Chapter 9

Rana was sleeping on her bed when her phone rang. A notify from one of his social media pops up on her phone screen. Chat from someone whose number Rana didn't save.

Rana decides to type a reply message for that person. Who knows important and related to any task or thing.

(Rana) Whose Rana?

(Gathan) You're Rana who went to Deandles, right?

[Rana rolled her eyeballs. ]

(Rana) Yes, but which Rana?

(Gathan) Wait, there are many Ranas who attend deandles, huh?

[Rana scrambling slowly. Another message appears when she doesn't reply. ]

(Gathan) Irana Dirja.

Science Class

That's you, right?

(Rana) Oh yes, I'm.

(Gathan) Okay, good.

Sunday night.


I'll pick you up.

We go on a date.

[Rana gets up sitting down after reading the guy's strange message.]

(Rana) Hah?

You lost your medicine, huh?

Get some medicine at the pharmacy!

Instead of your madness getting worse.

(Gathan) Wait, who's crazy?

I'm just asking you out, not a psychiatric consultation.

Why did you tell me to buy medicine?

(Rana) You suddenly asked me out on a date. Isn't that crazy?

We don't know each other.

That's a sign of a mentally ill person, right?

(Gathan) Are you kidding me?

I'm still sane!

Still healthy walafi'at.

I'm Gathan Brawijaya.

IPS 1.

You know, right?

Must know.

[Lama Rana stared at a chat message from a person claiming to be named Gathan Brawijaya. She knows that name. She knows the man, too. Furthermore, she just wondered why a guy of Gathan's class sent her a message. ]

(Shutter) Still we don't know close enough.

I know your name because you're famous.

That's it.

Kids like you don't want to bother getting to know people like me.

The names of your friends, you must not have memorized.

So now what do you mean chat with me like this?

Want to prank doang? joke? bet?

(Gathan) Oh, my God, you're still asking me what I'm doing!


I'm anti-betting, joke or whatever it is.

This is serious.

(Shutter) I know about you.

Your name is Irana Dirja. School at Deandles High School. Class XI IPA 2. A hobby of reading, listening to music, watching. Got an ex 1. The son of Mrs Saras and Mr Rajasa. Your house is in Perum Bukit Cemara No. 7.

I know what your religion is.

I also know who your God is.

(Shutter) Ck.

You copy paste from dilan movie, huh?

I'm sorry, but I'm not a Milea who can fall in love just because of that kind of sentence.

(Gathan) Well, fail to be happy.

You haven't fascinated me?

That's it.

In an hour, I'll try again.

Gathan left the chat

1 Hour later

[Rana shakes her head while reading the last message from Gathan. The woman then put her phone on the mattress, nearby. She then went to her study desk, doing chemistry homework from Mis Ambar today. An hour passed, and her cell phone rang again, just as she was closing her Chemistry book sheet. Rana walked to the bed and grabbed her phone.]

(Gathan) Ping!


Do you remember me or not?

[Rana exhales tiredly while reading a message from Gathan. again. ]

(Rana) You just had a chat with me an hour ago. stupid!

Of course I still remember.

(Gathan) Alhamdulillah, then.

That's a sign you're attracted to me, too.

(Rana) What do you mean?

(Gathan) You remember me, that means you keep thinking about me. Right, right?

(Rana) Oh, my God!

How can I forget you, if our chat was still 1 hour ago!

I'm not a senile grandmother!

( Gathan) So, how?

Have you been able to accept my date's invitation?

(Rana) not.

(Gathan) Oh, that's it.

(Rana) what?

You want to try another hour?

I've been sleeping in the next hour!

Leave me alone!

(Gathan) Take it easy, I'll continue tomorrow.

Cie, who can't wait to talk to me.

Patience yes, tomorrow I'll bother you again.

Now I'm sleepy.

Bye gorgeous ;-p

Gathan left the chat.

"Wait! Why would it be me hoping?" Rana stares at her phone screen showing her conversation via chat with Gathan. "Gathan fucking! It sucks." He then put his phone on the table. Chose to go to bed because he had to go to school in the morning.