Chapter 84.

15.48 WIB, Coffee White Shop, Angkasa Pura, Jakarta.

Gathan parked his car in front of the shop owned by the Rajasas. The man got out of the car with a white plastic bag. He then stepped towards the front door of the Coffee Shop.


The door of the Dirja family's Coffee White Shop rang loudly when Gathan entered the shop with a broad smile. He looked around the room, there were only two to three visitors standing in front of the cake display and also a pair of men and women sitting in the cafe, they were chatting with cake and a cup of drink.

Gathan then came to Mbak Anggun after looking around. After arriving in front of Mbak Anggun, the man handed over the package he had brought earlier. On the way here, he had bought a martabak for the woman.

"Home from work, Than?" asked Mbak Anggun. "What's this? Martabak, sunday light, pizza or donuts?" he asked then. He had memorized all of Gathan's gifts because he had come here often.