Chapter 77.

This morning after Gathan left for the office, Rana was getting ready to go to his family's shop because he had an appointment with his father and mother to visit his father-in-law at the hospital. They arrived at the hospital at 10 am.

Saras and Rajasa walk side by side in front whereas Rana walks behind them. The three people walked down the hall of the VVIP room after asking the receptionist the location of Melati Room No.75. Occasionally Rana greets several people he recognizes.

"Oh, yes, Ran. Your schoolmate used to work at this hospital too, right?" Saras asked turning to his daughter.

"Who, ma'am?" asked Rana not understanding.

"That you know, your ex-girlfriend," said Saras.

"Pillar?" asked Rana.

"Yes it is." Saras nodded in approval.

"Yes, yes. My father hasn't seen Pilar in a long time, right when you were at school, especially when you were in college. He often came to my house," Rajasa commented.