Chapter 111.

Adipura is still sitting on his throne. The middle-aged man glared at his only son. His expression was not easy to guess, everyone who witnessed this was anxiously with Adipura's calm demeanor. Ratih had hugged Ratna who was next to him tightly, while Grandpa Brawijaya was sitting not far from Adipura.

"Papa once told Gathan. Before a man decides to love a woman, he must ask himself, 'is he able to protect his woman until the end or not? Never dare to love a woman if he is not ready to protect her'." Gathan was silent for a moment. "This is what Gathan is trying to do now, Pa. Protect the woman Gathan loves, maintain our domestic relationship. Gathan and Rana are trying to be sincere. Help us, Pa. Help us to be sincere."

Gathan gripped Rana's hand tightly. Likewise Rana who also held back Gathan's hand. They both provide reinforcement for each other.