Quite alright, I have always wanted to sleep under the stars."
The man smiled warmly towards the boy he had always considered his godson. If it hadn't been for Black...
"Moony... is that name because of you being a Werewolf?"
Lupin's thought pattern, and travel froze, before slowly turning towards the boy. "H-how did you..."
"Amber eyes, scars across body, obvious nickname, inability to hold a job despite no signs of substance abuse or personality disorders..."
"Also there is the discoloration in your magical aura."
"Y-you can see auras!?"
"Of course, I thought it was a common thing in the Wizarding world."
"No Harry, that is an exceptionally rare talent, and most of the time those who actually can require deep concentration and a quiet environment to focus."
"Ah, well I can turn it on and off. My apologies for using it on you without your consent though. I usually keep it off but with the Headmaster's insistence upon being safe..."
"No, no that is alright Harry. I would never ask you to hinder yourself for me."
"So I have been meaning to ask, what is Sirius Black like?"
"He... was a good friend, or so we thought. He always seemed so loyal and happy... I guess it really shows how manipulative someone can be."
"And you do not like manipulative individuals?"
"I was in Gryffindor, we prefer brutal honesty."
"Oh? So I shouldn't lie to you then?"
"I... Cub I am never going to force you to tell me anything but... you never need to lie to me."
"What if the truth is dark though? Horrible even? What if I have done awful things?"
"Cub, there isn't anything you can do that..."
"I have killed people Moony... several already. Some were evil others... not as much, and I will continue killing. Undoubtedly I will end up killing innocent people as well. I am going to change the world Moony, whether for better or worse I cannot quite tell yet. Some will call me a Dark Lord... and they will be right."
The Werewolf could only stare in horror at the young boy, who was practically confessing to being evil. What should he do in this situation? What could he do?
"I will let you kill me Remus, I will allow you to stop me here and now before I can commit any more atrocities. You will be able to vanish, to disappear if you want to. Or perhaps you can blame Black, or even take credit. If you tell Dumbledore everything I am sure he would believe you. Snape already has suspicions surrounding me and if you join him the old man will undoubtedly..."
"Cub stop! I am not going to kill you, I am not going to hurt you..."
"Do you believe I am deceiving you? Would you like to understand clearer?"
"There is nothing you can say that..." Remus froze as darkness washed over him. Magical power on a scale he had never felt, had never imagined roared into existence, as if it had gone from noon to midnight in an instance.
"Now do you understand?"
"I..." What should he do? Kill the child who had admitted to take lives? Stop a Dark Lord before he came to power? No, he couldn't. Even if Harry was holding a sword to an innocent person's throat he wouldn't be able to harm him. Even without being James' and Lily's son there was something else about the boy... something that drew him like a moth to a candle. Werewolves were dark creatures, he knew that, but he had never understood how much until this moment. Until every instinct in his body was screaming at him to kneel before this child, to worship and serve him until the end of his days. To simply feel his magic surrounding him.
"I do understand Harry... but I still will not harm you. I left you with Dumbledore when you were a child Harry... I left you and you ended up in a bloody orphanage, I am not going to abandon you again, never again."
"Interesting, then I suppose I will need to work on improving opinion towards Werewolves now wont I."
"Well I can't very well let one of my closest advisers be treated poorly."
The pride that Remus Lupin felt in his chest at this trust was both exhilarating... and frightening at the same time.
"Hey cub, what are you up to?"
"Oh just writing a letter to a potential follower."
"Uh, I don't think that is a good idea. If Sirius tracks it..."
"That would certainly be a nice benefit, perhaps he would prove an actual challenge."
"This isn't a game cub, Sirius is dangerous if he finds you..."
"If he finds me I can only hope he is more entertaining than a possessed professor, a fraud, or a sixty foot Basilisk have proven thus far."
Sitting on her bed a young Witch stared at the book that lay open in her lap, staring but never actually seeing the words on the page. What was the point after all? Her parents hadn't said three sentences to her since she had arrived home over a week ago, and she certainly had no friends in the Muggle World. It looked as though her summer was going to be even worse than...
The soft flapping of wings started the girl, as a brown owl stood at the end of her bed with a letter attached to its leg.
"What is this..."
After giving the creature a treat or two, and watching it depart into the sky, Hermione Granger slowly opened the contents, allowing her eyes to roam over it.
Dearest Eyre,
I hope your summer has proven relaxing after the year we have just experienced at school. I am afraid that my current situation will not allow me to receive letters as I am required to 'fear for my safety' or some such nonsense. Regardless I will continue writing to you as often as I can, and I hope we can continue our conversations in the coming year.
Luckily for me I was able to purchase the upcoming school books last week, meaning that I will at least have something to do while I am adjusting to my new living conditions.
Have you begun your reading yet? I can only imagine that you have based upon the conversations between us. I can tell that you are a rather brilliant young maiden who can do amazing things in this world if you are given the chance to do so.
Speaking of which, have you thought about future career paths? I have heard rumors that the third year is when most of the electives are unlocked, if you are that age you should consider taking one or two of them.
I understand that last year was rough for you my dear, and I do so hope this summer proves to be better than your previous one. If it was my choice I would have liked to have spent some of it with you, perhaps on a faraway island or a sandy beach. Nothing but the warm sand, sunshine, and peaceful crashes of the waves, besides us of course.
Laying on the beach reading, your skin warm to the touch. Walking along it in the moonlight during the evenings, with the light reflecting in your eyes.
Have you ever been on a tropical vacation? I personally have not, in fact I have never been out of England, or on any official vacation. I suppose this year is slightly different since I will be moving around quite a bit but I would be reluctant to call it a 'vacation', more like a forced summer of relocation.
If you have not already heard there is a 'dangerous' man on the loose by the name of Sirius Black. He is wanted for several counts of murder and treason, though I doubt he would have any reason to come after you I do so hope you stay safe. I would be devastated if something were to happen to you my dear.
I count the days until we can have our next face-to-face chat, until then remember that you do have those who care for you.
Lord Rochester
The bookworm reread the letter a few times, before giving a girlish squeal and holding it close to her chest. He hadn't abandoned her, the only light in her life had not yet given up on her happiness. She was rather saddened by the fact she could not write back to him but that just meant she would need to make a list of things to talk about when they next met. Perhaps it was better this way, considering she normally dominated the 'bathroom' conversations.
Still there was something else in his letter, something that sent her pulse racing and putting a blush on her face. A slight flirtation in his words... something that she had long since began to think and fantasize about.
"Father, I wish to speak with you about something."
"Oh, and what is that Draco?"
"I heard rumors that Sirius Black has escaped."
"He has"
"I would like to request that we offer protection to Harry Potter this summer, surely Black would not..."
"I will not entertain the boy who defeated my Lord in my own home, Draco."
"But father he is powerful, I informed you last summer that..."
"You told me what you saw not what is true. Your knowledge and skill in the magical arts have not matured enough to understand what true power is Draco. Rumors are being whispered amongst those of us not in Azkaban that the Dark Lord is working on his return. When he does you will be taking the Dark Mark as my heir."
"I have already pledged my allegiances father, I will not forsake my oaths."
"You are a child Draco. You know not what you were doing, you will show your loyalty to the Dark Lord upon his return. If you insist on continuing communication with Potter then you will use this friendship to turn him over to our Lord's whims."
"I will not!"
"Draco" the elder Malfoy growled as he grabbed his son by the front of his shirt, in menacing fashion. "I grow tired of this fantasy you have created concerning Potter. You will respect your betters!"
"I do respect them father, and hopefully one day you see that before we end up on opposite sides of..."
The slap that echoed through the room was the only indicator of how Draco found himself lying on the floor, a red mark across his face as his father stared coldly down at him.
"This year Draco... this year you will see the folly in your ways and take the Mark. This year you will understand where your place is, and who your true Lord is."
With that the man turned and departed, leaving Draco to slowly pick himself up while muttering under his breath.
"One of us will..."
"I have a problem Hes..."
"I don't understand why I let you call me that, considering your own feelings towards your first name Tonks."
The Metamagus merely grinned, before pulling a bottle of alcohol from her fridge, "Because I bought the booze."
"Fair enough, so what's been going on hero."
"Ugh, not you too..."
"Oh come on, you killed a Basilisk single-handedly did you really not expect any fame to come with that?"
"I just... don't feel like I deserve it..."
Hestia Jones waved off her friends complaint. "Girl if anyone deserves the fame and fortune it is you... so long as you do not forget us measly commoners afterwards."
"I will never forget you Hes..."
The woman grinned, before taking a drink from the bottle. "Alright, so answer the question. What has been going on with you?"
"I... have been dating a lot recently."
"Oh? Finally decided to get back out there after finishing Auror training eh? Any cute guys?"
"Eight dates in a month... and they have all been losers or creeps."
The woman's smile dropped, "I'm sorry Tonks but... eight? Who are you trying to get out of your head?"
The Auror laughed, they had both established the theory that when someone went on multiple dates in a short time span that the person was trying to forget about another individual.
"You know me too well... listen Hes, I can trust you to keep a secret right?"
"Yeah, course you can."
"I'm serious here, if you tell anyone... I could end up in prison."
The slightly older girl's smile fell from her face, "Tonks, what is going on? I promise you that I won't tell anyone as long as you aren't trying to kill yourself or something like that."
"I... had a relationship a couple months ago..."
"Oh... you mean like when you were on duty."
"Tonks it is fine, not like you are the first one to date a coworker or anything."
"No it isn't that... I was working at Hogwarts Hes."
"You... dated a student?"
"I wouldn't really call it dating..."
"You... oh my God you slept with a student!?"
The Aurors face fell into her hands, as she held back a miserable sob. "Whoa whoa Tonks... listen I just... I was just surprised that's all, it isn't that bad, so seventh year?"
"Younger..." was the whispered reply.
At this point Tonks couldn't even even give a verbal answer, and just shook her head instead.
"Fourth? Third? Second... Tonks what did you do?"
"I slept with a freaking child Hes! I am a bloody pedophile!"
"But... why did you..."
"I DON'T KNOW!" the Metamorph screamed, as she stood and began pacing, finally breaking down under the stress she had been putting herself through. "It isn't like I want to be attracted to him! And I don't fancy anyone else at that entire bloody place! I mean hell I barely even want to have kids now! There is just... I just don't know!"
"Okay, okay calm down before you hurt yourself. Who was it?"
The mumbled reply earned a sigh from the friend, "I can't understand you when you talk like..."
"O-oh... okay well... uh..."
"I mean it isn't just that though! The Basilisk? The one I got a raise, and promotion, and bonus, and and and... EVERYTHING for killing!? Nope not me, I was too busy hiding behind a freaking column sobbing my eyes out in fear while he killed it. I was saved from a monster by a twelve year old boy Hess! Then what do I do? I stand by in silence while everyone congratulates me, then I molest him!"
"So you didn't..."
"DOES IT MATTER!? We did everything except for shag like freaking rabbits! What the hell is wrong with me!?"
Hestia Jones sat silent for a few moments, while her best friend dropped onto the opposite couch and began crying. Suddenly it all made sense, and the woman stood to walk over and comfort the Auror.
"Shhh Tonks, it is okay... I understand what happened..."
"It is 'hero worship' Tonks... you and I were both raised on stories about this miraculous hero that saved the world, someone who has been called everything from 'Merlin reincarnate' to 'Champion of the Light'. Then he saves your life from a freaking monster. You fell in love with the idea of him Tonks, that is why all of these other guys can't measure up. You have set Harry on a pedestal that no one can possibly hope to reach."
"S-so what do I do?"
"Well, you mentioned seeing him at some point this summer right?"
"Yeah... I volunteered to look after him and... oh God I have to cancel! I can't be around him and..."
"No, this is perfect. Okay this is what you are going to do. He comes over, you set him up the guest room... and then you take him on a date."
"Are you out of your bloody mind! I practically forced myself on..."
"Did you? Did you force yourself on him Tonks? Did you hold him down and touch him while he told you not to?"
"So then he didn't understand what was happening? You took advantage of him not understanding the consequences of what you were doing?"
"He practically started half of it Hes!"
"So then the only thing you did wrong was have relations with someone younger than you. So relax a bit, since there aren't Aurors knocking on the door to arrest you I assume he hasn't told anyone right?"
"No... he didn't want me to get in trouble, same reason he let me take credit."
"So he is far more mature than a normal person his age, which is why you are taking him on a date. Think about it Tonks, you can't get over him because you still imagine him as being perfect. That is why all these other guys are such losers to you. You will never be able to have a normal relationship while you have this 'perfect man' stuck in your head... but once you talk to him, get to know him, and realize he is just a kid..."
"Then the illusion fades, Hes you are brilliant!"
"You just now realized this?"
"Yes Moony?" the boy inquired, as the two men lay on the grass, staring up at the star-filled sky.
"I am really glad you agreed to come out here with me, not just for your safety but... well I have enjoyed these past few days."
"As have I. Although I wish we could have met sooner..." the older man's shoulders sagged as he recalled the life he had thus far missed out on. "I am glad that we can spend this time together now."
Like that Lupin's spirits soared, who would have thought that there would be someone who could affect him even more than James and Sirius used to be able to do.