Chapter 23

Aneke didn't stop nagging while walking down the hallway of the IPS class. Since leaving his house until now he continues to nag the man walking on his right side.

"Bi, seriously. I'm ashamed to have a neighbor like you. Sok spread the charm really lo. I saw him," Aneke said, gessing at his neighbor's behavior.

"Uh, Ket. What kind of reaction is that? You don't like hanging out with guys like me? You freak! Anyway I nganterin you because of your nyokap request. Listen to yourself at breakfast at your house this morning. Yesterday you were sick, so now I'm told to take care of you," protested Binar without fading his bright smile.

"Heleh, pret!" Aneke smirked. It looks ogah-ogahan walking side by side with Binar.

"Just relax again, Ket. I did this because I wanted to take care of you, to make it safe until class. If anyone's doing anything you can berabe, or you pass out in the middle of the road. I could be killed by you. So plis do not have to lebay like that."

"Lo the lebay begok! Sok want to take care of me, pick me up, usually I also go to class alone whenever we are together."

"Today is special with eggs," joked Binar chuckling quietly.

"Since when did you apply to be Aneke's bodyguard, Nar?" exclaimed Gathan from the front of the two of them.

"You're from there?"

"Rana's gone to class."

"Tuh' right, Ket, Rana is also in anterin until his class," said Binar nudging Rana's arm.

"Bodo very!" Aneke said ketus and went straight into the classroom.

Binar just smiled amused at the behavior of Anekeyang who he thought was funny. The man then turned toward Gathan who was standing in front of the class. "Progress dong ya, nganterin Rana to school."

"At the same time breakfast at Rana's house." Gathan smiled banga.

"Wow, cool! Hurry up and progress!"

"Yes, I have to. Let's not type in a friend."

"Damn it, you're going to get me because Keket wants to date Regan," Binar said.

Gathan laughed loudly. "You didn't shoot him."

Binar semain manyun. "So when did you nemak Rana?"

"Um, I don't know. Let's just go ahead. Like you said last night, he still seems to want to be alone first."

"All right. I will always support you."

"Let's go in. Your heart's love for you is to be complained about," Gathan said, pointing to Aneke with his chin.

"Emang spoiled him," joked Binar laughing broadly.