Chapter 11

After school Rana walked slowly down the hallway on the 3rd floor. The floor where the school's exculpation rooms are located. At Deandles school there are many exculpatory things to follow, swimming, archery, basketball, football, futsal, mading, photography, dancing, and many others. Rana's choice falls on an exculpation that ignores a moment into an extraordinary work.

"Photography club," murmured Rana reading the writing on a room with glass doors.

His hands were outstretched to open the door. Slowly he walked into the room, a lot of photographs that had been captured by members of the photography club. Rana himself had just joined the club just after the beginning of 2nd grade, arguably he was still a new member, still an onion boy.

"Hi, Ran," said Aneke, chairman of the mading club. The girl was cleaning the camera lens when Rana walked into the room.

"Hi, An," greets Rana.

"Just sit down while waiting for the others," aneke asked kindly.

Rana just nodded in support.


The door opened roughly. A man in a messy uniform walks into the room while ranting. "Woy, Keket! You're leaving me alone in kel...." Binar's speech immediately stopped when he saw Rana sitting nearby. "Shutter! How are you here anyway?" asked Binar approaching Rana. His intention to nag Aneke was lost when he saw Rana.

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" asked a confused Rana.

Binar immediately sat next to Rana, "I am..."

"Punks who like to spread charm with girls in this school," said Aneke.

The twinkle glanced at the girl sarcastically. "Diem you!" he said.

Aneke just put his tongue out.

The twinkle turned back towards Rana. "Know, I'm Binar ips 1 child. I'm a member of a photography club just like Aneke." His outstretched hand was immediately greeted by Rana.

"Why did I go to training yesterday, I didn't see you?" asked a astonished Rana.

"Hehehehe, yesterday I did not participate in training. Again busy because," said Binar.

"Yes! Busy flirting with girls!" replied Aneke sarcastically.

"Well, Yang, what the hell are you doing? It's been a long time since I've been with me. Jealous because I was chatting with Anggun in class," said Binar smiling meledek.

'Ih, unclean I'm jealous of you,' replied Aneke sewot.

The twinkle is just smirking. "So you're the new member." His head turned back towards Rana.

"Yes, please help senior," joked Rana smiling broadly.

"Hahahahaha, you can do it. Just relax with me. I wrote all the photography techniques so that you can produce a masterpiece that is super dasyat," Celoteh Binar tweeted.

"Heleh, your masterpiece is the chest of a doang girl's ass. Don't want to, Ran, ntar your eyes become cataracts because of the nasty virus from Binar." Aneke again insults Binar.

"Damn it, your mouth ye."

Rana just laughed at the debate of the two of them. Time goes by and over time the photography club is full of members, both new and old members.