Chapter 53.

First morning in May. That means it's been about 4 months, Rana koas in Adhyasta Hospital. He really enjoyed his new role in the hospital. Met many people with different personalities.

Today Binar visited Jakarta, on Gathan's orders because the man was still in the Netherlands since Rana's graduation 4 months ago. Binar waited for Rana in front of the women's boarding room, he wanted to invite Rana to lunch in the hospital canteen.

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the cafeteria, then ordered food and chose a table not far from the cafeteria entrance. The canteen looked quite crowded, everyone there was busy chatting. There are patients and relatives. There are doctors there are also other hospital employees.

"Crazy, Ran. From our journey here until this moment, how many children from Koas or young doctors here have looked at you with a smug look," Binar commented as he ate his meatballs.

Rana just smiled hearing Binar's words just now.