Chapter 108.

Rana waited for Gathan while preparing food at the dining table. Today he cooks some Gathan's favorite food menus, such as salted egg sauce shrimp, corn cakes, some vegetable dishes and also fried sauce ati. The woman really enjoyed when cooking 'again' for Gathan. It's been a long time since he did it for the man.

Gathan got off the stairs by wearing a white shirt and black cloth pants. His stupid hand was rubbing his wet hair with a towel. His face looked fresh after taking a shower, it looked more handsome with the grains of water that was still sticking to his face.

"Hi," said Gathan who arrived in the kitchen. Greet the shutter with a sweet smile.

"Hi," said behind the shutter. The woman was moving food from a skillet to the plate. He then prepared food at the dining table.

"Are you really a lot?" Asked Gathan looked at the shadow with a surprised look. Lots of foods presented on the dining table.