Chapter 37

"Honey, are you ready yet?" Saras comes inside his daughter's room.

"Yes, Ma. Why? Gathan is already downstairs, isn't he?" Rana said while smoothing her hair.

"Not Gathan but Pilar. How come you didn't tell him that he had returned to Indonesia," said Saras?

"Pillar?" Rana turned to her mother in surprise.

"Well, hurry down. You'll be late," said Saras at last.

Rana took her backpack and jacket before leaving the room. He was still confused as to why it was Pilar who picked him up this morning and not Gathan. Arriving in the dining room, Rana could see Pilar having breakfast with her father and mother. They looked familiar, seemed to be talking about the past.

"Stop coming here often, Lar," said Rajasa to the young man who he considered his son.

"Yes, Om. I will often eat here," joked Pilar smiling.

"Come on, Ran. Breakfast first." Saras exclaims upon seeing Rana coming.