Chapter 3

The girl stares intently at the insolent man before carrying out his mission to give these two men a lesson. But suddenly Gathan — who was in his car — opened the car door until he hit the guy in the suit who was trying to seduce the girl who had helped him earlier.

"Uh, bro! Sorry, my hand sprained. You guys okay?" asked Gathan, feeling guilty, even though he did it on purpose.

when the young man wanted to take the girl to the pub, Gathan's hands were already furious to hit up the two unscrupulous young men. But he was arrested for wanting to see the extent to which the girl was addressing the issue.

"G-gathan! I-you can be in the car." The young man in the suit looks nervous when he sees Gathan.

"Well, you know me? We're in school, huh? Or have we ever had a problem before? Have you ever cheated on me?" asked Gathan?

"N-no. W-we've been trying to unplug it."

The two young men ran off on horse-riding fearing deandles high school. It turns out that the two young men were Gathan's class sisters at his school.

"Are you okay?" asked Gathan staring at the girl.

"Yes, thank you. I'll work home first," the girl said.

"Uh, wait. You want me to deliver?" asked Gathan pulling the girl's hand preventing her from going far.

"Ee... To be honest, I was going to hit up a foreign guy who'd held my hand and was so familiar with getting me to go. You don't want me to hit you up," said the girl flatly.

"Uh, sorry." Gathan let go of his strangle age. "I meant nothing, I just wanted to thank you because you've helped me," he added later.

"I appreciate your good attitude, but I can go home on my own." The girl smiled. He walked away, leaving Gathan.

Gathan was still standing staring at the girl who was walking in the opposite direction to her house. The man then got into the car and drove his car towards the road home.

Arriving home, Gathan smiles at the girl who helped him. Then his phone rang, and his smile disappeared.

"Hello," replied a lazy Gathan without seeing the caller's name.

"Where are you? I've gotten to where you mentioned before," Binar said by phone call.

"Yes? I'm at home," Gathan replied casually.

"At home? You told me to pick you up because your tires were leaking. Why are you home now?" asked Binar inexhaustible.

"It's done. It's late, you better go home. It's not good for a virgin to hang around," Gathan said. Even more annoying, he disconnected the phone. Doesn't care about Binar scolding him on the phone.

"How did I meet that girl?" Gathan muttered as he stared at the roof of his room.