Chapter 147.

Today is Sunday. Chakra's agenda for this sunny Sunday is to take Winta out on a date. He will confess his feelings to the girl. Finally the moment he had been waiting for during the approach period came. Today, in the afternoon to be exact. He will declare his love for Winta, the girl he adores.

Since this afternoon is a special event for Chakra, then he will make his appearance special too. That's why this morning he took Lova to the mall to accompany her to choose clothes for the event this afternoon. They've been around the Mall for almost 30 minutes.

"Mom, which do you think is better? White or blue?" asked Chakra when choosing a shirt at a well-known brand shop.

"Ehm..." Lova paused to observe the two clothes shown by Chakra. "I really like the color blue," he replied after assessing the two clothes.

"Okay, then I'll choose the blue one, Ma'am," said Chakra to the shopkeeper.