Chapter 118.

Rana excitedly made lunch for Gathan. The woman prepares Gathan's favorite food. Incidentally, he had received rendang from his mother-in-law. So Ranaa will prepare shrimp with salted egg sauce, liver sauce and also Gathan's favorite ebi cracker.

"Wow, Madame cooks a lot of food," said Bi Minah who had just come from the laundry. The middle-aged woman had just finished washing her employer's clothes.

"Yes, Bi. Gathan wants to eat my cooking, Bi, he said he missed," said Rana smiling.

"I miss you too, Nya, help Mrs. cook in the kitchen," said Bi Minah. The lady helps Rana to wash the prawns.

"Yes, yes, ma'am. I haven't cooked in this kitchen in a long time." Rana observed the kitchen that used to be a place to be creative. In this place, she first cooked for Gathan as a wife. There are so many moments that happened in this kitchen.