Chapter 132.

"His parents met my parents… maybe he wants to be matched with me, like in Winta's soap operas or classic novels. Oh, BIG NO!" Lova thought, shaking her head.

His mind was busy digesting Chakra's words and all the bad possibilities that would happen.



With this cat flea?

Oh, my God!

"Eh, you don't have to think about things first. Where do you want me to be matched with a bar girl like you," said Chakra suddenly breaking Lova's daydream.

"Well, how come he can read my mind?" thought Lova narrowing her eyes in surprise.

"Your mind is easy to guess," said Chakra again before Lova even asked. "You wait here, then you come home with me," Chakra ordered which for some reason was immediately agreed by Lova.