Chapter 26

Gathan parked his car in rana's front yard. Tidy up her hairdo for a while before then getting out of the car. Walked steadily to the door of Rana's house. Knocking slowly on the brown wooden door. Standing nervously in front of the door waiting for the owner of the house to open the door for him. Suddenly a nervousness attacked him.

The door slowly opened and saras, Rana's mother.

"Assalammu'alaikum, Auntie," said a friendly smiling Gathan.

"Wa'alaikumsalam. Let's go in!" asked Saras to Gathan.

"Yes, Tan." Gathan follows Saras from behind.

"Sit first, Nak Gathan.Tante call Rana first," said Saras later.

Gathan just smiled thinly.

"You're so neat, Than." Rajasa, who had just come from the front door, was shocked to see Gathan sitting in the living room.

"Night, Om," greeted Gathan kindly.

"Night. Want to go with Rana?"