Chapter 45.

Gathan looked at the woman in front of him with a shocked look. Did not expect that Rana was in front of him, the woman was in Rotterdam. So happy, Gathan didn't even realize that he had brought Rana into his arms, channeling the longing he had felt when he was separated. Gathan inhaled the smell of shampoo lily in Rana's hair, his favorite scent. He kissed the top of her hair a few times.

"Are you in Rotterdam? When will you arrive? Why didn't you tell me?" asked Gathan over and over again, both pleased and surprised. The man let go of his hand, but instead held Rana's hand.

Rana ignored Serafina who was standing behind Gathan, her attention completely on the boy. "I'll be back at 3 in the morning. Can I stay here, right?" asked Rana then. He smiled sweetly at his lover.

Gathan smiled wider. "Of course. Come on in!" invite him to bring Rana into the apartment.

Serafina was still standing stiffly in her place.