Chapter 80.

Flashback On

7pm KST, Seoul, South Korea

A woman is seen standing outside Seoul International Airport, Korea. He was seen carrying a large suitcase and waiting for a pick-up car. Once Rana arrives in Seoul, she will be picked up by Kimi, her acquaintance who works at a TV station in Korea.

Kimi, who was focused on driving, always stole glances at Rana, who was sitting beside the driver's seat. His friend was lost in thought as he looked out the window. So far, Rana has been silent. Since getting in the car until a few minutes into the journey, the woman did not comment anything other than asking how Kimi and her family were.

Kimi glanced at Rana once more. "Ran, you're okay, right?" asked Kimi at last. He was starting to get annoyed with Rana's silence. He was also afraid that Rana had a problem.