Riser Phenex(DxD)

A/N: I don't own any of these series and these works are for entertainment only.

OC Riser x Ravel, so incest. If you don't like it, don't read. Also, it might be underage too. Never bothered to check Riser or Ravel's age.


Memories, feelings, experiences, all flashes through his head one by one. Form when he was a baby to his childhood of being spoiled by his parents and older brothers to when he first got his Evil Pieces to when his little sister volunteer to join him because she's worried about him to right now. Memories of Riser Phenex's life flashed through his mind and yet those weren't the only memories.

Memories of a boy, all alone without any family to look up to, without any friends to play with. As days, months and years passed, the boy grows, things changed and yet one thing remains constant. The boy is always alone.

Eventually, he couldn't take it anymore so after getting out of the orphanage and he threw himself into the world of fantasy. Animes, Mangas, Novels, he read everything he can find and write fanfictions on them whenever he's bored all in an effort to escape reality. In the end, he passed away due to malnutrition but his story didn't end there.

He opened his eyes again, staring at the red-haired beauty in front of him. All those memories and experience flashes by in the few seconds it takes for his face to fully healed from the red-haired girl's destructive power.

He sighed, "All this and for what? So you can escape a marriage set up by your parents? You were even willing to offer your first time to that pervert over there," He points at Issei, "just so you don't have to marry me."

"What are you trying to say?" Rias asks gritting her teeth in anger knowing that people are watching this game.

"My point is if you are willing to go that far to try and break off this engagement, then marrying you will just be a pain. Our parents arranged this marriage so that our families can become closer but," He raises his hand into the air. "If you really want to disappoint them that much. I surrender!" He announced.

Everyone was stun silence.


He hears two people shout at the same time. One from the girl in front of him and another one from behind. He turned around just to see the angry and surprised eyes of his little sister staring back at him.

'Oops, forgot that she doesn't like to lose… scratch that, she doesn't like to see the people who she looks up to powerful lose.'

He patted her on the head, "I'll explain later."

He turns his attention back to Rias, "You got what you want. You win, the engagement is off. Now, if you'll excuse me. I'll like to leave."

"Oi! Announcer, hurry up and announce the winner already." Riser yelled in an annoyed tone at the sky.

"Ah, Riser forfeited! The winner of the Rating Game goes to Rias!"

As sound as the announcement finished, Raiser uses his power to teleport himself and what's left of his peerage away.


As Riser is laying down on the bed, trying to come to terms with his new reality, about the fact that he now Riser Phenex in the world of High School DxD. The door to the room slam open and an angry-looking little girl walk in.

"Explain yourself!" She demands.

"Ah, there's my favorite girl." He quickly got up, grab her and make her sit on his lap as he sits back down on the bed.

"Sweet words are not going to get you out of it this time." She said glaring at him.

"And here I thought I can get my cute little sister to forgive me." He joked, putting on a sad face.

She pouts, "I worked really hard to win the game for you and you just gave up in the end." she complained.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry about that. If you really want to know, I'll explain why I give up." Riser said seriously making her perk up and listen.

"Before the rating game, I went to research and check on them not because I was worried about their power but because I wanted to know what my ex-fiancee's and her peerage was like. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. Rias and her peerage are full of problems.

Let's start with her Queen, Akeno Himejima. While she might be powerful, she's a girl with severe daddy issues to the point where she will try to kill her father if she sees him again. Whatever led to her hating her father so much also affected her. She might act like a tough girl who doesn't care about much and like to tease her king but inside, she's a broken girl waiting to be saved by someone.

Next is her Knight, Yuuto Kiba. Normally he acts like an upbeat person but one your throw a holy sword in front of him, especially one that has to do with Excalibur, he'll go crazy ignoring even his King's order.

There's her Rook, Shirone Toujou. She's a Nekomata that knows Senjutsu and yet is afraid to use it.

Then there's her newest member, Asia Argento. She's a shy and innocent kid who should be on a battlefield in the first place even if her sacred gear is useful.

Finally, there's her pawn, Issei Hyoudou. He's just problems after problems. His only redeeming quality is the fact that he's the current host of the Boosted Gear and that he doesn't give up but that's a trait of all previous Boosted gear user."

"Her peerage does sound like a handful but that's still not a good enough reason. It's not like you'll be marrying them after all." Ravel argued

"True, but the main problem lies with Rais. She's a spoiled princess that temper tantrum every time she doesn't get what she wants.

Despite saying that she wants to make a name for herself separated from her family, she hasn't done anything at all. She doesn't even try to help her peerage get over their problems and instead chose to ignore them. In fact, if we didn't have a rating game a while back, she wouldn't bother to train at all.

If I marry someone like that, it'll just bring me endless problems. Besides," He looks down at Ravel's eyes.

"I already have a cuter and more beautiful girl by my side." He finished in a flirting tone making Ravel blushed and looked away. He grabbed her chin and raise her face to look at him. Her blush intensifies as he leaned toward her and yet she didn't try anything, only closing her eyes waiting for the inevitable kiss.

His lips touch her softly before pulling back. As Ravel opens her eyes, he can see the desire burning deep inside. He can feel her heart beating faster and faster with how close they are and yet, his heart is beating just as fast. He didn't waste any more time and kiss her again, this time a lot more forceful. Ravel didn't reject him and let herself be taken by her brother.

"Onii-chan…" he hears her whisper breathlessly between the kiss making his desire burn hotter. He quickly seizes that chance and forces his tongue into her little mouth. As he wrapped his tongue around her, she doesn't do anything, content to let him do whatever he wants as he explores her mouth.

He can feel little Riser getting harder as the kiss goes on, no doubt Ravel can feel it too. He let go of Ravel's chin. Ravel lean in more, not wanting to break the kiss as his hand went behind her.

He grabbed her bottom pulling her closer, grinding her against his already hard shaft. She let out a soft moan into his mouth and continue grinding herself as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Suddenly Riser breaks off the kiss, leaving Ravel looking at him with desire. He lifted her and put her next to him as she looked at him with expectations. He got up and stood in front of her.

"We got companies." He told her, breaking the mood and waking her from her fantasy. As soon as he finished talking, fire flashed behind him and two figures appear.

He turned around, hiding Ravel so she can prepare herself.

"Hi Mom, Dad." He greets. They look at him with a frown.

"I heard you lost a rating game against the Gremory girl and cost you your engagement." His mom states, "Care to explain."

After two hours of explaining why he decided to forfeit, what happened up to that point and what he 'thinks' will happen in the future. His parents reluctantly agree with his choice. Too bad they also agreed that he should be grounded for his action of making them lose face.

In their words "Since you are grown up enough to make such choices, you should be grown up enough to handle the consequences." Then they proceed to ground him for a week, which for the old Riser is the worst punishment he ever got. He can already see why the old Riser is the way he is.

He sighed and turned to Ravel. He gives her a peck on the forehead. "I guess we'll have to continue later. I have no doubt that mom will have someone watching over me so I won't be able to escape."

"Continue wha…" she asks before remembering what we were doing two hours ago and blushed.

"Idiot Onii-chan!" she yelled childishly before teleporting away in a burst of fire leaving him alone him his room.

"Hehe," He chuckled at her antics. 'While it disappointing that I didn't get to continue, at least it gives me time to think about what I'm going to do now.'


"Finally!" Riser yelled after he finally got out of his room.

"Hehehe, I didn't think you'll be able to stand being locked up for a day let alone a week." ?

Riser turn and glare at the guy behind him instantly annoyed again after just getting out "Shut up Ruval! Don't you have anything better to do?"

"You don't have to be so mean. I'm just looking after you for mom." Ruval tease.

"Yeah and now that you don't need to anymore, you can leave. I'm tired of seeing your smug face. I'm going to look for Ravel." Riser grumbles and flies off not waiting for Ruval to reply.

Ruval didn't go after Riser. Instead, he stays back contemplating his brother's action. "He's growing up." Ruval whispered to himself with a smile.


"Hey! Ravel!" Riser yell after finally finding her.

"Oni-chan?" "Riser-sama?" Two voices ask.

"Oh, Yubelluna. You're here too. Where's the rest of the girl?" he asked after seeing his Queen too.

"They are off training. They took losing their battle quite hard." Yubelluna answer.

"Is that so… I'll go talk to them later. For now, Ravel and I have something to do. Tell the girls to take care of themselves!" He yelled as he grabbed Ravel's hand and fly off.

In a burst of fire, Riser and Ravel appear in an alleyway of the human world.

"I haven't seen you for two weeks and when you show up, you just kidnap me without saying anything." Ravel pouted.

"I was grounded. Besides, now that I'm not, we can go on a date with just the two of just."

"A date? Alone? With Onii-chan?" Ravel asks, smiling wider with each word.

"Of course." he then pinned her against the wall. "But I was grounded for two weeks and you didn't even visit once. After the date, you should prepare for your punishment. We are going to finish what we started two weeks ago." He advises, grinning widely.

"Punishment?" She asked weakly, turning red when she realized what I mean.

"That's right but for now, we have a date to go on." He declared and drag her away.


When nightfall, Riser and Ravel found themselves in a 5-star hotel. With a bit of money and magic, they got themselves the best room in the place. Ravel is currently wearing just a towel, sitting on the bed waiting for Riser to get out of the shower.

"So, did you enjoy the date?" Riser asks as he stepped out of the shower hanging his towel over his shoulder instead of around his waist. Ravel who's already red thinking about what they are going to do turn redder at the sight of her brother's already hard shaft.

He chuckles seeing that Ravel couldn't answer because she's staring at his lower body. He walked up to her, his dick right at her eye level. She continues to stare at it as if hypnotized until he's right in front of her.

He bent down, lifting her face up and gives her a deep kiss. He enjoys her taste again after 2 weeks, not breaking off for a full minute. He stopped and stood back up leaving Ravel out of breath.

"Onii-chan…" Ravel quavered, her voice full of desire and lust.

"Not yet. It wouldn't be a punishment if you get what you want. For now, I want you to suck this." He told her, holding his shaft in front of her face.


"Nope." he stopped her, ignoring her pleading eyes. "Get to work." He ordered.

Ravel reluctantly back off and slowly move her hand toward his dick as if she's afraid it'll bite. As she slowly wraps her hand around his dick, slowly moving her hand back and forth in a clumsy manner. After she gathered enough confidence, she brings her face closer. She hesitantly licks the tip as if she's trying to get a taste.

She licks it once, then twice, then three times before gaining enough confidence to warp her mouth around the tip of his shaft. Slowly, she makes her way forward before enveloping the head inside her mouth. He has to hold back a groan from the warmth and softness of her lips.

She bobs her head back and forth, taking his dick deeper and deeper each time. When she got half his shaft inside her mouth, he can feel the tip hit her throat. She didn't even gag as she pulled back only to do it again even deeper this time.

"You're doing good." He said as he rubbed the side of her head. He can see her eyes lit up with happiness at his words. She continued the blowjob with more enthusiasm taking his shaft deep down her throat.

It didn't take long until he feels that he's close. By then Ravel have almost all his dick in her mouth. As she pulled back again, he grabbed her head and force her down all the way. He can see her surprise but see no resistance in her eyes. In fact, she seems to be encouraging it.

With her 'permission' he starts to use her mouth as much as he wants, getting closer and closer with each thrust until he couldn't take it anymore and with a groan. He cum right into her stomach, staying that way until he almost finished before pulling out leaving a few strings in her mouth.

"Swallow it," he orders.

She did so obediently before opening her mouth to show that she did.

"Good girl." he praised and she smiles brightly.

"Did you practice while I wasn't there?" he asks

She blushed again, "Well… since you said you wanted to continue, I ask Yubelluna to teach me a few things." She admits.

"Is that so?" He grabbed her shoulder and push her down on the bed. "Well, since you are so enthusiastic, why don't I give you a reward." He pulled her towel off. She closes her leg out of reflex.

He grabbed her leg and move it to the side, show him the full view of her private part. He slides his hand along her leg until it touches something wet.

"You're already wet." He stated with a smirk.

"It's all your fault. I didn't even get to enjoy our date because all I can think of is the p-punishment." Ravel mumble embarrassed.

"So it's mine fault huh?" he asked playfully. "Well, since it's my fault then I guess I should take responsibility."

Since she's already wet, he lines his dick at her entrance. He bent over and kiss her.

"Relax, I'll take it from here." He whispers into her ear.

He slowly pushes in, little by little. When he sees her face wince in pain, he kisses her again to distract her. When he sees that she calmed down somewhat, he started pushing again until the head went through and he feels the resistance disappears.

"You ok?" He asks a little concern.

She takes a deep breath, "Yeah, it doesn't hurt as bad as I thought." she replied.

Before he can say anything again, he felt it suddenly became a little warmer inside her. he looked down and saw the last flicker of fire.

"Well, what do you know. It seems like our family power is useful for more than fighting," he smirks.

Ravel look just as surprised about the situation as he was.

"Ahhh…" Ravel let out a moan as he suddenly pushes deeper without warning.

"Since you're healed, I'm going to continue." He said before kissing her again.

Slowly he enters a rhythm, going in and out of her. With every move, she moaned into his mouth. He breaks off the kiss and focuses on the feeling around his dick. He stood up and grab her small waist, pulling her closer to him making his dick go even deeper until he hit an end.

He smirks, "Get ready." he warns her before pulling almost all out and slamming dick back into her dripping wet pussy in at once.

"Ahhhhh!" She moaned loudly.

He didn't stop with one thrust. Before long he started to move again, going faster and faster.

"Ah, ah, slo-ah, down. Ahh, I. goin-ah break-ahh." She mumbled out between moans.

He didn't listen and pick her up, all the while doing his best to keep pounding her wet pussy. He wraps her arms around him and as she holds on to him, he grabs her butt firmly.

"Ahhh!" She moaned out loud again.

He picked her butt up before letting it fall down again, making sure to move his hips with the rhythm. With each thrush sending pleasure through her body before long, she couldn't handle it anymore.

"HMMM!" Ravel let out her loudest moan as she orgasm but he kisses her, muffling her moan. As she orgasm, he can feel her walls tightening down on him. With a groan, he started thrusting even faster.

"Wai-Ahhh!" Ravel tried to stop him because she just orgasms and is sensitive but he continued to pound into her. He tries to hold for as long as he can but her tight squeeze makes it impossible and soon he slammed into her as deep as he can, cumming straight into her uterus.

"AHHH-MMMM!" She screamed again as her orgasm grow stronger. He couldn't resist and pull her into another deep kiss.

Once he empties out inside her, he stops and she slumps on his shoulder trying to catch her breath.

He walked over to the bed and lay down with her on top. His hard dick still inside her.

He lifted her up before letting her fall down on his dick again.

"Ahh," She moans and looks at me in surprise. "You just came twice!"

He smirks, "We're Phenex, we can go all night. This time it's your turn to do the moving."

He lifted her up again before dropping her down.

"Ah" Ravel moans again, lust returning to her eyes as she looked down at him. She leaned in and kissed him. "We're going all night then."


The next morning, Riser is sleeping on the bed with Ravel cuddling him. Both of them still awake despite what happened the night before.

"What now?" Ravel asks.

"I don't know." Riser admits, "I guess either our parents already know about this situation and didn't stop us or we are going to have to convince them."

"With how they are, I don't think they'll any objection to our relationship. Though it's another story if you want to bring in the other girls too." Ravel said with a smirk.

"What other girls?" he asks confused.

"You didn't sleep with your 'harem'?" She asks

"Nope. You're my first." He admits.

"Really?" She asks again surprised that it's his first time.

"Yeah, I wanted my first time to be special. With Rias if we get married but since we broke off the engagement, I wanted it to be with you. You are the person that I care about the most." He told her. Old Riser was like that too despite him going around bragging about his 'harem' to other people and kissing them.

Ravel stare at him as if she's trying to figure out if he's lying.

"Hehehe," she giggles in happiness. "I'm happy that I'm your first but you should get ready. If you don't do something soon, your peerage will get jealous."

"Hn" he nodded before looking at her in the eyes, "You ok with that?" he asks

"Yeah" she smiled, "We're already a family when you brought them into your peerage. I wouldn't object if you're with them too." She looks at him with pleading eyes. "Just don't forget about me."

He wraps both hands around her and hugs her. "I won't."


A/N: How's that for a first lemon? I'll write more in the future. I don't know when I'm going to add another chapter but hopefully, it'll be by next week. Or tomorrow if I got an inspiration. Plz tell me if I made any mistakes so I can fix them.