Chapter 72.

Gathan and Rana sat back against the head of the bed. Perform the ritual they usually do before bed. Chatting or busy doing their respective activities. Like now, Rana is looking at a magazine while occasionally telling stories, while Gathan is staring at his tablet screen.

"Than, I'm really happy that my family's shop is busy. At first I was afraid that they would be lonely because I'm married, but apparently they enjoy doing it." Rana continued to talk while looking at the fashion magazines on his lap. "It's really nice to see them happy. What if I go there every day? I mean, I can help out, kind of like a part-time job. What do you think?" Rana turned to Gathan, but the man ignored his words and was busy daydreaming instead.

"Than," Rana called softly.

Gathan was still silent, he was still lost in his thoughts.

"Than," this time Rana called while shaking Gathan's arm gently.

"Huh? Why?" Gathan looked nervous as he turned to Rana.