Chapter 13

"Morning "Rana!" greets a man named Bayu, ips 4's son.

"Good morning, "Beautiful shutter!" shouted Arga from inside the ips 2 classroom.

"Morning, Neng Rana," greeted Udin as he passed Rana.

"Assalammu'alaikum, my soul mate." Gilang smiles broadly in front of Rana.

"Get out of the way! Rana is coming through! Cans of crackers, blocking the way aja," sewot Bayu quickly pulled Gilang's body to get out of the presence of "Rana.

"Lo, comberan water!"

"Horse fleas!"

"Upil kebo!"

"Upil lice!"

Rana just smiled thinly in response to the greetings, the woman chose to leave Bayu and Gilang's quarrel, still stepping gracefully towards her class. Trying to ignore those kids because he doesn't care about them all.

Gathan, who was standing not far behind Rana, saw it all as he glared. As soon as Rana passed through the IPS area, the man vented his anger.

"Uh, what are you two doing with Rana?" asked Gathan to the men still hanging out in front of the class.

"Yes elah, Than, nyapa doang. The beauty will not be ilang," sewot Bayu.

"He's been my gebetan, so you both don't have to do it."

"Iyee, you know."

"You know what? Where did you come from?" asked a confused Gathan.

"Yes ilah, already spread gossip about you who always nangkring in the canteen IPA."

"What a new person two days," Gathan said.

"Tetep aja. You where ever, interested in the same name PDKT with girls. All the girls who chased you from the 1st grade, the prima donna of the school to the older brother who had graduated. You reject everything, you don't care at all. Well, it's only been two days you're different," babble Bayu at length.

"Yo'i. It looks really good if you are in love," added Gilang smiling broadly.

"Masa'sih." Gathan got it wrong.

"Ck, like a kindergarten boy who ran out of your bench tukeran," cibir Bayu.

"That's really true. The shy lion so, because of sitting with the opposite sex,"Gilang oceh join meledek.

"Shut up you two!" said Gathan.

"Hahahahahaha." Gilang and Bayu laugh more and more at the look of Gathan's ketus.

"Uh, the Binar has not come yet?" asked Gathan later.

"Already. Noh, it's in class. It's normal to fight with the First Lady," Gilang said, pointing to the class with her chin.

"I've come in first," Gathan said before entering his class. IPS Class 1.

"It's up to me anyway," Ketus Aneke walked out of class in an annoyed move. He would have even hit Gathan if only the man hadn't dodged.

"Keket!" shouted Binar loudly from his bench.

"What else is it? Keep fighting with you both. Make my morning gloomy," Gathan commented while sitting on his bench. Glancing at the tangled-looking Twinkle.

'Aneke's dating Loka,' snorts Binar. I don't really like to tell Gathan that fact.

"Loka? The son of Rome? How could it be? Where do they know each other?"

"Photography exhibition in Senayan. You know for yourself that Keket is a photography maniac, uh, it turns out that the son of a bitch also joined the photography club at his school. Where's the picture on display again. The more nyungseplah Keket on the charm of the standard, not fall again, already klelep,"Oceh Binar ketus.

"Hahahahahaha, you can do it." Gathan greetedBinar's speech recently with his wide laugh.

"Oh, I forgot to say last night. Si Rana joins the photography club," Binar said, replacing him with a more heated heart.

"Huh? Why did you just say it now anyway?" yelled an exasperated Gathan.

"Huh? I just found out yesterday too!" exasperated Binar. "When the training event semester holiday you invite me to the Netherlands this holiday," he added defending himself.

"Oh, yes yes. Exculpatory training will be held during the semester holidays," Murmured Gathan recalled.

"Take it easy. I'll help you deketin Rana. We'll meet more often at the club, so I can get info about him and nyomblangin lo with him," binar suggested.

"Wow, good idea! Thanks, man! You're my best friend!" Gathan patted Binar's shoulder so happy.